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childish things you find funny??

black cat

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waiting for people to start nodding off in the car and then slamming on the brakes and screaming - always gets a good reaction ;)


seeing someone fall off the treadmill at the gym - cruel, but couldn't help myself but laugh.


Guffing - yep - always makes me laugh, especially when you're in a public bog and the person next door lets a real ripper off.

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waiting for people to start nodding off in the car and then slamming on the brakes and screaming - always gets a good reaction ;)


Lol - I must try that although I kinda pride myself on not pissing about when I'm carrying passengers....


Have you ever been driving along at a steady speed and your passenger gets a can of drink, or even better a cream cake and juuuuuust as they get it to their mouth you left foot brake really hard? :D



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Bit wrong I know, but me and my mate ever since we both passed our test always play the same trick on each other!

Whoever is the passenger picks their nose to get the biggest snottiest boggy they can find then wipe it when the drivers not looking on the gear stick.

The driver then inevitably has to change gear! :haha: You'd be surprised how many times we've both fell for it.

This running practical joke played a big part in me buying an auto.:clap:


:D This should be added to the 'what to look out for when buying a Supra' section...take note prospective Supe purchasers, check dash area for bogeys

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Childish things you find funny?

Well, I didn't exactly find it funny, but in a way I did:

My mate at work got a bad appraisal from our boss (who BTW is a lazy cow and also fakes being disabled). When he got the coffees in he would pop into the gents and wipe his dick around the rim of her cup. :eek:

It always made me cringe when he gave us that "Yep, I've done it again" look as he gave her the drink.




HEH HEH we used to always do this sort of thing on the squadron. Not just knobs either, water bottle necks rimmed around claggnuts, toothbrushes stuck up asses, chilli sauce on cup rims, and my fave drilling a hole in the bottom of the cup and filling it with candle wax----candle wax goes hard so you can fill the cup but after a minute or so the hot coffee melts it and slowly pours it all over the persons desk or preferably lap :)


Biggest hint on the squadron never leave your cup or water bottle out of your sight and lock your toothbrush up.

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Scaring drunken people walking past the fire station at night with a fake rat on a fishing wire (well technically it's a ferret, but that's by the by).


The funniest one was a drunken aussie with a big group of friends who absolutely shat herself when we ran the rat over her feet. She took it in good humour when we came out and told her it was us - "You guys...." she said, before promptly running off and booting the football that we'd filled with water and placed a little further along the forecourt. Hilarious!

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Lol - I must try that although I kinda pride myself on not pissing about when I'm carrying passengers....


Have you ever been driving along at a steady speed and your passenger gets a can of drink, or even better a cream cake and juuuuuust as they get it to their mouth you left foot brake really hard? :D



Or... excellerating when they are about to take a drink and they end up with a face-full :rlol:

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If you take half the baccy out of someones cig and insert 2 or 3 match heads in then replace the baccy. We done this to the cleaner at work and I was pissing my self before the she even sparked up.:rlol: Nearly gave her heart attack when her cig set on fire.

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Or... excellerating when they are about to take a drink and they end up with a face-full :rlol:


along a similar car vain..when you are waiting in the car for someone and they come back to it, just about to get in the door and then you drive away slightly. Then again and again and again! Always cracks me up.

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Should have filled it with concrete


Some stations fill them with sand, but we think thats a bit cruel, and you never know who's gonna sue you nowadays!


A couple of aother Aussies (who were pushing each other out of the way to get to it first and actually kicked it simultaneously) did say to us, "Shit, that's not full of piss is it mate?" Now that would be cruel!

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