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Teenage Tourettes Camp


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I have to say though, the girl who shouts Nigger and Paki, who then said "I'm not rascist"

YES YOU ARE, you just have an incurable condition that means you can't control your desire to shout Nigger. If you didn't have Tourettes you'd still be a racist but like most racists today, no-one else would know about it.

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I have to say I thought it was a fab programme and those kids really must get a ribbing.


Funniest bit for me was the cool guy who kept shouting "twin towers" when out and about in USA - then he proceeded to get about 10 girls' phone numbers before he left the camp - what a dude!


He even said earlier in the programme that it could be fun acting like a hooligan and taking advantage of the condition - top bloke!



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I have to say though, the girl who shouts Nigger and Paki, who then said "I'm not rascist"

YES YOU ARE, you just have an incurable condition that means you can't control your desire to shout Nigger. If you didn't have Tourettes you'd still be a racist but like most racists today, no-one else would know about it.


So, by your reckoning the guy who shout out 'twin towers' is anti-american and thinks terrorist acts are funny.


More likely it's because they know what words are taboo in any situation but cannot prevent themselves from saying them. Hence, the apologies after many outbursts.


Further, I have to say that all the humour being derived from an incurable mental illness is very disheartening.

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I think people find it funny because so do the sufferes most oft he time. They were laughing at each other loads in the documentary.


I do have to say though, even her own sister said that the tourettes did just make her say what she was thinking, rather than holding it in. I expect they get in a circle, they know they do it so in difficult situations as soon as they find themselves there they start worrying about what not to say and hey presto it comes out.

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Rosie, that is how I had it explained to me by a sufferer. The guy I knew had the most politically correct ideals I have ever encountered. He worked for an organisation that provided aid for the homeless and/or elderly. In most cases (this being in Washington DC) they were non-white.


I was shocked at first at his outbursts. If not racial, they were age based. Yet the guy was not racist or ageist. He knew it, the org. he worked with knew it and so did the people who came for help (after an explanation, natch). He just literally couldn't help himself.


He explained that the only way of him not saying things like nigger etc. was for him to have never encountered the words in the first place. Impossible.


Also, if you knew him he didn't mind a laugh at his expense but if you were a total stranger and laughing out of ignorance or spite then heaven help you.

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yeh, she was obviously a nice girl and was treated poorly for viewer interest.


re. the statement earlier about you must be fundementally a racist if a tourettes sufferer shouts out racist comments - I would say that was bollocks.


The condition is closely coupled with aspergers and can be triggered by basic lack of social awareness and a bit of poor brain wiring that bypasses the normal social codes - so a perfectly non-racist tourettes sufferer detects any obvious social "tension" that can exist anywhere and blurts out the "worst" thing that has not been processed by the relevant part of the psyche (thus the "i have a bomb" at the airport situ)



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Imagine sending those poor kids to a strange town, oh because its good for their tourettes. My arse, they took them so they could entertain the crowds.


I remember that I am not mad thingy from the 80's and always remember the incident at the frozen pea isle.


Oh and the fit he had in the greenhouse.


Gone are they days when "special" kids would just do horticultural studies!


Classic, but very sad.


Imagine what it will be like at school tommorow when the kids get nack, I am not going to hear the end of it!

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What surprises me is why they don't come out with random word's like "And!, Yes! No!", instead of disgusting swear words.


That fat chubby one that shouted out "Julie (think that was her name), gives head!, Julie gives head!

You could see his little smirk whilst shouting it out, looking like he was in complete control. As for when they were sat out in a public space on a bench shouting out racist words. Understandable that they were nervous but why not shout something else out.

Or is it simply a disease that makes you verbally speak what is on your mind. How interesting would that be if we were all like that! :whistle:

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yeh, she was obviously a nice girl and was treated poorly for viewer interest.


re. the statement earlier about you must be fundementally a racist if a tourettes sufferer shouts out racist comments - I would say that was bollocks.


The condition is closely coupled with aspergers and can be triggered by basic lack of social awareness and a bit of poor brain wiring that bypasses the normal social codes - so a perfectly non-racist tourettes sufferer detects any obvious social "tension" that can exist anywhere and blurts out the "worst" thing that has not been processed by the relevant part of the psyche (thus the "i have a bomb" at the airport situ)




That's a fair point, as is RedM's. I just have a theory that there is still a huge amount of hidden racism in this country, but that's a different topic.

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