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Any ex BMXers on here?


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Reading that thread about the Vector got me thinking back to my days riding BMX.


I had three bikes, all by SKYWAY. One chrome T/A, one white XL T/A and a white Street Styler.


Used to race occasionly at the BMX track in Shoreham, West Sussex before attending races further afield. After my early teens I switched to freestyle as my legs just weren't as fast as I needed them to be.


Damn, they were good times. Met many of the famous names of the time. Andy Ruffel, Tim March, some of the US riders. Still have an autographed HARO race shirt too.


So, tell ya stories. What's the most insane thing you ever did on a BMX, where did you use to ride, all that sort of thing.

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We didn't have a BMX track, such things weren't accepted where I used to live, but we made our own in a local wood, huge fun.


I had a Skyway Street Styler, another one that I can't remember the name of, it had a cool oval frame and black Skyway mags with neon green stickers and then finally a Raleigh 'Team Raleigh' which was the Andy Rufel bike?


EDIT: This one:




http://www.dtrcartwright.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/Burner/mkii6.htm (excellent site!)


A mate had the Raleigh Burner with the cool gold chrome finish, that weighed a ton.


Luckily all the stunt peg and 'bear trap' pedal wounds healed over time :)

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I have to admit that my first BMX was the Raleigh Ultra Burner. A hideous weighty effort in speckly silver and electric blue.


Here's a thing. My two race bikes, one had a longer frame (the XL) and I could jump that far, far higher than the shorter version but I wasn't as fast on it as I was on the the shorter chrome framed bike. Weird. Still, at least I had a choice of bikes to suit the track.


Seem to remember trying to jump out of Southsea skatepark over the fence. I might have crashed as I don;t remember if I made it!!


We made our own track too. It was in the woods next to Summerlea School in Rustington. A proper blast that was.

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lol i had a kuwarah lazerlite then a gt performer then a bob haro freestyle bike!!just remember trying a table top,and my nutz bouncing off the cw's!!remember the shamano bear traps and the laid back seat??:D i loved them days..i still read the magazines in wh smiths and borders!i think this part of my life comes a very close second to my break dancing days! :)

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ohh yea and aboot 2 years ago i seen a GT performer on ebay and a mongoose i was gona bid till the wife hit the roof!i was just gona keep it in the corner of the spare room and mabye try a couple of cherrypickers in the yard!:D i know i can still do them...theres some things ya just dont loose!!:D

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lol i had a kuwarah lazerlite then a gt performer then a bob haro freestyle bike!!just remember trying a table top,and my nutz bouncing off the cw's!!remember the shamano bear traps and the laid back seat??:D i loved them days..i still read the magazines in wh smiths and borders!i think this part of my life comes a very close second to my break dancing days! :)


Didn't Kuwahara make the bike used in E.T? They had a UK team rider called Stuart something. He was a really nice guy. I have an amazing pic of him doing a huge jump that still blows me away.


The Shimano pedals were insane. I never had the beartraps, only the trapezoid DX ones.


Also went for the Uni Seat and Uni Lite over the laid back seat posts. Didn't need a seat when racing so why carry the excess weight?

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You have just taken me for a trip down memory lane Martin, I use to be well into BMXing. I had one of those gold Super Burners, with Tuff wheels and then got a custom double top tube frame in chrome, with GT bars the Tuff wheels (off the burner) laid back seat post, etc.


Some of the best times in my life were spent on a BMX. I now mountain bike so still use the old tricks I learnt way back then on my BMX, like wheelying one/no handed, bunny hops, etc. :D


Broke my leg, a finger, screwed up by ligaments in my knee (which is still painful:() and gravel rashed probably 50% of my skin off my body :stretch:


I love watching the BMXing on the Xgames, the stuff they do now like double back flips, is just unbelievable.

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i had a dp freestyler,


suntour bear traps!


man my shins suffered to those bad boys


wot memories,did the shoreham track a few times n the skate park in brighton,also was part of a freestyle display team at the local carnival got in the local paper,

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My fav bike back then was a Craig Campbell freestyler bought from a shop near us call Mud Machine, it was light blue with a Redline flight crank, beartraps (to take chunks out of your shin!!) and some white Skyways - the guys in there must have been so pee'd off with us!! we would stand at the counter for most of the day looking at all the accessories!!


Remember the MX brakes and having to take them apart and reassemble them the other way round to get the brake cable coming through your stem.


Still got my SE Quadangle frame with Landing Gear forks :D saving that for a rainy day project

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My fav bike back then was a Craig Campbell freestyler bought from a shop near us call Mud Machine, it was light blue with a Redline flight crank, beartraps (to take chunks out of your shin!!) and some white Skyways - the guys in there must have been so pee'd off with us!! we would stand at the counter for most of the day looking at all the accessories!!


Remember the MX brakes and having to take them apart and reassemble them the other way round to get the brake cable coming through your stem.


Still got my SE Quadangle frame with Landing Gear forks :D saving that for a rainy day project


i ended up with one of those..like a dream come true it was;)

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Cor, so many memories. The PK Ripper. That was insane. Anyone remember the welding on that beast?


Mushroom grips weren't for me. I had some A'me grips with the little triangles.


The revolution that was CW handlebars. Craig Campbell was a hero of mine. He was on the Skyway pro team with Paul Hudson. Hudson's dad had Sussex BMX in Brighton where we spent most of my dads money. Bless him, he even built my first Skyway on Boxing day.


Nic, I am in awe of the guys that ride these days and what they can do on a bike. For me though the true pioneer was Matt Hoffman (another Skyway fella).


..and going out all day on my bike, sometimes to skateparks, sometimes to new tracks, sometimes just looking for cool places to ride. Never seemed to eat or drink, never got sunburnt, just rode all day and stacked tyres into towers to jump, doing backhops all the way to the local shops and back.


Ultimate memory. The backyard half-pipe, riding to the sounds of Minor Threat and Black Flag and loads of sXe bands and the time I wound up in my neighbours garden avec BMX!


The best of days.

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lol yea great thread!!loved those times...will stay with me for ever..so many good times,i find myself searching for websites now!:) been out tonight with the lads and told them about the thread,they been talkin about it all night.:)

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