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MAX GT...What a joke


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Guest slow dog

yes i said i will sponsor the car in which she gets free labour so she payed for some of her parts. the gear box i payed for after the britball run cause it failed

four days after me and stacys used the car in the run so i thought ok i will pay for the gear box and fit it for her.

also whilst the car was in i was asked to have a good look over it.

when doing so i saw there was sereval damage blades on the turbo and lots of oil in the boost pipes also there was a hole the size of a tennis ball missing from the air filter hence why the turbo was furked as well after several phone calls between me and stacy we both picked to take the engine out and clean it all up

and polish every thing up ie boost pipes turbo sheild manifold change all pipes rebuild the head etc etc.

which i will add the polished parts were payed by me the turbo i had to drop off and pick up to save her money on the delivery charge for stacy

also what she fails to realise is that some people that dont pay for work done dont get it straight away paying customers come first unfortunatly i have i business to run and jobs like this dont get done at a drop of a hat for free and she cant wait and keep sending me silly text messages and stupid phone calls calling people names as they cannot get there own way has resulted in me asking her to pick it up and get it finished else where

now about the sparks missing i was gonna supply you them i just forgot to take the other 2 out so you can have them free of charge

cv joint told you it was gone and for you to order a new from ohhhh lets see day one

vac and fuel hoses missing same as sparks i was gonna supply a kit for you but you being you had to kick off i dont mind what you put on here stacy


next time i say its furked stacy what shall i do dont say OH WELL I WILL GET A NEW ONE DONT WORRIE

that way i will not replace shit ie cam belt ???????


and i dont give a dame about your car what other mug would rebuild your engine polish every last nut and bolt spray it and make it bling for free ?

at bovingdon you raved about all the work i did for free and couldnt wait to tell everyone about me funny how when you cant get your own way things change, in my mind people dont trust her,shes your best friend one min then a total headache the next.



and alex yehhhhhaaaaaaa please grow up ffs

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Guest slow dog

to be honest mate that aint helping any one here mate and the hole matter is way over th serious mark it envloves some ones car and some ones buisness

smileys are not the way forward mate.........

but yes it did make me smile lol

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what she fails to realise is that some people that dont pay for work done dont get it straight away paying customers come first



Was this made clear to her before work commenced? Did you make sure she was 100% understood that paying customers took priority? Have you got anything written down to confirm this and cover your arse?

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It was not intended to help any one it was just my view of the thread.

Argument, Provocation, taking a back seat and watching reactions not much else today at 1.00 in the morning and my garage heating just failed.

There are always at least two sides to any situation, but this is probably not the place to air them. When lively hoods are at stake and someone pride and joy are the subject of a disagreement , it is almost inevitable. What really matters is hard physical evidence. But my lips are sealed.

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if you want evidence ask i have pics of work invoices you tell me what you want i wil post up i dont mind



I was talking about the time frame, was Playbunny (?) made aware that her car would have to wait as other cars came into your shop? Have you got an email or text message from her that could confirm this?

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Was this made clear to her before work commenced? Did you make sure she was 100% understood that paying customers took priority? Have you got anything written down to confirm this and cover your arse?


Not taking sides here, but I would have thought was pretty damn obvious?!

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For what its worth without Pauls help i would have been forced to either sell my car off as parts or pass it on to someone else knowing it was doing to die. He has put himself out and gone above and beyond the call of duty both finacially and timewise to help put my baby back together and when its complete i am sure it will be better than ever.


I can only sing the mans praises and before anyone thinks its been done because i am one of his so called mates, i am not. Have known him for a few months while the project was ongoing. Yeah the project has taken longer than it should but as Paul has said paying customers come first. This hasnt stopped me pestering him on the phone but everytime he has been polite and genuine.


I can see that some of you on here dont either like Paul or trust his work. And i guess as said before he wears his heart on his sleeve and can come across on the forum a little blunt. But from my experience thus far i completly trust him with my pride and joy and will not have a second thought about taking the car back for future work.


Fingers crossed the project should complete within the week and only then will i be able to judge his spannermanship.


I will post my opinion after i have gunned the hell out of the girl for a couple of days :eyebrows:

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I've stood up for Paul before too, I still think all these threads are misunderstandings and when more people have problems they jump on the bandwagon of slagging him off.


I've said it before, I've had problems after getting work done at MaxGT, but ALL of them were after his teammates worked on the car - Paul has always fixed any issues that came up and anything he's done personally has been fine. I know you'll say it's his business so his fault (fair enough), but from now on I will probably request that he does work on my car and doesn't slopey shoulder it to the apprentices! :p I'd suggest other people do the same.

Paul, you need to find new hired help!!!! :boxing:


And as mentioned Paul's responses on here always give the wrong impression, he's said himself he doesn't come across well on forums because he's kinda new to it - he's a mechanic not an IT bod like most people on here. And it's always true of people that they pick holes in grammar and semantics (or graphology in this case) when they're losing an argument - so lets not go there again.



Anyway, I don't know enough about this particular case except one word against another in this thread, so won't comment specifically - just giving my opinion on Paul (Again! :rolleyes: ).

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I was thinking about this thread earlier.


The issue of free this or that or quality of repairs etc can be argued all day, but we don't know the full facts.

Most of the state could be described as work in progress as that's what it was. (Albeit later than expected). At the end of the day though which job are you going to prioritise, the freebie or the paying one?


One point not picked up though is the working practices.

That is to methodically and systematically organise all the components as you remove them in order to replace. If you do this then no parts should go missing as suggested by Playbunny?

I'd strongly suggest that Paul keeps any removed parts to hand back to customers so they cannot complain when things are missing...even if they are totally shagged.

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Good morning all.


Well a few points for you.


