Ceptik Posted October 26, 2005 Share Posted October 26, 2005 I NEED a girl. Been single for 4 months now and although i love doing what i like and when i like its always nice to have someone there when you need them. Feeling pretty down today and just thought i'd spread the joy. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pig Posted October 26, 2005 Share Posted October 26, 2005 Be careful there not all fun and games. In my experience when i wanted a mrs got nothing. When i wanted nothing then there were lots of ladies who wanted to make friends in clubs If you can help it dont look and you'll be sorted, if you dont give a sh1t then some wicked bird will come alone in the next few months. Neither of you will be "looking" for a relationship but you will end up in one cause you like each other so much. Sorry for the long post been down the same route and it got me really down too. Good luck and ENJOY the not looking bit lol. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pete Posted October 26, 2005 Share Posted October 26, 2005 4 Months ain't long dude. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JohnA Posted October 26, 2005 Share Posted October 26, 2005 I NEED a girl. Been single for 4 months now and although i love doing what i like and when i like .... ...Feeling pretty down today and just thought i'd spread the joy. http://www.max-boost.co.uk/stuff/warning_masturbation.jpg Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ian R Posted October 26, 2005 Share Posted October 26, 2005 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lazarus Posted October 26, 2005 Share Posted October 26, 2005 http://www.max-boost.co.uk/stuff/warning_masturbation.jpg There ain't nothing wrong with a bit of "Palmela Handerson" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ellis Posted October 26, 2005 Share Posted October 26, 2005 Cheer up mate - there's a massive bonus to being single (been there for a year now) and that is that all the money you'd spend on said woman getting her into bed etc can be spent on the Supra! You can ride her as hard as you like and she doesn't complain, never breaks down for no apparent reason and doesn't mind how many times you want to get inside her and play around. Plus they never ask if their arse looks big in this! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ceptik Posted October 26, 2005 Author Share Posted October 26, 2005 Be careful there not all fun and games. In my experience when i wanted a mrs got nothing. When i wanted nothing then there were lots of ladies who wanted to make friends in clubs If you can help it dont look and you'll be sorted, if you dont give a sh1t then some wicked bird will come alone in the next few months. Neither of you will be "looking" for a relationship but you will end up in one cause you like each other so much. Sorry for the long post been down the same route and it got me really down too. Good luck and ENJOY the not looking bit lol. I vary day to day from looking/not looking. Thankfully i have a very good friend at work who i can confide in when im feeling low and we spend the lunch hours chatting away in Starbuck's. She's in the same position and i actually fancy the pants off her. Sadly, alas, she doesn't see me in the same light. Ive started keeping yself to myself a bit more now. Not looking as much. When i go out i tend to just go out and have a laugh with a mate or 6. I'll keep my chin up and enjoy it while i can i suppose. Palmala Handerson.... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Alex Posted October 26, 2005 Share Posted October 26, 2005 Women are the route of all evil...and they cost a lot too... But they have their ways of making it up to you. Jury's still out though if their efforts are enough when Supra mods are to be paid for! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tbourner Posted October 26, 2005 Share Posted October 26, 2005 Sometimes wish I was single!! Really hope she doesn't read this!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mikeyb10supra Posted October 26, 2005 Share Posted October 26, 2005 I NEED a girl. Been single for 4 months now and although i love doing what i like and when i like its always nice to have someone there when you need them. Feeling pretty down today and just thought i'd spread the joy. Im with you on the feeling down bit mate.....not happy at work at all at the moment at all, very stresful and not enjoyable at all!! Strange how things turn out, but im with the above statement, dont go looking for it, but at the same time dont let it come to you either, if you like someone go and talk to them dont wait......this is how I met my now Fiance, was out with friends with no intention of pulling, and saw Jo and really liked the look of her so went and chatted to her and asked if I could call her....the rest is history keep your chin up dude things will work out for you Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ceptik Posted October 26, 2005 Author Share Posted October 26, 2005 