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Supra's & Snow


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woke up today, down here in Bexhill, and found snow on the ground and still falling. its rare for that to happen here.



anyways, no supra driving for me now, have to use the other car.


anyone, actually gonna drive the Supra in the snow atm?


one thing that was nice, seeing the Supra as a white car, but it's not going anywhere. so am happy that it proves silver Supra are faster than white Supra's, lol



no photos, dont have digital camera, cant afford a D100 :(


all the best, hope everyone had a good Christmas :)

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good luck on your journey, its snowing pretty much all down the east side, from what they said on weather forecast earlier on.


not sure how far over the rest of the country the snow is. i should think most is gonna be fairly ok, if its well used and/or gritted. just watch out for other drivers as seem quite a few who can't drive atm.


anyways, safe journey and hope it goes ok with the car, and with the relatives :)


btw cheers, replying here, i finally got to 400 posts, lol

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Not much here in Camerashire, may be an inch at most, but some huge clouds are blowing in from the north east.


A couple of years ago, when the A14 got blocked, I think Justin spent the night in his MKIV; it took me ages to get home.


The biggest issue was getting initial traction. I sent all employees who had to drive home before dark. So I was the last to leave. I got some traction in the car park and rolled slowly forward. Both rear dropped into a shallow dip in the tarmac when a trench had been filled a few years before. The hollow was on a few cm's deep but was a perfect fit for my wheels. I got stuck. It took me 45 minutes to get out of the rut. I tried everything and finally just span the rears until the snow and ice melted and got some grip. I knew I just hade to keep moving. I followed a Merc to the main road, the last bit 20 meters was up a short but relatively steep incline. The Merc did it in one and got out on to the snow covered main road. The snow was about 5 -6 inches deep by now. I took my steady run up the slope but had to stop due to traffic.


I was stuffed. The traffic was thick on the main road and I just could not get enough traction to move away. I rolled back a few feet and started to spin the wheels I was generating quite a show of steam ice/ snow spray. A lorry driver realised what I was trying to do and stopped giving me loads of clearance. The traffic on the other side of the road just kept coming. The lorry driver flashed his lights and sounded his air horns and someone stopped. I floored it and slithered my way very slowly forward. It seamed to take ages but I slowly got the front wheels on to the main road, turned the wheel hard and drifted the back up on to the road. I slithered sideways a bit then dropped into the channels in the snow cut by other cars.


I knew I had two other steep inclines to traverse, so I had to keep moving, the traffic ahead was stop start, so I crawled letting a really big gap opened up ahead. I made it home without stopping once, the other two inclines did not pose much of a problem as I knew I could get up them as long as I did not have to stop.


I may take a trip to a local secluded car park, where it is fun to drift in the snow. Last time I went there, the police turned up, minutes after I had left, because someone had complained about a very loud car revving its engine in the car park. :eyebrows:

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Auto + Snow = Asking for trouble!


I got mine out this morning as was going to see a few mates. couldn't get out of the estate as the back just slides around uncontrollably as the ABS goes mental on the rear.


I had my foot on the brake and the rears just keep going round. its proper shit! Just not worth it.


Imagine manual cars are better as you have more control.

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Theres no snow where I live at the moment, but there was back in November for a day...they day I had to take my Supra to Wigan to have a radio expander fitted (J-Spec Sup).


All the main roads were gritted so no problem, however the road I live in wasnt and had about 2-3 inches of snow and several speed humps. I had to crawl down the road in 1st gear letting the engine indle revs pull me along. When I tried to accelerate the backend kept fish-tailing. It seemed to take forever, thank god there was no traffic behind me lol.

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We had a fair dusting this morning so went (slowly) round to the local industrial estate and had a half hour's play there - great fun:OK:




I'd like to do that someday, still looking for somewhere big enough!!! would be a very good learning curve in car control, on that note, say you were to be caught by a cop doing this what would be the result?

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First time in the snow last night. What a carry on....


Driving home in a heavy snow blizzard which I have never seen anything like, dual carriageway was quite thick was snow and still had people tailgaiting me!!


Took a turn off and found myself sliding across country roads when taking a slow bend at less than 20mph, down to 10mph I was fine, until I tried to turn a 90 degree turn to join another road. No traction at all and backend all over the place even at


Having said that she was quite predictable when she go out a little, as long as you take it easy and slowly things are fine, if a little worrying now and again!

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We had a fair bit of snow here, I went out for a deliberate chinese and had a bit of play in various car-parks. I probably did no more than 20mph for the whole trip. I'd imagine it would've been like watching a drift-race with cameras directed by John Woo.

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The Supe will handle snow and ice ok if you know how to drive it - it's well worth taking it out late at night and practicing - I got mine out of London a few years back when there was inches of ice and snow and the whole North Circular was closed down - it took 7 hours to do a journey that should have been 90 minutes but mostly due to other drivers blocking the roads (did make me laugh when I pulled up next to a cab with a £97 fare clocked up) - I also got to Reading and back to Aylesbury 2 years ago in the worst weather for years - including getting up the hill to the M40 roundabout in Wycombe which is a 1 in 3 and was sheet ice and sludge - scary but doable. Best bit of that journey was seeing a cop car coming the other way plough in to a 4x4 because he couldn't stop (slow speed and no one hurt so it made me chuckle)


Go out about 3 am when there's snow around and just carefully practice - it's all about keeping moving and careful throttle control

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Whats a deliberate chinese? Is it like a special cantonese or maybe mongolian :innocent:



As in, the fridge is full of food so there's no reason to go out in the snow for a chinese takeaway. I'm guessing you knew that but were just being picky.

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