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Legend Best 'enters final hours'


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But it was as a footballer that he displayed not only a wonderful God given talent but also a complete disregard for authority and a lack of respect to his fellow players with his off field antics which, by the way, were sometimes done when he was supposed to be have been on the field playing football.


Nice guy he might have been, football player extraodinaire certainly but a role model for the professional game? Not in a million years.


i have to agree with you, CJ. as a player he was a great, but also the downside the off field way of life.

i blame his Man U team-mates, they could have more than likely kept him more grounded in life, the older ones at least, could have acted better for him


and the modern game is no different, overpaid players who dont really do anything, people call Beckham a role model, i dont see why. role models are people who do things for others, selflessly, and without thought for themselves

not sure why but i thought of Paul Teutel sr, and his use of the word PrimaDonna, lol

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unfortuantly....ive got no sadness/sympathy for him, he brought it on himself. so he goes and fcuks his own liver up, he gets a new one, and then does the same thing. when that liver couldve gone to someone who actually deserved it!! he had what was comin IMO.

so what ...he was really good at kicking a bag of wind about, that doesnt make him a better person, we all have 'somethin' we can do better than most people'.

At the end of the day he killed himself, by not listening to warnings givin to him by medics.

its not that i havent got 'compassion for fellow man'... i think he just took the pi** to be honest.

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Wow this thread gets dumber and dumber, jokes about his death already, more bitching about "having" to sit through news report after news report (you don't have to sit there, no ones forcing you). As for the comparison of Best and Hitler, that's one of the stupidest things i've ever heard! Syed, never thought i'd hear that kind of shite from your mouth :thumbdown: :twat:


R.I.P. George, the only person he only really hurt was himself. Soop Dogg nailed what i was trying to say, i'm just really fucked off with a lot of your attitudes!

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Wow this thread gets dumber and dumber, jokes about his death already, more bitching about "having" to sit through news report after news report (you don't have to sit there, no ones forcing you). As for the comparison of Best and Hitler, that's one of the stupidest things i've ever heard! Syed, never thought i'd hear that kind of shite from your mouth :thumbdown: :twat:


R.I.P. George, the only person he only really hurt was himself. Soop Dogg nailed what i was trying to say, i'm just really fucked off with a lot of your attitudes!



ok, for the record, i never compared best to hitler. it was a comparison between some people only reading part of the thread and making assumptions, and someone only looking at one side of hitlers life. and read what i said after that, ok. yeah, it was bad analogy, oh maybe you didnt see my apology on that, strange. but all i thought of at that moment.

i am not stupid, or dumb, you dont know me so dont make assumptions on that, please.

and to me, stupid are people who seem to think more of him than the person who was the donor who gave him second chance at life, and he wrecked that. whats betting his son turns out the same in years to come.


"R.I.P. George, the only person he only really hurt was himself. Soop Dogg nailed what i was trying to say, i'm just really fucked off with a lot of your attitudes!" what about memory of the dead donor, seems thats conveniently forgotten about that.


oh and another thing, for only hurting himself, getting done for drink driving and serving 2 months in prison, says a lot. imagine if while he was drunk driving he killed someone.


i really thought we had finished all of this and moved on, but guess we haven't


just because i have these views, doesnt mean i dont feel anything for his passing, ok

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ok, for the record, i never compared best to hitler. it was a comparison between some people only reading part of the thread and making assumptions, and someone only looking at one side of hitlers life. and read what i said after that, ok. yeah, it was bad analogy, oh maybe you didnt see my apology on that, strange. but all i thought of at that moment.

i am not stupid, or dumb, you dont know me so dont make assumptions on that, please.

and to me, stupid are people who seem to think more of him than the person who was the donor who gave him second chance at life, and he wrecked that. whats betting his son turns out the same in years to come.