Lol Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ceptik Posted October 26, 2005 Author Share Posted October 26, 2005 Im with you on the feeling down bit mate.....not happy at work at all at the moment at all, very stresful and not enjoyable at all!! Strange how things turn out, but im with the above statement, dont go looking for it, but at the same time dont let it come to you either, if you like someone go and talk to them dont wait......this is how I met my now Fiance, was out with friends with no intention of pulling, and saw Jo and really liked the look of her so went and chatted to her and asked if I could call her....the rest is history keep your chin up dude things will work out for you This is something im building up again...courage. When i was with my fiance (4 years) i was an extremely confident person. Since she kicked me in the bollocks in July after getting engaged in April it took a wind to my confidence too. Its building back up but slowly. I tend not to go and chat random women up cos of the 'getting knocked back' effect. Sorry for whinging people Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RobSheffield Posted October 26, 2005 Share Posted October 26, 2005 i will attest to the not looking thing...been single now for 9 months, hate it, initially looked everywhere, nothing. now i couldnt care less. as has been said, i have the car, her bum does look huge, but in the best possible way! just go out, get drunk, have a laugh, have a dance, and enjoy life for what it is! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mikeyb10supra Posted October 26, 2005 Share Posted October 26, 2005 This is something im building up again...courage. When i was with my fiance (4 years) i was an extremely confident person. Since she kicked me in the bollocks in July after getting engaged in April it took a wind to my confidence too. Its building back up but slowly. I tend not to go and chat random women up cos of the 'getting knocked back' effect. Sorry for whinging people Do you mind me asking what happened dude?? if you would rather not say thats cool My golden rules are, girls hate cocky arrogant men, just be yourself, make them laugh and be nice to them thats all you really need, dont be to full on of they will think you only want them for one thing!! let the rest take care of itself, in my experience, girls like a feeling of security, someone to care for them and look after them so take from that what you will! God I sound like an FHM reporter LOL Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ceptik Posted October 26, 2005 Author Share Posted October 26, 2005 Do you mind me asking what happened dude?? if you would rather not say that cool Nah, thats fine. I've told the story many times before, one more time wont hurt. We were together 4 years in April this year. I took her away for her 21st to 5 Lakes Health spa thing and stayed there for a couple of days. Done the lot! Champagne, 2 nights in the hotel, dinners, breakfasts, full day's treatments all paid more and proposed aswell. Spent nearly £3000 on that weekend. Anyway, things were going fine and i found nothing out of the ordinary. We were looking to move in after she finished her nursing courses in January next year. I'd waiting 4 years for her to finish so we could afford a place together. Come July she had plans to go to Clacton her best mate for the weekend. I got home from work earl on a friday as i was ill and found a letter on the mat. She basically said she'd been unhappy for a while and couldn't be with me anymore. She said she's not splitting up with me because she doesn't love me anymore, she just feels like the relationship has got itself into a bit of a routine. Fair enough, it had, but only till next year when we move. She told me she would be away for 5 days to clear her head and i could talk to her when she was back. Yeah right!!! I was straight on the blower trying to find out what was going on. First thoughts would be another guy but i know she's not like that. Finally got through days later and fired some questions at her. She told me she'd been unhappy for about 6 months. When asked why she agreed to marry me she just replied "I wanted to see how it went". £3k down to the drain just for someone to "See how it goes". GREAT! Basically that was it. She'd made her mind up and that was that. All our friends comforted me and all agreed she was a bitch for the way she treated me and ended it. She has not spoken to them since really and is already seeing one of them (the pathalogical flirt of the group). We met up on saturday for a chat (dont ask why) and when i told her that its hard for me to be friends with you because she hurt me really bad and has taken a lot of my confidence away, she started crying. She texted me later saying she missed me and the way we used to be together. I told her it was her decision and im sure she is happy now. She said i would find someone soon because im 'one in a million'. I just replied with a prompt...Thanks! Phew.... