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Same sex couples adopting WTF !

chris aka fonz

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Guy's Lets end this debate now before it gets way outta hand.


I mean we have already had the example of one person thinking that the Adopted kids are gonna act and dress like there parents.


I never acted or dressed like my parents and I was adopted at the grand age of 2. My adoptive dad can't understand about me being gay. And I lost my mum about 4 years ago. I recently undertook in a Civl Partnership with Oxygene my life partner.


We have had discussions about adoting childern when we are in a more stable enviroment Jobs wise. I have said that I would like to as with what happend to me when I was adopted. I do not know my biological Mother or Father. All I wanna do is offer kids the chance of a good home away from Abuse, Alcoholism, and Drugs. So now lets close this thread before there is a mass riot.

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wont be a mass riot in this place mate lol


My main question to you is, do you think the kid would be bullied to you because of having the same sex parents?


Im sure you and Oxy have read the thread and ive always said that just coz the people are gay doesnt mean they wouldnt make good parents. My main problem is the bullying that would take place at schools

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wont be a mass riot in this place mate lol


My main question to you is, do you think the kid would be bullied to you because of having the same sex parents?


Im sure you and Oxy have read the thread and ive always said that just coz the people are gay doesnt mean they wouldnt make good parents. My main problem is the bullying that would take place at schools


It would depend on weather the kid was gay/lesbian acting. Not all kids of minority familys have or will be bullied @ school due to schools now being more open and more morally correct.

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It would depend on weather the kid was gay/lesbian acting. Not all kids of minority familys have or will be bullied @ school due to schools now being more open and more morally correct.


Very true schools are more open, as its the law and they have to act in accordance.


Im talking about Children in the play ground, picking on kids etc... Something that lets face it rarely gets reported because it doesnt solve it. In most cases makes it worse!


I think it would kind of be like throwing something else to bully a kid about when there is already a big enough problem with it.


And your right not all kids will be bullied, but how will they decide if a kid is gonna be bullied and they will find it harder to find out as kids just dont tell people if they are!

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As i've said earlier, it's only campness that bothers me as well as homosexuals that want the whole world to know that they're gay and make a big issue out of it. I still don't believe it's "natural" but i'm not saying there's anything wrong with it either.

The only thing that would concern me is the bullying thing. I do also believe that a straight couple should get priority for adoption (assuming that they qualify to be good candidates regarding everything else!) - this is purely to do with, like someone said earlier, a kid should preferably have a mother and a father so they can learn different values etc from each. Obviously if the couples who were, for example. anti-man (if lesbians), then they should definately not influence the kid with their own views on that topic. Apart from these 2/3 things, i don't think there's not much of a problem.

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If I can reiterate what I said earlier




Parents are not born, they have to learn and its not an easy job. In life there are times when a strong female role model is needed and times when a strong male role model is required. I'm not sure same sex couples can really fill that role adequately.



Whether you "normal" or "gay" its a hard thing to do, be a parent that is. Whilst I dont give two hoots whether you are gay or straight the most important person in this discussion is the child, full stop. The child's welfare should be at the heart of this, not barring what I said previously in this thread.

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I think this thread should be closed, the reason being before I say some bad stuff and make myself some enemies.


How can you make any enemies...your honesty and Integrity always speaks volumes and if people disagree with your opinion..then let them...but discussing issues like this educates us all.


We are a big family on here we are all different...and we often fall out and slaughter each other on the board...but then we always meet up and have a drink and laugh about it all!




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If I can reiterate what I said earlier







Whether you "normal" or "gay" its a hard thing to do, be a parent that is. Whilst I dont give two hoots whether you are gay or straight the most important person in this discussion is the child, full stop. The child's welfare should be at the heart of this, not barring what I said previously in this thread.


Normal or gay!!!!!!!:rlol: what century are you from?


lets all start qouting our own threads...sort of thing Hitler would do if he was a member of this board:giveup:


Right having my dinner then im coming back to slaughter you he he:ecstatic:

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Been away for a few days. Wow this thread has seen some attention. Can't believe the view of some of you guys. I am old enough to be father to many of you, but I appear to be more tolerant than most:flame:

Looks like we moved on to the impact on kids now. About time.

The concern seems to be about kids being bullied. Bullies seek out victims that give off the right signs, it is really irrelevant what their back ground is except that if their back ground does not facilitate positive self esteem by developing a psychologically robust person.

