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100% Atheist, in that I would never subscribe to a man made religion! When it comes to personal faith, still atheist but part of me would like to believe, if only I then didn't have to then ask:


and who made God...


Isnt there a reason for everything we do? I.e you get on a bus... to go somewhere? You work...To earn money?



There must be reason for 'life' ... yes/no?



...oki maybe i was Born to drive a supra :D


Is the reason to live simply life iteslf!!! Isn't that reason enough? It's pretty mind blowingly amazing when you think about it. Looking back, the chances of any of us being here as we are is infinitesimally small (i.e. by chance happening) - but forwards it was 'just' the progress of evolution on many levels (genetics, culture etc). This I find amazing, in a sense we are all inevitable, in another sense, all amazingly improbably ;)


I've been christened...but I'm an athiest..


I believe Religion was a useful crutch for the age before science. It has no place in the future of humans.


Whilst this may seem extreme, I think we as a race have simply out grown these religion's.


I can't think of a war that hasn't been adversly influenced or started by religious beliefs.


I agree pretty much with that, although it may have some place -> but maybe serving a different purpose.


Maybe future religions will be more like Buddhism (although Buddhism is not a religion in the normal sense) - my other half is reading up on this and from what I know, there is a lot of sense in what it says...

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Maybe future religions will be more like Buddhism (although Buddhism is not a religion in the normal sense) - my other half is reading up on this and from what I know, there is a lot of sense in what it says...



Yeah I there is a case for a "religion" which doesn't involve commandments etc but that centre's on what makes a good member of the human race.

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Personally I think that religion is necessary for a lot of people to keep sane. The idea that there's something better than this waiting for us, that someone up there is looking out for them, that their loved ones will live happily on in the afterlife, that bad people will get what's deserved in hell etc etc.


I'm not a religious person, but after losing a family member or loved one, I would still hope that their soul lives on..... even though I know it doesn't make sense in my head, part of me wants to believe it. Hence I don't find it hard to believe how much sway religion has over our lives - like Alex says it's a crutch to help us come to terms with ourselves, and it's the curse of our intelligence and imagination.

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I'm with Chilli.


And why do people want to believe in something after life? Isn't life enough!!! I'd much rather see the passing of a loved one and know that they lived life to the full, had some good and bad times, saw what they wanted to see of this wonderful planet, had children, did different jobs, earnt money, lost money, drove fast cars ( :p ), bought a house, lost a house, gambled, got in a fight, held a crying baby, tried as many things as possible at least once, cared for a sick dog, saw 2 elephants humping, cleaned the toilet, invented something amazing etc etc etc etc............


Rather than living by commandments set out by a non-proven fascist overlord who threatens all who disobey or defect to infinite lifetimes of torment, not doing any of the above, wasting countless hours preying and preaching to people who don't care, singing in church, and not much else.............




I call myself an Aethiest, but I don't strictly disbelieve in a god, I simply have not had enough proof for or against. I've had plenty of proof against 'good books' and their various stories - if someone had given me a bible and told me it was metaphorical, simply a guide to how life should be lived based on fictional stories, an idea of morals and a teaching of consequences then fine - but it's not; for example there was a Jesus Christ 2000 odd years ago, there was an Adam and Eve, there was a Noahs ark etc.. Bullcrap.





I have my own theories, but until someone prooves that it's true I'm not claiming anything!! Until then I intend to live my life as I want to, not as some impossible-to-comprehend unknown being ORDERS me to!!!

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I'm a free mind, I don't find myself needing to believe in any sort of higher power.

The system tried to force religion on me as a youngster but even then I saw straight through it all and chose at a very early age to believe in my own choices. :-)

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But to be fair... If I was a time travler and wanted everyone under my control... I would defo go and heal a couple of pesants and hydrate some bread and fish.


All you people who do believe in GOD , go ready Stephen Hawking

, Brief history of time. Very interesting - lots of refences to God in there.

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Those people that say they are christian but do not believe in a god... how can that be? I thought if you were christian or muslim or buddist then to call yourself as such you must belive in the scriptures of that faith ?

I'm not a religious person so I'm not sure how it all works.

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Those people that say they are christian but do not believe in a god... how can that be? I thought if you were christian or muslim or buddist then to call yourself as such you must belive in the scriptures of that faith ?

I'm not a religious person so I'm not sure how it all works.


I've been Christened (so strictly speaking i'm christian) - by my parents before i was at an age where i could decide for myself. Now i'm older i choose not to follow those religious beliefs. My own choice....don't believe in anything..

