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Boost gauge in left vent


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IVe mounted mine in the clock location as mine is a 52mm gauge....you need to get the dash off completely and take the vent out, then feed in from the front and position into place!!!


There is grommit near the brake fluid reservoir you need to feed the vacum hose through....it should apear near the drivers foot well when you feed it through the firewall!! now comes the tricky part, fixing this to the back of the gauge!!

i used a wire to hook mine up behind my radio etc and connected it you may find an easier way.


If you have an aftermarket BOV you can T into the BOV actuator pipe and fit the vacum hose here!!


connect the lighting wires to your ashtray light....that wat you can control it on your dimmer switch, this is what I did, but totally upto you?


hope this helps

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