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Alex Posted October 26, 2005 Share Posted October 26, 2005 Sounds all too familure...only I bought a fookin' house last time... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JohnA Posted October 26, 2005 Share Posted October 26, 2005 ... When asked why she agreed to marry me she just replied "I wanted to see how it went". £3k down to the drain just for someone to "See how it goes". GREAT! In a way you're lucky that it only cost you £3K and not a whole house, familirisation with CSA and the whole kaboodle. Seriously now, look at the bright side. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ceptik Posted October 26, 2005 Author Share Posted October 26, 2005 I realise that now. She gave the ring back and i flogged it on ebay. Didnt get half the money back but i have no mortgage to sort out which is good. We need more Supra-driving girlies on here! Around the 23-24 age... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mikeyb10supra Posted October 26, 2005 Share Posted October 26, 2005 Thats a bit of a strange one mate, really she should have talked to you about things if she felt it was going down hill, but it not my place to get involved at all, all I can give you is my opinion!! I cant imagine how hard it must be if your in love with someone and I dont even want to imagine it ever happening to me, but buy the sounds of it your better off out of that one, there are not a lot of guys that would do that for someone, and im not sure what she thinks constitues to a perfect relationship, but it sounds like you were doing nout wrong mate, and she will be lucky to find that again!! I know it must be tough dude but I believe in fate and these things always happen for a reason you wait and see.....it obviously was not meant to be......did you ever have an incling or doubts it would not last?? did you argue alot, or have conflicting opinions?? has either of you cheated on each other? try and keep your head up dude, the right girl is out there, and when you find her you will know it feels right if you wanna meet up for a cruise and a chat dude drop me a line.....btw im the one who was at the southend meet a couple of weeks ago with the silver bomex supra, you probably dont remember....I was the one showing you how to vent your Stock BOV to the atmosphere Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Alex Posted October 26, 2005 Share Posted October 26, 2005 did you argue alot, or have conflicting opinions?? has either of you cheated on each other? Mine never did any of that...that's the problem...they don't communicate properly, until its too late...for them...and you're left thinking WTF? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ceptik Posted October 26, 2005 Author Share Posted October 26, 2005 I remember you mate. Clear as a bell. Im also the one with the bomex lol. Thanks for your support. Tis always nice to have other people who agree on your half of the story. Haven't come across anyone who is on her side yet. We never agrued a lot and if we did then i would be the one to apologise because i just think life's too short to be arguing all the time. Just make up and get on with it. We never cheated on one another (afaik) and i honestly thought she was the one. Im a relationship type of guy and not a one-night-stand person so i was looking forward to marrying and mostly having a little kid. I couldn't wait to be a dad. Still, i'll see what happens now. Do you ever wonder what your next partner will look like? I want a stunner but you cant trust anyone else when they're out. Tricky 'ol world. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mikeyb10supra Posted October 26, 2005 Share Posted October 26, 2005 Just take your pick mate, have the confidence to go and chat to girls and just be yourself, thats the best approach, I know its tough at the mo, but in time it will be second nature again. Take it easy mate Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ceptik Posted October 26, 2005 Author Share Posted October 26, 2005 Thank you Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tbourner Posted October 26, 2005 Share Posted October 26, 2005 You're the best kind of bloke to find the right girl, you're more likely to not want to get them into bed that night and that shows, if a girl is looking for a relationship as well it'll be clear to both of you when your chatting. I know cos I'm the same. Was talking about relationships with a bloke at work recently, basically saying that people always see the bad rather than what 'could' be. Like "my bf always leaves the toilet seat up so I'll run off with his mate", but his mate turns out to be a drug dealing wife beater (who puts the toilet seat down) and they don't realise that when they ruin what they had. Just be safe in the knowledge that she's lost out and will eventually realise (or already has) that she can't find the perfect man. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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