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Still got the supe !


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Paint …… when factory paints cars they use an automatic spray system - this uses electrostatic charged clearcoat - it is very thin and saves material cost . All clearcoats have an element of unevenness and during drying have orange peel . Manufactures grade this ,cheap cars =more orange peel . High end cars wet sand .

repainting cars always have a thicker clearcoat applied -due spray gun pressure . Once dry clearcoat can also have dust ,hairs , and pin holes .

so it’s wet sanded and inspected by eye , every square inch of it .

the first sand show any high spots or the worse areas of peel or pinholes , moving light source to check all angles . You work your way down the grades of pads in 4 stages - 2000 down to 8000 grit - the early stages you see the clearcoat coming off as a creamy white colour . You can also feel the finish with your fingers and you use fresh towels from a sealed bag - so spotless clean - any dust will cause a swirl . Then another 4 stages of cutting and polishing using different grade compounds - any pinholes need touching in with clear and repeat the process . 
best left to someone who has years doing this !! Only once all completed can you apply the wax coat ,first the hydroscopic coat -only one coat ,then apply the finish wax coats - these you can layer up - hence the large number of hours needed 

A pic of the rear side panels , the rear is about 2 inches wider than stock - but you can barely tell - you would have to put it side by side with a stock car to see it  which is exactly as I wanted it - a wide body that doesn’t look wide body - does that make sense ?

At least another week of paint polishing left - over 80 hours total !!!!!!

there is no such thing as a quick respray ,dark cars show everything!!!!!



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