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The mkiv Supra Owners Club

17.01.06 Red, Ripon Road, North Yorkshire


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It is me! And seeing as i was on that road, at that time, on that day, its highly unlikely that an L888OUD was following me 3 or 4 minutes behind!


What were you in?


Sounds like a Corsa?????? Do you know many Soops with no cats and a TRD Exhaust that sound like Corsas??


I can smell a 'bannin' in the air boyo's!! :fool:

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Matt, soz mate it was a j/k (corsa thing), i have to learn not to rip people as i am an idiot :ecstatic: and i h8 corsa :protest:


I was a couple of cars behind you in my girl friends merc


Also seen you bout near asda, nice suit btw. Do you know that dude in the moded ford mondeao that is alway parked outside motor world? - white with blue tribal on sides

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I only know he works at Halfords because i've been in there to buy stuff like bulbs etc.


You must see me during the day if you see me in a suit cos my work takes me out a lot, hence Ripon, and near ASDA. The car gives me a way a bit because i'm sure its the only one local to these parts. :eyebrows: (Until you get yours of course!)


I'll keep an eye out for your g'f's Merc flashing at me next time so i know its you.:)

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Hi Matt, my dad is actually buying me the insurance for my supe in July, he said it will cost $3800.00 fully comp off his insurance company (USSA). Also if any of our cars in the family break down or need a service he sticks it on his credit card.


My mum got a shock when her auto bmw needed the grear box changing, so my day slapped 1200.00 on his card. Hes frickin MAD.


So i am letf just to pay for petrol, tax, oh yeah and the supe and also good thing i have been fully employed for two years so no probs in the money department!


Yea, if i see you while im walking ill shout like an idiot :ecstatic: :more: and if i see you in the merc, my g will flash :blonde:

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Hi Matt, my dad is actually buying me the insurance for my supe in July, he said it will cost $3800.00 fully comp off his insurance company (USSA). Also if any of our cars in the family break down or need a service he sticks it on his credit card.


My mum got a shock when her auto bmw needed the grear box changing, so my day slapped 1200.00 on his card. Hes frickin MAD.


So i am letf just to pay for petrol, tax, oh yeah and the supe and also good thing i have been fully employed for two years so no probs in the money department!


Nice for some!

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Sorry Mad Matt, there's now another Supra in these parts, and I hate driving it to ASDA! The muffler is a bit loud, and every time I drive under that parking structure, heads are a' turnin! Anyway, what's up with paying a quid to park in the ASDA parking lot? I know you get it back at the till, so what's the point!


BTW, I'm talking about the ASDA in Harrogate!



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go nat, i think i seen you a few times coming from york through ripon? that you?


Haven't had a chance to put it on the road from York through Ripon yet! Can't wait. I don't have my UK tags yet, so I don't want to venture too far out. 'Been pulled over by the base police already. I think they just wanted a look more than anything! Right now I've got some printed paper tags in the window with my old Japanese number plate details until I get th V5. Looking for a personalised number in the future. Any suggestions?

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