Just on the mother are important bit. I just heard today that a young mother of four, three now in care, is pregnant, so guess what number four will be in care within 18 months. She is not fit to be a mother she only likes babies, once the kids get to 24 moths or more she losses interest and gets pregnant again.

Nothing can stop her doing this, the kids are all fucked up. But hey she is a mum so it must be alright. A capable same sex couple just would not be good enough.

I just wonder how many of you have actually seen the long term results of bad parenting or even abuse, as if you had half the posts in this thread would never have been written.

Fortunately for the children involved the people make the decisions about who can adopt will make the decision on the basis of a rational considered debate, and a very rigorous selection process. Pity the three kids mentioned above did not get the same opportunity.

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Normal or gay!!!!!!!:rlol: what century are you from?


lets all start qouting our own threads...sort of thing Hitler would do if he was a member of this board:giveup:


Right having my dinner then im coming back to slaughter you he he:ecstatic:



I'm actually from this century, and I was restating a point I had made earlier and why you would wish to come back and slaughter me for trying to make a point I don't understand. And I find that trying to say that I am like a despised figure like Hitler deeply offensive.

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Yeah, what makes me laugh is our resident gay couple plastering info on their recent civil partnership on the board (fair do's, each to their own) and then asking for this thread, which suprisingly hasn't been offensive and has been of an adult(ish) nature, to be closed?

So, what I read into that is that it's OK for posts relating to gays as long as everyone that replies has the correct PC views and agrees with it?


Not trying to be controversial against any creed, colour or sexual orientation, my observation only.



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I think this thread has been interesting, 'tolerance' is a good word though although I don't think we should be just 'tolerating' it, 'acceptance' is probably better - we should be accepting it!


Anyway, can I have a stab at an analogy please, probably crap but here goes.


Ok we have a cause = "same sex parents caring for children" and an effect of a "slight increase in the risk of bullying". I'd personally say that the increase is only slight because bullying happens anyway, and it is only indirectly related, not directly related.


Here is another cause and inderect effect that we can all relate to. Power and crashing.


There is a link (much stronger that the same sex parents = bullying I would argue) between the power of your car and the chance of you crashing it.


There are two choices.


1. Limit all cars to low power - i.e. 100 bhp is adequate!

2. Find ways to prevent crashing, i.e. more grip, rltc, abs yada yada.


We all know which we would go for in this circumstance and why not, we know that crashing happens anyway, stopping high power cars is not actually a fix for crashing.


My analogy is that what a lot of you are saying - 'don't allow it because of fear of bullying' is rather more like option 1 above - when in fact 2 makes a lot more sense when you think about it!


Bullying needs to be addressed full stop, don't use it as an excuse to stop something else that at best, is only very slightly related!


appologies if that's not explained well, but it might strike a chord with some of you...

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I'm not talking about stopping gay adoption, all i've been saying is that IMHO if there's a acceptable straight couple of a mother and a father then they should get priority because the kid can develop from maternal and paternal sides of the parents. After that then yeah the homosexuals can by all means adopt but i reckon the kid will also lose out by not havin the same extent of the qualities they'd get from male and female parents.

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Because as WSB2 said (i think), the amount of people getting divorced is massive but more so, a lot of people think homosexuality is still unnatural whereas being divorced isn't.

Going back to adoption then a gay couple would be more suited than a single parent


Another quick and serious Q - is the term "homosexual" becoming un-PC? A lot of people are referring to "same sex couples" now that's all? :shrug:

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I'm not talking about stopping gay adoption, all i've been saying is that IMHO if there's a acceptable straight couple of a mother and a father then they should get priority because the kid can develop from maternal and paternal sides of the parents. After that then yeah the homosexuals can by all means adopt but i reckon the kid will also lose out by not havin the same extent of the qualities they'd get from male and female parents.

Without wishing to bore the arse of everyone by going into detail, my childhood revolved around my Grandmother - that's it. I consider myself to be a pretty average and well adjusted adult. So what are these qualities of a male and female parent exactly? I ask as I didn't get the male side of things as a child and am curious to see what people think i missed out on.

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So what you are saying is that if two sets of parents are equal in their excellent skills in bringing up kids and one couple are man and wife and the other are the same sex then the 'man/wife' couple should be put first?


Unfortunatly in todays society the gay couple could be axe wielding murderers but the authorities will place the kids with them to be seen to be politically correct!



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