"R.I.P. George, the only person he only really hurt was himself. Soop Dogg nailed what i was trying to say, i'm just really fucked off with a lot of your attitudes!" what about memory of the dead donor, seems thats conveniently forgotten about that.


oh and another thing, for only hurting himself, getting done for drink driving and serving 2 months in prison, says a lot. imagine if while he was drunk driving he killed someone.


i really thought we had finished all of this and moved on, but guess we haven't


just because i have these views, doesnt mean i dont feel anything for his passing, ok


Memory of the dead donor forgotten? Erm no it's not! Said a few times that he fucked it up! Or is he meant to click his fingers and give up a 30+ year addiction? You ever met a proper addict? Ever lived with one? If not then try it. If you have then you should know better. Yeah the drink driving was stupid, no one's making out he's a "God". Still, he didn't kill anyone - you ever done more than 70mph on the motorway? Or more than 30mph in a 30 zone? Bet you have but so far you haven't killed anyone but imagine if you did! :innocent: Both scenarios are illegal and although one is worse than the other, the fact remains that luckily no one was injured.


and P.S. i wasn't singling your comment out. :blahblah:

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fair enough on my comment. as i have said its hard keeping up with so much going on. i apologise for getting it wrong and saying you said something you didnt..

not trying to piss anyone off, just standing my ground like everyone else is doing.

i havent sworn at anyone, or abused them, only stated my views.


havent lived with anyone with alcohol dependency. but had with people addicted to smoking for years. one day they were told to give it up or it will eventually kill them, they managed to do that and give it up. maybe if George had more support from everyone he would have kicked the habit years ago, and never had to go through all of this, who knows.


you are correct, i have done over 70mph, sure, but only overtaking total morons on the road more than likely to cause an accident, and i am not dangerous on the road, more likely its the idiots who try to get to you. am sure you get them as well, have a Supra, and they stick glued to your back end, or try to wind you up, only safe way is evasive action.

seeing how reaction times are greater for someone under the influence its different. and day i ever drunk drive, would be day i give up driving totally.


oh crap, i think i will throw up, Sheila's Wheels advert once again on TV >_


for me i have tried to be courteous and discuss points. i have both agreed and disagreed, have also seen both some good in him, and also the bad.

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Yep i'm not saying speed kills (shit driving is what kills) but hope you see my point as i see yours.

About the alchohol dependency, i'll use my dad as an example. He's got a dependency on alchohol and he was a smoker for 40+ years. He kicked that over 10 years ago without any hassle, could be kick the drink? Not a chance! It's not like he doesn't know the damage (he's a doctor by the way) but he can't stop and he is nowhere near as heavy as Best was. Anyone who thought he could simply stop was kiddin themselves, pretty sure that's why he had those pellets put in

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What vile dross.

Make sure you never fall of your pedestal.


I will fall off my pedestal when I start along the road of alcoholism and the rest of the traits infamous of footballing idols. Until then, I am happy thanks Gordon. If I do, I won't be after sympathy.


Btw Kopite, I never compared Best to Hitler, infinitely different scales. Can you explain what makes this man so worthy? Or footballers in general, please enlighten me as to my most the male youth of this country idolise them. Thanks


P.S This is a debate, strong opinions are fine, but please refain from calling people f**cking scumbags and tw*ts. :shrug:

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Btw Kopite, I never compared Best to Hitler, infinitely different scales. Can you explain what makes this man so worthy? Or footballers in general, please enlighten me as to my most the male youth of this country idolise them.


You didn't, someone else did. And exactly, comparing them 2 people is very random. If you read my views carefully, i'm not making him out to be a "God" etc (only on the pitch), footballers are not good role models in general. I said something earlier along the lines of "forget that he's a footy player / ex celebrity etc". He was a human being who was flawed and had an addiction. Sayin thing's like "good riddance" about him is out of order. He never wanted to be an idol, he just became one to the older generation. To put things in perspective, i had a very nice lady in my clinic the other day, has clapped out lungs as she's a very heavy smoker. She's been warned that it's gonna kill her soon unless she stops, she's also asthmatic. She said that when she felt short of breath, she went for the ciggies instead of the inhalers and she smokes more than 60 a day. When she dies, will people be thinking "good riddance" then?


As for why footballers are idols, well i wouldn't use that word, but no doubt a lot of people want to be them - £50k plus for doing something you love, who wouldn't?

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Yep i'm not saying speed kills (shit driving is what kills) but hope you see my point as i see yours.

