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Crashed ... Dammit!


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James, our comprehensive policies give courtesy cars in the event of a claim, regardless of fault. Unless you decide to not use the garage that the insurer appoint. If you are gettig any problems with your claim then give us a call.





Cheers Jae, much appreciated.


The insurer said that it would be fine to use my bodyshop to get the repair quote, so I guess it's okay? I will call again to check, but they have done all previous work on my car so I would much prefer that they did it :D


The guy that I was told to call (which I assume was the actual underwriter?) was pretty adamant about a courtesy car :who: . Pretty much the first thing I was told was that I was not elegible for one :help: .


I'm just waiting for the bodyshop to come up with a quote and see how bad the damage actually is. I think the actual body damage can be repaired, but I am really worried about the wheel and shocks as they appear to have taken the brunt of the hit. I've never seen another car with the same wheels, and I don't believe they are available anymore, so it would kill me if they were badly damaged :cry:


Cheers, J :ok:

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If the Audi TT driver hit you by pulling blindly out into traffic, and your car is safe to repair then their insurance will pay for it to be put right - they can't write it off if you don't want them to! Can't see how it could be your fault when they have T-boned you...


Rear quarters are actually suprisingly cheap, about £450, it's the welding and fitting and painting that bumps it up ;)



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Yeah .... I've had the quote for the damage through now. The quarter panel isn't even that expensive ... it's nearer £350.


Haven't heard anything at all though? Happened over a week ago now, and I don't really know what's going on? Faxed the repair quote through to the claims company 4-5 days ago, and neither myself nor my bodyshop have heard anything at all :Pling: .


It's a bit of a nightmare really as I don't have a car now and getting to work is such hassle. If they do decide that it was her fault, then I am really hoping that her insurance will sort me out with a car. :p


My biggest worry is still the wheel and suspension - really hoping that it's all okay :ok: . Will keep you updated.


Cheers, J :cool:

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If you're not at fault, that underwriter's talking a load of rubbish!


If it's a non-fault case then you can have a rental and claim the cost back from the other drivers insurance co.


I work for Car Crash Line and that's what we do - supply cars to non-fault crash victims. We supply the car and claim the money back from the 3rd party.


And it doesn't matter who your own insurance is with... ;)



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Problem is that we don't yet know whose fault it is. Having said that, I've just got back hom to find an accident report for me to fill in, so I'll get that done right away.


I don't want to start renting a car though, and then suddenly find that I am found at fault and will have to cover the rental costs. It's been a week already, and I can't imagine that the insurance companies will come to a decision about whose fault it is for some time. All that time I will be without a car and not knowing whether I can get one paid for for me :( .


Just got the TVR out of the garage though, so I may have to tax that and get it insured to tide me over .... but it's not really the weather for it! lol :scare:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Right .. sorry .. but I am PROPERLY pi%%ed off now :mad:


The accident happened 19 days ago now, and I haven't heard a thing!! I've not had a single phonecall or anything from anyone???? :no:


I phoned about the accident within 30 mins of it happening. I was told to supply a quote from my bodyshop which I did within 2 days. 7 days after that I get all of the paperwork to fill in about the accident, which I did, and it was in the post at 8am the next morning First Class (this was about 10 days ago now).


I've had to call the claims company at least 3 times to try and get an update of what is going on :thumbdown , and each time I just get a 'it must be in the system somewhere' answer when I ask about the forms I filled in. My bodyshop have also tried ringing them a few times as no inspector has been round, or even called to ask about looking at the damage, but they have had no luck. The car has been with them for 2 weeks now, steadily racking up storage costs (it's undrivable at the mo until the wheel is sorted).


