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RLTC Still not working :-( Help !


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Ok people,after taking the supe out this afternoon with laptop and friend I discovered the calibration run may not have been done correctly - the "monitor" part of grahams application was picking up wheels speeds etc...but nothing was registering on "cut level" (numbers where not going up or down - Termy you where correct the installer didnt do the calibration run properly!) so I did the calibration run again and the "cut levels" where then being populated with numbers Led was beating happily in time with both wheelspeeds and also with RPM - all well so far ! - I thought yes ! we've sorted it !


Well now when I drive on wet setting (in the dry) the car seems to cut out at 2.5k revs (same kinda feeling as you hit the rev limiter) as I progress down the rotary switch(10,20% etc) it still does the cut out but at at higher revs - on the lowest setting I just about hit 2nd turbo and the engine cuts at 5.5k - if I switch the RL unit off all is well and the car drives fine.


I dont think the RL unit was configured correctly since I've had it installed but now I have configured it,it seems to have gone from not doing a lot to being overly keen ! anyone know what this could be? Anyone had similiar problems?

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one suggestion that would explain the reason for the "total cut" : When you've next got the laptop connected to it, check out the DAT file that was on the car, and look at the settings for each level of cut. There will be a "table" of check-boxes for the soft. medium and hard-cut, and each checkbox essentially represents one cylinder. If there's no check for a box, then that cylinder will be missed or "cut". It might be that (for whatever bizarre reason) ALL or almost all of the checkboxes are unchecked therefore instructing RLTC to cut all cylinders which would. i imagine, be very dramatic and feel a bit like the fuel-cut you get when you start to overboost.


So check the cut-tables and see.


let us know how you get on.

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Hmm yeah, that seems allright, and wouldn't explain the reason for your problem.


1 thing - you say it cuts completely at 2.5k revs ?

Is it the SAME revs, whichever gear you're in ?


in other words, is it specifically related to these exact revs whichever gear you're in, or is it road-speed related ?


also, you couldn't post JPG's of the other tabs in the DAT file could you ?

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1 thing - you say it cuts completely at 2.5k revs ?


No it seems road speed related dude,also doesnt seem as harsh to cut in when I am on 10,15% than when on wet setting etc.... so it seems to be doing something but too much ?



heres the rest of the screen dumps - cheers dude your a star !


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OK far taken a quick look at those and the one that (going largely by memory since it's been about 2 years) is the "Wheel Speed Sensor" tab looks wrong.


The lower half of that screen, some of those check boxes SHOULD be checked and none of them are.


"Reference assignment" : basically what this does is tell RLTC which is the "reference wheels" i.e. the ones that WON'T slip, i.e. the front wheels in a Supra.


"Side Assignment" : this tells it (obvious) which of the 4 channels (one channel per wheel) is the left front and left rear wheels.


Since none are checked, RLTC won't have a clue which signal relates to which wheel which probably explains the problem.


I THINK that channel's 1 and 3 are one axle, and channels 2 and 4 are another axle, so for "Reference assignment" try checking the channel 1 AND channel 3 boxes, OR the channel 2 AND 4.


that's the most important bit - the side assignment is also important, but a bit less so than "reference assignment".


I'm only going by memory on the channels, but if you've span the wheels, you should know which is which.


give it a go, road test (safely).

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ok good.


but it doesn't (at the same time) lose the "diamter driven" and "diameter referrence" settings for the wheels does it ?


in your revised screenshot they've both gone down to 0.

is this actually representative of the file that's in the car at the moment ?

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NO it doesnt - I just posted that pic up for reference purposes.


So if thats not it do you think its something to do with the install or a shafted unit ? what else can I check ? I emailed termy the .dat file - Im hoping he will also be along shortly to give me some pointers.

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could be a dodgy unit but more likely problem with install i would think.


i'd 100% eliminate the DAT file possibility first, and then move onto the other issues.


When you say it's speed-related, what's the speed it all goes wrong at? is it exactly the same whichever gear you're in ?

if you "gently" accelerate up to this same speed (i.e. with no possibility of losing traction) does it still do the "hard-cut" thing ?

if it's speed-related. presumably therefore it goes wrong at lower revs for higher gears ?


and when it cuts, it's a "total" cut is it ? i.e. is there a pretty violent "bang" just like an overboost fuel-cut ? or is there are subtley to it at all ?

does overboost fuel-cut occur in your car, with RLTC switched off completely ?


i.e. need a bit more info from here.

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I too have had problems with RLTC setup but have resolved them all. The manual says the following below (see bottom of reply). After reading it you will realise that a total of 4 ticks are required in the "Wheel Speed Sensor" page. ie reference and left wheels. NOT one for each wheel as is often assumed.


The reference wheels need to be ticked ie front right and front left; the lefts need to be ticked ie front left and rear left. This means that the front left has two ticks as it is a reference wheel AND a left wheel while the rear right has no ticks as it is neither reference NOR left.


