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Well i thought i'd pop out this afternoon to go buy myself a birthday present. I'd worked my wages so as to get the majority of christmas presents bought and all direct debits covered. Then when my wages went in today i could afford the rest of the stuff. So i'm in PC World today and the bloke swipes my card and tells me it's been declined. I get him to try again and the same thing. So decided not to put it on another card just incase i need the money. I call Abbey and they inform me no money has been paid in yet. I call work and they moved the day till tomorrow. Seems they sent and email round to inform everyone, but only sent it TODAY.

So because my company fucked up with paying us i now have to pay a fine for going over my limit by a couple of quid, not to mention if and Direct Debits didn't go out. All i can say is they better bloody cover any fines etc.... as i'm really pissed off. What a lovely surprise for your birthday. :twak:

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Yeah know exactly how you feel. Haven't done any christmas shopping cause i hate it and always end up leaving it till the last minute, which i always regret. ANYWAY...we were told that we were going to be paid today so rang up bank this morning and no money there. Went into work and they said that the had 'set the payment up' early so that we would get paid over christmas, ie next thursday....WHAT GOOD IS THAT??! Looks like i will have to max out my credit card to buy any pressies this year....god i hate christmas....

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I've got the opposite problem though - we get paid early this month for some reason - last week - but at the normal time in January, which is the end of the month, so that means I've got 6 weeks between payslips! No christmas bonuses in my job either, so I have to stretch my normal crappy wages an extra 2 weeks at the most expensive time of the year :swear:


I do always get paid when they say I will though, so I suppose it's not all bad :p

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It's just rubbish, and you know i'll get charged £30 odd for going over the limit, and probably another £30 if any DD didn't go out. Can't bring myself to look. Well im definatly gonna be having words and be insisting they compensate me for any fines :(


If they f@ck it up and cause you to go overdraw or incur charges most companies will re imburss you...Speak to the idiots in HR.

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  • 3 weeks later...

wow, thats harsh. im with natwest and this happened to me a few years ago where 3 payments went out and they charged me £25 per payment. went in and spoke to them and they reduced it to £25.


nowadays they cant do enough for me. i have my mortgage with them and they keep offerring me personal loans, credit cards, unarranged overdraft of £1500 etc etc. they are a good bank.... well my branch is :)

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Just to illustrate another of Abbey's stupid policies, they don't allow you to pay in more than four or five bags of change per day - apparently for health and safety reasons. [WTF is that about I do not understand]


They suggest that you should go and get the change changed into notes, as they have no issue with accepting notes.


I've never heard anything so ridiculous in my life.

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apparently for health and safety reasons.


Quoting "health and safety" is a new way of saying "we don't want to". It usually leaves people afraid to actually question the sheer stupidity of it. At Witham train station, the waiting room was locked the other day, apparantly "For your safety and comfort".... WTF? Also, parking tickets must be displayed in the windscreen of your vehicle "In the interests of safety" :conf: I kid you not.


Sorry for the thread divert, but haven't had a good rant in a while :D

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