I don't actually have a spare car at the moment. I am having to borrow one of my parents' cars, which of course means that they have no car either = serious pain in the ass for everyone involved :faint:


The last time I had an accident, I was called almost daily to tell me what was going on. The inspector verified the damage the day after recieving the report from my bodyshop and I had a hire car given to me 2 days after the accident :D . Right now, there is absolutely no hope in hell of me having my car back before Christmas which is really annoying as there are lots of jobs that I was planning to do!! :(


More annoying is that my bodywork guys are having to waste their time chasing the claims company, and wasting valuable garage space on my car which has just been sat there doing nothing for 2 weeks!! :scare:


Sorry ... just had to get that off my chest as I am really feeling like I am being ignored and nothing is happening. 3 weeks have passed and I am still in the same position that I was the day after the accident!


Cheers, J :scare: *off to find a dark corner to calm down in*

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just read this, sucks big time dude.


oh and you have to phone the insurance company every minute of every day to get it sorted. i remember when my mr2 was in a couple of years ago for an insurance repair to just the wing. they had it for 6 weeks or more and i had to check up on them everyday before i finally got a result.


stick with it dude :)

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  • 5 weeks later...

Update Time ..... 49 days after accident!


The car was finally assesed about 5 days before Christmas (1 month after the accident!). Of course this meant that we couldn't order any parts as most people had already shut down for the holiday .. sigh :whistle:


So ... Finally managed to order parts (new door etc) on the 4th of Jan, but it hasn't turned up yet. Wheel(s) are being sent off to be X-rayed and refurbed sometime next week, which will be good, but other than that, not a great deal has happened :whistle:


The BIGGEST problem by a LONG way is that I still have no idea whose fault it was. Because I am using my own bodyshop (sorry .. I'm not trusting ANYONE that I don't know with my car :nyah: ) I am not entitled to a hire car unless it was the other person's fault. I can't go and hire a car on the assumption that it won't be my fault, as that could get VERY expensive if they decide that it is! So I am really, really struggling at the mo trying to find a way to get to work ... It's driving me insane! I just want my car back :cry: :cry:


Oh well. Rant over .. watch this space.

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She pulled out into me ...


... the only point of contention was that I started to indicate to turn into the junction that she pulled out of, but then remembered that I was going to the Dentist that morning and had to go straight on. So I cancelled, and continued.


Could be wrong, but your indicators are only an INDICATION that you MAY turn, does not constitute a contract between you and anyone who may see this that you definately WILL turn. It's up to them to make sure the way is clear before pulling out. She's at fault if she hit you


Sorry to read this James. Mine took 2 months to sort out (June - August last year) and I'm still having problems which the Insurance Co won't pay for :thumbdown (although Sky have been good, just the other insurance co wriggling out of it)



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Yeah ... I haven't had a problem with Sky at all. Infact they have been about the only helpful and friendly people in the process.


The problems I have been having are with the claims company and the other persons' insurance company I guess. All I want to know is whose fault it is, cos I really really really need some kind of courtesy car. The inconvenience that I am going through now is horrendous for something that may well not be my fault :whip:

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I have always asssumed that it is the duty of a driver pulling out on to a road to make a decision that it is safe to do so. It should have been obvious that due to your speed that you were not turning. She made the wrong call so it is her fault. I never trust signals, I dont pull out in front of a signalling car that is close unless I can see then slow and prepare for the turn. May be you insurance co could push for DWDCA.

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The inconvenience that I am going through now is horrendous for something that may well not be my fault :whip:


Yeah I know what you mean. I was lucky that the guy who went in the back of me was a taxi driver with a fare and he said "it was all my fault" so no chance he could then claim it wasn't. Didn't even have to pay the excess.


The problem I've got now is that my exhaust was pushed into the Turbos and a stud snapped which is now blowing. The Ins Co (Ensign/Claimtec) have said that this is due to "mechanical failure caused by the car's age" what a load of Bollox!!! Spoke to Scott @ Sky (on my side) who phoned them but the old git there said he had 20 years experience etc etc I'd like to kow how many cars he's had manifold studs just snap off while driving them!! :flame:



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