About the alchohol dependency, i'll use my dad as an example. He's got a dependency on alchohol and he was a smoker for 40+ years. He kicked that over 10 years ago without any hassle, could be kick the drink? Not a chance! It's not like he doesn't know the damage (he's a doctor by the way) but he can't stop and he is nowhere near as heavy as Best was. Anyone who thought he could simply stop was kiddin themselves, pretty sure that's why he had those pellets put in


i am sorry to hear that, can't have been easy for you all those years. i bet you have had to go through a lot to support your father, its not an easy thing.


i feel his ex-team mates bear responsibility in all of this. they should have been with him through the years to help with his addiction, but all i see are them going to visit him in hospital.

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i am sorry to hear that, can't have been easy for you all those years. i bet you have had to go through a lot to support your father, its not an easy thing.


i feel his ex-team mates bear responsibility in all of this. they should have been with him through the years to help with his addiction, but all i see are them going to visit him in hospital.


He's not ill or anything through it, but don't think he can ever stop. His organs are all ok luckily and he's in relatively good health, just using it as an example that it seems to be a lot easier to stop smoking than drinking.


In those days, don't think people knew how much damage they were doin...

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He's not ill or anything through it, but don't think he can ever stop. His organs are all ok luckily and he's in relatively good health, just using it as an example that it seems to be a lot easier to stop smoking than drinking.


In those days, don't think people knew how much damage they were doin...


you gave a good example, thats for sure. and am happy its not as bad as i thought from when you said it.


maybe they didnt know, but Charlton and the others could have kept him more on the ground and level headed, advised him in his earlier life.

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I will fall off my pedestal when I start along the road of alcoholism and the rest of the traits infamous of footballing idols. Until then, I am happy thanks Gordon. If I do, I won't be after sympathy.

I think you'll find that the 'traits' you mentioned are not just particular to footballers. Rock stars, actors, politicians, and even members of Joe Public have been known to exhibit the same traits, so it's not fair to allocate the 'alky, druggie, wifebeater' pigeonhole exclusively to football players.

Can you explain what makes this man so worthy? Or footballers in general, please enlighten me as to my most the male youth of this country idolise them. Thanks

Ok, I'll try...

When George Best was at his peak in the '60's, football was still a 'working man's' game.

The big cities in England with the leading clubs were still industrialised - London, Liverpool with docks, Manchester with mills, Newcastle with coal mines, Birmingham with car factories etc.

The people who went to games were by-and-large manual workers, who had spent most of their week doing some repetative dirty job, so they tended to look at footballers as a status either they or their children could aspire to. It was a bit like the people who watch the lottery show believing they will win and their lives will be suddenly changed forever.

Go round the local parks on a Sunday morning and see all the kids who want to be the next Beckham - is there anything wrong with that?

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Just while George is laid to rest, I will clear up some issues.


George didnt come from the backstreets of Belfast. Cregagh isn't backstreet, is a lively vibrant part of Belfast, so you can loose the low budget movie images of dirty kids throwing stones at each other.


George in understanding his own condition, did much work for liver research charity's (as confirmed by his Surgeon). He even set up the "George Best" charity to help others often donating his earnings to this cause.


In the heydays of his career, his home country Northern Ireland was in turmoil, tensions much higher than you could imagine. Yet people of totally opposite political view could hold a long and friendly conversation about George without aggro. His personality inspiring tolerance. Sometimes it was the only bridge they had between them.


Best footballer in the world?, the majority opinion says so, who am I or you to argue. I certainly cant play better than he could so who am I or you to judge?.


OK he drank, so do I, and most of you. Lucky we dont have the disease, but even when drinking people loved his gentle personality. Not in any way vindictive or contrary, just smiling eyes and a great sense of humour.


Of the few moments that small minded people dwell on, that didnt go so good for him, could you have done any better in the circumstances?. I doubt it, try walking a mile in his shoes.


Its a very sad reflection on this society that people sometimes choose to sensationalise the few bad days to block out all the good. Such is the price of the media attention and its negative condescending and crass writings.

GB was a hero, ambassador, father, brother and son. A champion of his country, what brilliance he gave us on and off the field in his lifetime will be remembered for centurys. A bright burning star in the sky. My Football Hero, and my county's favourite son.

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