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Got pulled@95mph No points given


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Well I must have been a lucky git last night and managed to talk my way out of getting points, the police officer was real nice (they were both Sergeants) but basically I was in the wrong and admitted it and he got the book thing out and said I was going to get points, I explained I saw him way back and realised how fast I was going and pulled over (which I did), he gave me a ticking off and a 'Yellow card' which means if I get stopped again for a similar offence within 6 months in Surrey it is up to the officer to send me straight to court.


He clocked me on this lcd display at 95.8mph.


Since I have a clean license (and they asked if I had any points) he was fairly lenient, I could have really got screwed last night!

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My licence is virgin mate, spanking clean (always has been) and it's not that I've never bounced off a speedo or have never been stopped by cops.


Yes, some cops are pricks, or have had a bad day (or night:eyebrows: ).

The right attitude on your part can always make a huge difference.

Even to the point of being arrested on the spot or being left to go with a minor charge that you can eventually slime out of, because 6 months down the line they can't even remember what you look like. If you're lippy they'll remember you alright.;)

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You just have to lucky i guess,. i was just before xmas. i had to meet inlaws in cosham, and we were running late. as soon as i was on the A27, i put my foot down. i won't put what my speed was, only one car was nearly keeping up. I will add at this point, it was dark, so all i could see were headlights, i could see the car's headlights behind were curved and not the volvo shape ( sussex traffic then only had volvos) whennear to hampshire, i slowed down to 70ish mph. the car that was behind carried on past. It turned out to be a Focus Estate marked police car,,, ooops , but he just carried on past. lucky for me it was a normal patrol car with one copper in it ( have to be at least 2 officers in car to pull you, unless traffic, they only need one in car) plus i think it was a hampshire car returning home, and i was speeding in sussex

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If you lie then it's like making them look stupid. They won't take to that kindly.:blink:


Keeping your mouth SHUT and not incriminating yourself is a much better tactic. Body language can be used to convey obedience and remorse, while it's something that cannot be recorded on their notes or voice recorder.

If they feel that they've given you a 'lesson' and you are now a changed man, they are far more likely to let you go with no ticket.


But if you're arrogant, cocky or subborn then they'll pull rank and do you as far as it goes. Wouldn't you do the same? Be honest now...:innocent:

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I was going down the dual carriageway last night at 120, see a car in front and think i better slow down a bit then realise it was a cop car, so slam on the brakes and slowly creep past, sure enough a mile down the road i see the lights come on and get pulled over. Luckily it was a young girl on her own and not a traffic cop, so i use all my charm ;) and she tells me I'm not getting any points and just gives me a producer. :) Lucky night for me.

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i got caught doing 96.7 in a 60 in a skoda VRs i totally admitted obviously beofre i even see the speed on there radar, and the cops were sound as anything i did not even get a talking too, they were more interested in talking about how the car got on in top gear


but with this being scotland court case 6 points and £325 towards the gorvernments christmas night out

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It will be a cold day in Hell when I 'totally admit' to anything like this.

Self-incriminating is not my kind of game, guess I'm old-fashioned huh...



well when the needle is sitting just under 100 with a volvo T5 behind me, erm i dont think i have the brainless thought to even try and say anything different to irritate them, even body language is flawed as if you come over genuine wheter you shut it or not your gonna get booked regardless as you will never know if you have copper in a good mood or a bad mood when your pulled, in a word your really booked before you even get out the car IMHO, i was brainless enough to go at that speed on a country road

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That's when you keep your mouth *shut*

When anything you say can and WILL be used against you, silence is gold.


You never know what evidence they have against you. It might be that they didn't manage to get a 'lock' on you properly, their equipment was faulty or turned off, whatever.

If they fish a speed out of you, then it will go on record as admission of that speed. Not smart.


Between lying and keenly admitting guilt there is a whole range of non-incriminating responses.

A few smiles and general non-commital comments can go a long way to diffuse a tense situation and buy some time until they show their cards. There is no rush at that point, is there?;)


I'm talking from experience here, and it was quite a bit more than a ton.

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You never know what evidence they have against you. It might be that they didn't manage to get a 'lock' on you properly, their equipment was faulty or turned off, whatever.

If they fish a speed out of you, then it will go on record as admission of that speed. Not smart..



i get you now, the point that i was trying to make (as i grab the correct end of the stick) is if you were speeding and you try to argue the point when there is clearly no way that you can even get out of it

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Of course not, how would you expect to argue and win?

That's never gonna happen!

Arguing is the last thing you want to do on the side of the road, EVEN if you're right and they are wrong. Even if you can prove it, you should still smile and try to diffuse the situation.

The cops are always right --- this should be your frame of thought.


If they book you, you want to be on as low a charge as possible, and nothing stops you from arguing from then onwards (through letters, courts, appeals, etc)

If you start arguing as soon as they stop you, then you will antagonise them further and they'll pull all the stops to book you on more charges that normally they wouldn't even bother checking.


Easy does it...

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I tend to agree with admitting to it and saying you understand that they had to pull you over I literally held my hands up and said there are no excuses. I shit myself when I got in the car and the officer read me my rights! then he said 'but you are not being arrested' I told him I do 30,000 miles a year and tried to convince him I was an experienced driver with no points etc...


He gave me an 'anti-social behaviour yellow card' in the end after I talked him out of giving me points.

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Similar thing happened to me a few years back before I had the Supra.

Was doing 95 in my Prelude VTEC on the M74 near Dumfries when I got pulled over. Did the very remorseful routine but was delighted to be told by plod “we are out on a training exercise today showing PC Bloggs how the job is done so there will be no further action taken”.

Was rather disappointed that the radar they were using did not have a colour display, I was quite looking forward to seeing footage of the car hurtling past as in “police Camera Action”

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im always civil with cops. but if you get a t*** then no amount of sweet talking is going to get you off.


point in question. cop pulled me over alledgedly for not being insured or taxed. couldnt prove i was insured or not, but the tax was blatantly there on the windscreen dated well into next year. so he gives me a producer and a fixed penalty notice for the front number plate not being the right size. do i need to say anymore. yes you can argue that the number plate was an illegal size, but given the fact that i had bought the car on a friday night and it was a sunday morning, hardly ample time to get a new one made up unless you drop everything like having a life to get it done. im not arguing one way or the other but in my opinion that classes as a class one p****! i paid up to avoid the aggro

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