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Those who do not believe in god....


You have to ask yourselves a further question...


When you see a bridge, a building or an automobile you automatically consider the person or company that constructed it.

When you see an airplane a rocket or a satellite or a Supra :p you also think about what an incredible of a vehicle that it is :)

When you seen a nuclear plant or an orbiting space station etc you have to be thoroughly impressed with the engineering dynamics that are involved...


Yet... these are just things that are manufactured by human beings.


Then what about the human body? With its massive and intricate control system think about it....

think about the brain...How it thinks, how it functions, how it analyses, stores information, retrieves information, distinguishes and categorises information in a millionth or a second! and does it constantly...this is the brain that made the automobile the rockets and satellites blah blah


Think about the heart how it pumps continuously for 60-70 years in taking and discharging blood throughout the body and maintaining that steady precision throughout the life of that person.


Think about the kidneys what kind of function they carry, the purifying instrument of the body which performs 100's of chemical analysis simultaneously and also controls the level of toxicity in the content of the body, and it does this automatically....


Think about the eyes, the human camera that adjusts, focuses, interperates. evaluates, applies colour automatically the natural reception and adjustment to light and distance automatically....


Amazing isn’t it?



who created that? who has mastered that? who plans that? and who regulates that?


Did it come by chance….?








p.s sorry about crap spellings of mistakes etc :blush:

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Yeah I there is a case for a "religion" which doesn't involve commandments etc but that centre's on what makes a good member of the human race.



Not sure how anyone can argue against most of the the commandments?


If you were to think to yourself 'How can I live a good life which causes no harm to anyone' then the sort of rules you would make for yourself to achieve this would be along the same lines of those commandments given to Moses in the Old Testament. (Don't kill anyone, tell the truth, treat others as you want to be treated etc. etc.)


I think that most people reject religion because of what man has done down the years in the name of whatever god they follow. However, I don't think that can always be blamed on the relgion or the god itself. It's usually because of how man has twisted, perverted or misinterpreted the religious teachings to suit his own ambitions. And those ambitions have almost always been based around greed. (Greed over territory/resources etc) The religion aspect is always used as a cover for something else.

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err Ray (and penguin), it's an extremely complicated system that was fluked. If M-theory is true then there are an infinite number of universes. Do you know how many infinite actually is? Basically EVERYTHING happens, even if there is the smallest possibility of something occuring randomly with the smallest percentage possible chance of it surviving - there are still infinite numbers of universes with this property!!! The gravitational constant of our universe holds everything together, and if it is wrong by the 100th decimal place the universe would cease to be - that doesn't mean it was invented though - we just happen to be in one of the infinite universes that exhibit this property.



And anyway I do believe in a creator, I just don't believe it gives a toss!! Seriously, compare it to humans, you create a universe on your ZX spectrum, it evolves over a few minutes (in our terms billions of years), you watch it grow and in a relative atto-second of existence for you the whole of an existence is created and destroyed - why would you care? Would you bother slowing it down to listen to the prayers of all the various creatures that were there? Would you watch them praying to you and send messages to them? Would you promise them a forever of peace and happyness if they obey you? Or would you just switch off the computer and go and get something to eat? I'd do the latter - so will our creator....... eventually.

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this is what i find a little ...... trivial... how people can accept the socalled "scientific explanation" without it actually offering any kind of solid proof - the same kind of proof "non believers" expect to see.... so how can you question one - yet accept the other?

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err Ray (and penguin), it's an extremely complicated system that was fluked. If M-theory is true then there are an infinite number of universes. Do you know how many infinite actually is? Basically EVERYTHING happens, even if there is the smallest possibility of something occuring randomly with the smallest percentage possible chance of it surviving - there are still infinite numbers of universes with this property!!! The gravitational constant of our universe holds everything together, and if it is wrong by the 100th decimal place the universe would cease to be - that doesn't mean it was invented though - we just happen to be in one of the infinite universes that exhibit this property.



And anyway I do believe in a creator, I just don't believe it gives a toss!! Seriously, compare it to humans, you create a universe on your ZX spectrum, it evolves over a few minutes (in our terms billions of years), you watch it grow and in a relative atto-second of existence for you the whole of an existence is created and destroyed - why would you care? Would you bother slowing it down to listen to the prayers of all the various creatures that were there? Would you watch them praying to you and send messages to them? Would you promise them a forever of peace and happyness if they obey you? Or would you just switch off the computer and go and get something to eat? I'd do the latter - so will our creator....... eventually.


and all this my friend is still............ a theory :rlol:

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