If I had known I was going to have to wait 4 months for my car do you think I would of said yes. Pauls words to me were....""when can I have your car for a week"" That was it one week!!!!! Not 4 months. Everytime I rung to see how it was doing it was promises after promises...yer il start it tomorrow....im doing it after that supra. Why take a sponsored car in if you have not got the time to work in it.

He is NOT the one paying insurance on a second car. Struggling over xmas with no car!


The collection of the turbo...well on getting a copy of the invoice I have been charged £11.50 for postage and delivery of the turbo...so no I saved no money there.


The engine rebuild was not an idea of mine it was pauls he said as he is doing the gear box and the engine is out he may aswell do it. So me thinking he knows best said ok then.



This is a picture of the boot hitting my rear window suround. This was due to the boot NOT being fitted back right and half the bolts missing. It has snapped the end right off and I shall have to buy a new one and get it painted. I will post the others up when I get my camra back from where the car is. The end of the O2 sensor (the plug part) has also snapped off. That he knew about as he wedged the bear endded wire down the whole where it was due to go!!!!


I also got a phone call last night to say I was wrong about the drive shafts. In fact both the ends were missing!!!!!!! and at £300 a time I was lucky that the spare engine had a set with it. Yes paul did tell me it was "worn" but before I or anyone else could see it and get a second opion, it had gone from his workshop. Just like my mates Audi A4 suspenshion after he had it uprated by him.


Spark plugs were about 6 months old and paul fitted them and supplied them. He said at the time they were really good ones....So why change them....why leave 2 in there.......and no he never said he would replace them.


He forgets to tell people what he had from me....


£70 phone .

£150 track day.

£400 Auto data disc.

£30 company cards.

was due to have £3000 worth of advitising

and there are many more things I cant think of now.....


I have been told I should take him to court as it has cost me a bomb so far to put right his wrong doing in recovery costs...parts....peoples time....ramp time... and storage.



As I said everyone has there opion about MAX GT. I did have a high one untill he worked on my car. And at the end of all this I think paul is the biggest lier, cheat, and really could not manage a piss up in a pub. He is shit at what he dose. Im lucky that I still have my car and really really top notch mates around me to get my car back on the road. And there are many more things I could tell you about that company but that depends if I get a sorry out of them as this moment in time he thinks its funny.


ps im sorry about my spelling but iv always been like it its a fault I have and it will never change.

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Sounds a lot like what happened to me actually, when Paul knew about it he offered to help out... but now he is saying exactly what they said to me?? I am not taking sides I've never even met the guy but I know how it feels to end up in this situation, both sides unable to prove anything either way.


I will never ever have anything done as a favour or cheap again, just not worth it.

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Sounds a lot like what happened to me actually, when Paul knew about it he offered to help out... but now he is saying exactly what they said to me?? I am not taking sides I've never even met the guy but I know how it feels to end up in this situation, both sides unable to prove anything either way.


I will never ever have anything done as a favour or cheap again, just not worth it.



I cant agree more.. I also dont deal with friends :)

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Guest slow dog

if you have been charge for postage then i suggest you check with turbo dynamics as they have charged yu for some thing you have not had ?


and why the boot is hitting is beyond me it has never been taken off ?


as there was blades missing from the turbo i said it would be a good idea to have a look at the head and bores to see if all is ok thats when you tld me to drop the lot and rebuild maybe you should put the pics up of all the engine work done stacy? ie the engine or have you lost them ?


400 data disk? the copy off your mate that cost you 400 pound did it?

you gave me your mobile as you was upgrading it ?

track day which your other half sorted for you and you let me drive as well ?

3000 advatising you sent me an e mail saying 4000 ? it was to go in a low budget film about street racing in the uk no thanks dont really want my name down the side of a car nailing up and down a street ?

the buisness cards thank you very much for them they was a nice idea by you and helped me out a great deal.

i will not say how many times i drove up to crawley to fix yours and dans cars shall i.

also free sparks free royal purple oil. god knows how many litres you had of that cam belt change etc etc etc etc etc etc i have a long list to stacy and to be honest if you wanna go down that road of how much you and i have a spent then please kick on.

also the sparks in your car were new hence when you kicked off for the last time i took 2 out and then got a phone cal and left the other 2 in there

and parts missing i gave you all the parts you said were missing when you last come down now you are saying there is more you also told me you have another car which you are breaking and taking parts of that car you said you was fitting another engine in and not using mine you have told me so much shit over the last month or so i am lost as to what you are going on about.

i think its best you just take me to court please stacy then we can sort all this out and then the results can be posted up every were on the internet

sound good?

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Guest slow dog
Go on then....we're waiting for this startling evidence...


But I don't think I'll hold my breath.


alex you make a point of sturing shit up on here time after time i have no idea what your problem is with me as i have never seen you spoke to you worked on your car etc etc so please tell me why you keep on like this every time you post about any thing to do with me its just pointless brain numbing drivel

get a hobby or a lego set keep your self busy for a while there is a good lad


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You said you could post evidence of your workmanship being up to scratch - so do it. Stop bleeting and get on with it. You offered now go through with it.


I don't think you can - please prove me wrong.


And no I can't be asked to read your PM to me....so I'm sure it was enlightening but a waste of effort. I'd prefer to see you clear this up with proper evidence in front of everyone.

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Never had work done by him, met him etc.

My thoughts are that yes, all could be as a result of a misunderstanding or three but I do recall reading one or two other similar posts regarding this company in the past?

My point is that while things don't always go right they can be corrected long before it gets to this stage and with it happening to more than this one individual before then it don't look good.

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Not taking sides here, but I would have thought was pretty damn obvious?!



I'm not taking sides- I've met SlowDog once, breifly when going to Gav's house, and I've never met Stacey. Is it obvious? maybe, but it's something I certainly would have checked before commiting (this goes for them both).

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