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Woe is me


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You're the best kind of bloke to find the right girl, you're more likely to not want to get them into bed that night and that shows, if a girl is looking for a relationship as well it'll be clear to both of you when your chatting. I know cos I'm the same. :p


Was talking about relationships with a bloke at work recently, basically saying that people always see the bad rather than what 'could' be. Like "my bf always leaves the toilet seat up so I'll run off with his mate", but his mate turns out to be a drug dealing wife beater (who puts the toilet seat down) and they don't realise that when they ruin what they had.

Just be safe in the knowledge that she's lost out and will eventually realise (or already has) that she can't find the perfect man.



Cheers mate. I dont like 'bigging' myself up but i do think i treat women with resepct. It makes my blood boil to hear about people that hit/hurt women. I just cant understand how a man (or what he THINKS he's supposed to be) can do that! :complain:


She's out there somewhere but its time to start looking after number 1 first and not putting other people before myself because in 2 relationships over 7 years i've been stamped all over...for being nice. :cry:

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Same thing happened to me about 8 months ago been seeing a girl for 3 years then it just ends. Anyway when I first met my ex it was in a pub I was sitting down hammered trying not to be sick. She just came and sat down and we started chatting and the rest is history. I believe that the right girls will just apear in your life it's up to you what you do about it.


Just my 2p's


P.S I think we need more single girl supra owners too. Hot girl and a sexy car what else could look better.:eyebrows:

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Feel for you on the dumping front mate, not good. A lot of women do have this idea that the 'grass is greener' elsewhere only to come scuttling back a few months down the line with the old adage that they're really sorry, can't believe they treated you like that blah blah blah. Bollox to that! I see it that its their loss not yours. Just keep on believing that you're absolutely fine and most definitely don't go looking!


Life has a predictable habit of being completely unpredictable and you'll probably bump into your soulmate when you least expect to. Good luck mate and if you ever fancy a beer and chat give us a bell - some mates and I can help you forget all about your troubles in a few bars round this way!!

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woe is me now!!


i'm still with my gf of two years but haven't been as close as we used to be and get the feeling she is doing something similar in "seeing if it gets better" or whatever.


i can see her doing the exact same thing to me but there's always the flipside (i.e. what if i'm wrong and it will get better?


in a way i'd like to sort it out once and for all but don't want to make the wrong decision...




sorry for the hi-jack!!

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As its already been said mate, try not to go looking for it. The way i go upto women is simply in the thought that i fancy a chat to someone different, and in all honesty it is. The fact that i think they are fit as fcuk and are great in bed is a bonus. Look to make a friend out of it, you will soon know if you really fancy the person


Essex Supra night out on the pull i say! :D

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I blame the media - people expect too much of life because of it...and they keep jumping ship to try and find something better...ignoring the fact they had the most important thing already.


:yeahthat: If things get "comfortable" in a relationship, a lot of people see it as a bad thing instead of bein normal. I've been single for 2 years and love my freedom now.


PMSL @ RichardA :D

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New exhaust.... Definatly, that enough to cheer any one up.


Glad your gunna turn over a new leaf, you sound a lot more positive.

Just dont do what i do when you meet a girl and talk supra supra supra. lol.


Really sorry to hear about your ex leaving you like that. She obviously only thought about her self and didnt take your feeling into account.


Your much better off without her and lets hope the next one respects your feeling more.


On a positive note with all the money your saving you could go big single then get a bird after that.

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Nah, tbh mate, the sex was pretty boring anyway so thats one thing i dont really miss much. Only ever 1 in a fortnight aswell!


You sure she's it's not my ex you're talking about???


I can promise you this there's better out there :D :devil:

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I went out to starbucks at lunch with my mate with a different attitude towards life. Chin in the air, smile on face, chatting away. Feel better already. Of course there will be times and days where i feel down but i've got you 'orrible lot (or the local) to cheer me up.



Thanks people! You've been great. :D



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been there too... mate, like everyone else has said ..... dont look for it... it'll just happen.... for now, the best thing to do for your self (and confidance) is the gym.... it worked a treat for me!! even pulled the one girl i was friends with for 2 years ;)

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Got this in the mail today.. seems topical :D


You have two choices in life:

You can stay single and be miserable,

or get married and wish you were dead.


At a cocktail party, one woman said to another,

"Aren't you wearing your wedding ring on the wrong finger?"

"Yes, I am. I married the wrong man."


A lady inserted an ad in the classifieds: "Husband Wanted"

The next day she received a hundred letters.

They all said the same thing:

"You can have mine."


When a woman steals your husband,

there is no better revenge than to let her keep him.


A man is incomplete until he is married. Then he is finished.


A little boy asked his father,

"Daddy, how much does it cost to get married?"

Father replied, "I don't know, son, I'm still paying."


A young son asked,

"Is it true, Dad, that in some parts of Africa

a man doesn't know his wife until he marries her?"

Dad replied, "That happens in every country, son."


Then there was a woman who said,

"I never knew what real happiness was until I got married,

and by then, it was too late."


Marriage is the triumph of imagination over intelligence.


If you want your spouse to listen and pay strict attention to every word you say -- talk in your sleep.


Just think, if it wasn't for marriage, men would go through life thinking they had no faults at all.


First guy says, "My wife's an angel!"

Second guy remarks, "You're lucky. Mine's still alive."


A Woman's Prayer

Dear Lord, I pray for Wisdom, to understand a man , to love and to forgive him, and for Patience, for his moods. Because, Lord, if I pray for Strength, I'll just beat him to death.


:devil: :devil:

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Chin up bud, it WILL get better, trust me!

My ex wife went to the shop & never came back!

Took the car (R21:yes: ) cash/credit cards etc...

Left me with little'un (6 at the time).

Turns out she'd run off with one of her brothers

mates who'd just been released from prison, needless

to say he beat her about for a while, then got put back

in nick.

She does have little'un back now, & has had 2 more since.

Having been through all this has IMO made me a stronger person.

All this happened back in '96.

Have been with my current gf for about 7yrs now, not

in any hurry to get married again though!

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Hmm women! My neighbour is available and she is nice, Jim_supra will vouch for that, he got an offer to spend a night in "bed" with her and her mate.


Fucking hell! If I was him I would of been naked on the bed before you could say "lets get naked" :whip:


Anyway, Jim managed to make an arse of himself with a cookie monster doll (dont ask) and I ended up listen to him dribble on for hours at my house.


But anyway, cut a long story short, send us a pic and I will bung it next door!


Oh Mad Matt and Darkrider will vouch for her fitness, she has own house and car!


What am I on about? :looney:

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