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Nuclear Power in the UK


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Do you think Nuclear Power in the UK should see further investment?


Ie should we build more?


Detractors say, but what if it blows up or what about the waste....getting rid of the waste safely is very very expensive.


Supporters say, The UK has no real choice if it wants to have cheap power. Fossil fuels are running out and we need a long term sustainable power supply. It's cleaner to run too...and the concrete reactors are built with the aim of being able to take a missle/plane hit. We don't have seismic activity (earthquakes etc) so that can't destroy one either....


Personlly I think it's what we need, I'd rather see us stop using coal/gas and oil, as I think Nuclear waste is manageable with investment. And if we stop using the other 3 the reserves we have in the world will be stretched a little further.


Windfarms are unsightly and generally crap at producing enough power...and the only other good alternative would be wave power and that, sadly, has not been developed enough AFAIK.


Arguments against it in a newspaper all related to Plutonium being used in bombs...well if it's in the power stations there'll be less for the terrorists lol ;)


My only ? mark over Nuclear is where to site new stations....as let face it no one wants a power station of any description in their back yard....however reusing the same sites as the old coal and gas etc ones would be one idea.


I don't like the idea of Britain having to import it's power, I think we as a rich nation should have our own supply.


So anyone have an thoughts or think I'm hopelessly wrong??

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I have a better idea please state:


harness methane - the amount we and our animal friends produce would surely be equivalent of 10 Nuclear power stations! LMAO!!! :innocent:


Do you know what, I nearly put harnessing methane IS NOT AN OPTION!!! ;)

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Serious mode engaged though - Nuclear don't bother me, and modern reactors are much safer and more efficient than the older ones like Sizewell A.


As for living near them, admittedly I'd prob not like that either, though the armed forces live with Nuclear reactors all the time,........

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Wave/Solar/Wind power?


Ok, it is much more £££ to setup, so will mean initial higher prices, but for everyones long-term benefit. It pays to think long term, and while nobody likes the idea of higher energy prices to start with, it gives us our own dependable power source. Which is important as like Alex, I certainly don't think we should be reliant on other countries. They give us good rates to start with, but as we get more power from them, we become more and more at their mercy to increase prices etc.

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Don't think anyone wouldn't want the totally green option - but in my mind it's not practical at the moment. Wave power isn't developed to anything like enough, for the scale that we need.


Wind as I say - per turbine it just doens't provide much power.


Solar - come on this is the UK ;)


Maybe drilling down to geothermal levels is an option...


But I'm looking for a developed ready to use option not a pie in the sky if we invested 30billion in R&D solution.


Anyone got a chemistry set to try cold fusion with? ;)

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Seriously? Wind farms in Scotland - loads of room up there.


I can see Greenpeace/English Nature etc choking on their own principles now...


Wind power is green but you have to knacker the countryside/view to have it :D


If they could build enough without the UK looking silly then I don't mind the Windfarm option....wonder how many they would need to power the whole of the UK??

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1kg of uranium rich ore has the same energy potential as 25,000tonnes of coal.

Start up time for a reactor is slow, but once online they are very efficient.


Downsides are the materials needed to control the reaction:


1) liquid sodium metal coolant is best used as it has the best thermal properties.

2) Carbon rods are used as a neutron damper, but these become harmful once used and need to be stored appropriately.

3) Fuel rods once spent need to be stored, uranium has a t1/2 of approx 4 million years.


But I am a supporter of nuclear energy, roll on when they can control fusion reactions!

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Just has a wind turbine put up in Reading. Apparently it produces enough energy for 7,000 homes. It's been put in the middle of a retail park next to the RFCs stadium so it doesn't detract from any natural views. If anything it actually looks quite impressive. Apparently there are 50,000 homes in Reading so we would need another 7 or so. Problem is it's not always windy enough to turn the blades.

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I do have a huge problem with Nuclear power - It is probably the dirtiest fuel known to mankind - the waste has a half life of 250 000 years!! and that's clean and efficient is it??

What about burning waste materials to create electricity, the fumes can be filtered - but, oh no, the EU claim that it's waste not fuel and it can only be got rid of in a specific way - which doesn't include the manufacture of electricity - work that one out!!

All houses should be encouraged - and subsidised if necessary - to get solar power panels to heat water and run the lights etc.

But, most of all - turn all your appliances off don't put them to stand by, this will save huge amounts of energy if we all did it, what about street lights? is it beyond the witt of man to turn every other one off after midnight? how much energy could that save?

I have no problems with wind turbines, if they are located sympathetically.

NUCLEAR NO - we have not explored all the other options yet, its just a quick easy fix to a problem.

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Wind power is green but you have to knacker the countryside/view to have it :D


If they could build enough without the UK looking silly then I don't mind the Windfarm option....wonder how many they would need to power the whole of the UK??

That's what I mean - stick 'em in Scotland ;)

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nuclear is a good option but I'd also like to see it coupled with lots of off shore wind turbines. Littering the land wind turbines is not a good idea.... building loads of them just over the horizon out at sea is a good idea.

Just needs the power companies to dip into their billion pound profits to finance the installation cost.

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I would prefer wind turbines as well. They have them in Denmark a lot!!! When I was there for the european supra meet I saw them everywhere, unbelievable. They've got around 6000 of them atm, and it's providing 14% of the electricity demand. Thats the way forward!


There are too many risks with nuclear power...

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I would prefer wind turbines as well. They have them in Denmark a lot!!! When I was there for the european supra meet I saw them everywhere, unbelievable. They've got around 6000 of them atm, and it's providing 14% of the electricity demand. Thats the way forward!


There are too many risks with nuclear power...


What risks?


Out of interest, could we not fire the nuclear waste at the Sun?


6000 for 14% FFS - you'd have to cover Wales to get us enough power....hmmm no loss there then ;) :p

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Beyond me how any educated person can say nuclear is a good option.

Think long term - where is the waste going to be put?

In a big hole in your back garden perhaps??

Would you really like that?

Or would you rather we shipped it to some poor country and ignore the problem of waste??

Oh, I know lets dump it in the sea - we cant see it then and the problem is solved.....

Or even shoot it in to space and contaminate the atmosphere with the exhaust gasses needed to propel it....

Sorry, I have real issues with Nuclear Power and it's waste and all the other byproducts..

Think I may have had an education!!

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Beyond me how any educated person can say nuclear is a good option.

Think long term - where is the waste going to be put?

In a big hole in your back garden perhaps??

Would you really like that?

Or would you rather we shipped it to some poor country and ignore the problem of waste??

Oh, I know lets dump it in the sea - we cant see it then and the problem is solved.....

Or even shoot it in to space and contaminate the atmosphere with the exhaust gasses needed to propel it....

Sorry, I have real issues with Nuclear Power and it's waste and all the other byproducts..

Think I may have had an education!!


Stop being a twat and slagging people off for having differing views to you.


I understand your views, but I also can see that the need is now and we need the solution to our energy problems now....I'm not looking at Nuclear as the last hope more of an interim measure whilst the greener option are developed further....storage I think is handleable....you've just got to think practically about it.


The idea of a govt. scheme to subsidise people buy solar panels etc for their homes is an excellent one. I'd also love to see an Island powered by the sea....but I'm thinking about things that can happen here and now.

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