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Do all women fail miserably to communicate? Honestly?

Ian C

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Just asking :)


Have you noticed how men who are friends can get the hump with each other over stuff, exchange words, then in about half an hour will be playing the playstation together and it's forgotten about? Because everything was sorted out there and then?


I've noticed that a lack of good communication sits highly on women's moans about men, but to me that's like a BMW driver bitching that people don't use indicators...




I expect Angie, Rosie, and Faye at least to give me a kicking now hahahaha

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Worst woman logic is:


Woman: "We should go and do XX with my parents this Friday."

Man: "But Friday is sit in with takeaway night."

Woman: "Fine if you don't want to go to my parents then don't bother."

(True meaning = "If you don't want to go to my parents then don't bother but expect a lot of crap from me for at least a week!!")

Man: "OK we'll go to your parents if that's what you want!"

Woman: "No we won't bother as you obviously don't want to!!"

(True meaning = "No we won't bother as you obviously don't want to........... And expect a lot of crap from me for at least a week!!")

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I hate the awkward silences at the end of an arguement. When i was attached and had a shouting match with the missus she'd do the 'I refuse to apologise first' look with her arms folded and legs crossed. I usually gave it about 30 secs and would apologise even if it weren't my fault. I cant stand it. I'd rather have a blazing row than sit in silence.

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I am very good natured and I hate conflict. I've only ever properly lost my temper twice... and only once as an adult.


So, are we talking proper arguments or do you mean "when women dare to express their own opinion which differs to mine" kinda stuff? :D


Besides, when did this become about arguments? Ian asked if women were bad at communicating. Actually it's men that are bad at communicating, you can't shut most women up!


Anything in particular in mind Ian? :stickpoke:

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Yeah you're right men can't communicate because women talk over us and interrupt us, presuming that they know what were going to say...but in actual fact get it all wrong and basically have a 2 way argument with themselves and end up making it all the blokes fault!


So yes women do TALK well....but fcuk me, they can't listen (and actually HEAR/COMPREHEND/UNDERSTAND).


Proper communication is not just the ability to spout verbal diarrhea :)

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Generally, men debate, women argue.


Men can disagree strongly with each other without taking it personally. I have encountered very few women who can do this without taking the attitude 'He doesn't agree with me so he must think I'm stupid and hate me!'. Few women can detach themselves emotionally from what's being said. This means that they get angry, and then use emotion to cloud what's being said, which then annoys us blokes because we're seeing perfectly straightforward logic being rejected in favour of an irrational and emotional response. Of course, it's not helped by the fact that sometimes blokes are emotionless in their view even when it would help to have some emotion in there, which then annoys women because they just see the bloke being a cold-hearted arse.

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Ah yes, there's also the problem of 'mental inertia'.


Men have a lot of this - they get a plan in their head, and they will stick to this plan. Any proposed change will need to overcome the mental inertia before it is properly listened to, so when a woman says 'Let's have dinner with my parents tomorrow', the first thing a bloke thinks is 'But tomorrow is curry night' - and blokes being blokes, they say what they're thinking.


This does not mean that the bloke doesn't want to go to the parents. This does not mean that the bloke would prefer to spend time with his mates than the girl. This simply means that when something is suggested for a time/date that clashes with something else, he mentions what it's clashing with.


At this stage, the successful woman will not take his reponse as 'I hate your parents and want to boil them in acid', and will simply calmly respond with something like 'yes I know, but it's been xx weeks since we last saw them, and I did try for xx night but they're busy, and this is the only night they can do'. For this to work properly, the woman needs to have ACTUALLY DONE THESE THINGS. Blokes are generally reasonable creatures, and will happily compromise provided BOTH SIDES have tried to accomodate the other.

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