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The mkiv Supra Owners Club

Auto gear knob


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Hey everyone,


firstly, this is my first post of the new year so - HAPPY NEW YEAR

and many happy miles of Supra motoring !


now then,

my auto TT has a really annoying rattle on the "big" button on the

auto stick.

Ive stuck in just about everything in there, and eventually it all

works it way out.


how do i get into the gear knob, perhaps to pad the knob from



if I get a replacement auto gear stick, how do i get the old one

off ???


cheers for any advice !




(Edited by ajefford at 10:17 am on Jan. 3, 2002)

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Firstly a plug for the auto to manual look and feel:



To get into the auto gear knob:

All you need to do is slip down the plastic cover below the knob and remove the two screws which hold the knob on.

What you might find is that the adjuster arm inside needs screwing out to take up any play. But you must be careful when changing it as it will effect the selector.


If you are in Kent I live 3 miles from BrandsHatch. I am in all this week and at weekend and help you if you want.


I can also show you the above mod on my car



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Ive been looking at your mod.

Its pretty cool !!! bit broke though at the moment.


thanks for the info on the gear knob,

what do you mean it will effect the selector ?? i am just

going to replace it with another stock one (if anyone outhere

has a 2nd hand one, please contact me) without the stupid


OR DO THEY ALL DO THAT ?? ?? ? ? ARGHHHHHHhhhhhhhh......



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yeah its the big button at the top, annoying as hell

as well


looked around the gearstick at lunch,

could not see anything that could be removed to reveal

the screws, is it beneath the plastic surround thats

got the P-R-D-N-2-1 labels on it??? do i have to remove

the dash and then that in order to see what your talking about?




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