After looking at my setup you can easily deduce the setup allocation. see inserted picture


Channel 1 - front left (reference & left)

Channel 2 - front right (reference NOT left)

Channel 3 - rear right (not reference NOT left)

Channel 4 - rear left (not reference & left)


In order to work out the correct setup as termy has often stated is to jack up the car, spin each wheel noting its channel allocation on the monitor page and then fill in the ticks correctly. You will have to spin the wheels faster than the min speed or change it to a lower level. I didn't - I just spun them as hard as I could and they registered just fine.


I have tried to make this explanation clear but if it is not then please speak up - it may be as clear as mud!





rltc manual


Reference / Driven

The system is fully configurable to allow any wheel speed to represent any

wheel. This makes life easier when wiring up the system. The box must be

informed of which traction control wheel speed channel is connected to which

wheel. On a rear wheel drive car, set front channels to ‘Reference’ and rear

channels to ‘Driven’. On a front wheel drive car, set the front channels to

‘Driven’ and the rear channels to 'Reference'.

Wheel Assignment (FL ,FR ,RL ,RR )

In a similar way to reference/driven wheel assignment the left and the right

wheels must be setup.

Note :

The channels corresponding to front and rear, can be assessed by using the

‘Real time’ function, and spinning each separate wheel in turn.



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When you say it's speed-related, what's the speed it all goes wrong at? is it exactly the same whichever gear you're in


It goes wrong at different speeds and usually when I floor it,for example if I floor it big time on wet setting it feels like the car is hitting the rev limiter and cuts power completely


if you "gently" accelerate up to this same speed (i.e. with no possibility of losing traction) does it still do the "hard-cut" thing ?


If I do this then it doesnt hit hard cut - only when I floor it


when it cuts, it's a "total" cut is it ?


Its pretty muvh a total cut not allowing me to go anyfaster and the car car totally feels like it has hit the rev limiter - nothing subtle at all.


If i use the rotary switch on the RL unit and put it on a lower setting the hard cut seems to kick in later on (like you would expect it to ) all in all I think the car is behaving in accordance to the what I dial into the RL unit but a bit too extreme - its like its set rev limits - yesterday was really dry and on the lowest slip setting it shouldnt have cut in but it did.


Before I did the calibration run the system was not registering anything on the"cut level" in the monitoring tab - since I redid(sp) it seemed to come alive and was registering cut levels - but as I said before it seems to have gone from not doing anything to just being overkeen and crazy ! Helllllpppp!


edit BTW - Doughie your a star for helping with the diagnostics cheers ! :flame Dev

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Barnstormer - cheers matey - mine does have the same ticks in the same boxes as you,only difference is I havent yet jacked up the wheels and spun them to confirm which are ref/driven.Is this the next thing to do ? I presume this part is ok though

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you should only have the same if the channel allocation is the same as mine - 4 channels, 4 wheels that 16 combinations I think! So 1 in 16 of being the same as mine. It depends on which RLTC unit wires were wired to which wheel sensor. What you should have is one of the channels with 2 ticks, another with no ticks and two with one tick each. Which order is dependent on the physical wiring up on the unit.


To be 100% sure it is correct you will need to jack up the car and check each wheels channel - takes 10-15 mins - well it did me. Once you have that you can check your settings in the unit.


Note - you must first download the current settings in the unit to determine exactly what you have got at the moment. They may not be what you think you uploaded...



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cheers dude - the settings in the unit mirror the ones which phil has sent me,the channels are the same as you - coincidence maybe - but when I hit "receive" it brings these as ref/driven,I will check the wheels next I think - just waiting for termy to come up with any more ideas :innocent:

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I have checked the dat you posted back to me an it is identical to the one I sent which is working well in about 30 other cars.


You have no wheel allocations in the file, if this file came out of the RL unit then that is your problem.


All the information you have given about the cut moving up the rev range is consistent with the RL unit work fine given the data or lack of it in the dat.


If you stock file was anything like about 48 others I have seen then you would have only had the integral cut table, which fits with you description of how the unit functioned before you put in my dat.


My dat has all the correct cuts, you RL unit can’t use them properly as it has no wheel data.


Before you can assume a problem with the install, you must either do the configuration run again, or spin the wheel and enter the dat by the key board.

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far - what Termy said is exactly what i said yesterday !!!!

(see my post y'day avo about the wheel allocations).


BUT then you said that when you hit "Receive" i.e. you take the actual DAT that RLTC is now using after the calibraton has been done, then it has the wheel assignments completed.


The basic DAT file that Termy will have sent you will be complete APART from the wheel assignments as that is done by RLTC itself when the calibration routine is carried out.


What i suggest you do is hit "Receive" and then save this DAT file as a new file name, so that you have a DAT file that you got from Termy (that you downloaded to RLTC) and then the DAT file after RLTC has populated the wheel assignments.

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Sorry Doughie dude - so it is ! DOH Well when I did hit receive it had them fields populated but I will do what you say tonight and see what it does .


TBH i now cannot remember whether it had the fields populated after of before I did the calibration run (cant remmember when I hit receive to get the details) - so if was before then I would have needed to resend the wheel allocations after the calibration run along with termies dat - i know I resent the dat but dont remember if I had checked the boxes aswell :stupid: :blink: in which case it all ties in with your theory.


I will have a play with it tonight :thumbs: thanks again dude your a gem:hug:

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