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Some Numbnut...


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Why are some people such rejects????


Driving along in a 30mph zone having a conversation with my dad in the sup...some plonker decides to throw a sharp object towards the car....(I didnt see the person just heard a loud thump as it hit the car)...


I stopped, had a look around and couple find the person as it was a very busy street. had a quick look round the car (middle of the road) and couldnt see any obvious signs of damage...


Nevertheless, this morning I had a look at the car again and there is a dent on the rear bootlid....behind the B pillar..... :giveup:


really feel like kicking someone.......:boxing:

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It's called jealousy.

Others spit, shout abuse, throw bricks even.

If they see it parked they key or kick it. Sometimes walk all over it to see if the roof bulks.


It's the result of social unequality and politicians taken over by political correctness (prison bad, holidays good - it's only taxpayers' money anyway...)


The smart thing to do is move house and go where the law-makers live themselves.:eyebrows:

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A similar thing happened to me a few days ago, just pootling along driving through an estate one kid (probably only 6-8 yrs old) chucks a handful of gravel at the car! He couldn't even explain why he did it - "Just felt like it" was his answer.


I also get shouted at occasionally when driving through south Reading. Its not adults, just teenagers shouting 'wanker' or 'shit car mate', never met any of them before either (otherwise some of the comments might be justified :D )

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We were round a mates house and my mate heard a noise outside, looked out the window and said "There's 2 people shagging on your car mate."!

We both legged it out the door and there were 2 'kids' laying across the bonnet, we shouted and ran towards them and they got up and ran off.


Is that respect for the car or not?

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We were round a mates house and my mate heard a noise outside, looked out the window and said "There's 2 people shagging on your car mate."!

We both legged it out the door and there were 2 'kids' laying across the bonnet, we shouted and ran towards them and they got up and ran off.


Is that respect for the car or not?


Shame you hadn't been on a really long drive before that, hot bonnet would have taught them!!

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I'm glad nothing like this has happened to me. I've only ever had nice things said to me.

Is it a modding thing? Maybe the more standard it looks the less likely it will happen?


You know Pete, you might be on to something there. Thinking about it I never had any bad comments until I stuck a loud exhaust on and changed the fornt bumper...

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You know Pete, you might be on to something there. Thinking about it I never had any bad comments until I stuck a loud exhaust on and changed the fornt bumper...


I've never had any bad comments or vandalism, and mines got a veilside kit and the Nur Spec. Though it was keyed twice when the previous owner had it.


Do you find yourself always stressed when you park the Supe anywhere? I'm always worried, and then in a rush to get back to the car. Even when parked on the driveway at home, if I hear any noise, I'm straight to the window to make sure the Supe is fine!

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Its not just soops! a few years back my old man and myself took his Griff 500 out (went to our local judo club that he runs) on the way home a group of lads were in the middle of the road and we had to slow to walking pace (was kickout time) they all stopped and looked at the car then one decided to take a kick at the door. I think the look on my dad's face when he got out the car was enough to tell them if they didnt run they were going to be dead.

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... Ive come back to find flem on my bonnet before.

I once went back on my Kawasaki 750turbo (red/black, shiny bloody sexy beast) and found a big, rounded phlegm sitting on top of the saddle, with black bits in it too.

What a pathetic excuse for a human being would do this, is beyond me.

That was over 15years ago, still remember it.


I actually felt sorry for whoever did it.


Could have been worse I guess, he could have kicked it down or broken something.



I drive/ride shitbags everywhere I can. It's liberating when I park a £50 rustbucket in a public place. I just KNOW that it won't be vandalised or anything. :zen:

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Why is there any jealousy against Supras - just about anyone can afford one now!


I think the people who do the things you mention may not even be able to afford the petrol let alone the car or insurance.


I heard and saw people chucking eggs at nice car. not that it make a mess but the shell can chip paint work :sos:

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I think the people who do the things you mention may not even be able to afford the petrol let alone the car or insurance.


I heard and saw people chucking eggs at nice car. not that it make a mess but the shell can chip paint work :sos:


I think it's not just a case of how much the car cost, whether it be £500, £5,000, £50,000...., or what the car is, how much it costs to maintain..., and shouldn't matter if it's a packet of chips that may not cause any damage..., it's someone's personal property! Unfortunately there are people (idiots) out there who just can't comprehend that what they are doing is wrong. It's a total lack of respect and brains and a really sad state of affairs that we all have to worry about these things!

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