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The mkiv Supra Owners Club

Hi! Newbie here! Anyone used GT Culture?


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Hi everyone, nice tidy forum youve got here, glad i found it.:clap:


Im planning on buying either a Supra or a WRX next year for my 24th birthday! Insurance is around the same but the supra is more in my price bracket depending on which i get!


Anyway i have heard a lot of good things about the importer GT Culture, particularly from Honda DC5 owners! Just wondering whether anyone on here has used them to source their supra? Any experiences at all?


Thanks! :ok:

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Hi thanks for the reply, basically i want something fairly quick around 200BHP plus, im thinking of just starting off with the NA supra as ive not really experienced much big BHP before or RWD for that matter.:badidea:


As long as i take it easy at first i shud be ok shudnt i?:shrug:

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the N/A supra and TT supra's are totally different cars ... if you want quick acceleration andgood handling then WRX is the way forward , if you want a power house with mid range and top end ,then your best bet is a TT supra , N/a are good but not that quick , they tend to real most cars in after 60-70 liptons .


And you got the question , i just want a little bit more power !!!!!

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Take it easy, make sure it's got correctly sized, decent branded tyres on it and you'll be fine :) just show it uber-respect especially in the wet, and don't give into the temptation to mess about with it to "see what it can do".


I was in your boat, the supra is my first RWD car, and to be honest even though I was careful with it, I nearly crashed within a week (wet road, one second of stupidity trying to 'race' a Porker and it slithered like a snake :eek: ).


There's no electronic overlord or 4WD to help you out of a tight spot, but that's what makes it so rewarding :).


Oh and one more thing....I eventually picked an auto because I wanted to keep both hands on the wheel when nailing it :p Turned out to be a good decision!

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I was in your boat, the supra is my first RWD car, and to be honest even though I was careful with it, I nearly crashed within a week (wet road, one second of stupidity trying to 'race' a Porker and it slithered like a snake :eek: ).


This is exactly what im weary about really, although id like to think im fairly level headed enough to take it easy at first and not get tempted by boy racers pri**in around etc


Do you find there's always someone wanting to have a doo :duel: when youre out on the road in the supra? I ask this as the Supra would be my daily drive, ceratin days i just want to have a normal drive to work without traffic light grand prix!.


Thanks for your comments everyone, i think i probably need to test drive the NA, TT and WRX and see!:p

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Besides, driving a supra means you have nothing to prove to anyone :p So just cruise around slowly if you have to!


Yes thats sums me up! Ive heard its called the Superman theory or something.? The faster your car the slower you drive!


Maybe not in everyones case tho! LOL :blush:

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Hi thanks for the reply, basically i want something fairly quick around 200BHP plus, im thinking of just starting off with the NA supra as ive not really experienced much big BHP before or RWD for that matter.:badidea:


As long as i take it easy at first i shud be ok shudnt i?:shrug:



Welcome to the club mate. I was in the same boat as you when i got my Sup. I had never driven a turbo or a rwd car before and i go and buy a Supra TT. Scared myself silly at the very first roundabout i came to and got the arse right out. Thought what the hell have i bought i can't handle this. Just drive it with respect and it'll become second nature driving it. Don't have any probs now.

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Hi thanks for the reply, basically i want something fairly quick around 200BHP plus, im thinking of just starting off with the NA supra as ive not really experienced much big BHP before or RWD for that matter.:badidea:


As long as i take it easy at first i shud be ok shudnt i?:shrug:


Welcome m8y, as long as u take it easy u will be ok, im 22 and i havnt realy had a fast car before, aslong as u respect it u will be ok. good luck with ur serch! :D

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Welcome to the board.


I wouldn't worry about getting challenged every time you drive it. I've had mine a few months now and only had one proper spirited drive and that was just a few days back. Had someone in a Celica try it on once but that's about it.


The best fun is when you get BMW/Audi/Merc drivers tearing up behind you and as they come alongside you boot the loud pedal and suddenly they aren't passing you anymore. Never gets old.


So, get one, and drive sensibly. It's been said already but there is nothing to prove. I just enjoy tootling to work at the speed limit. I laugh at the fools who go teararsing from traffic light to traffic light and I still roll up next to them and I looked better doing so.

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Nice one guys for all the comments, its a really friendly forum on here.:ecstatic: Never before have i had such a good welcome being a newbie normally id get ignored! Cheers i'll look forward to finding a top quality TT or NA, i feel better now not as scared, just like you all say take it easy and give it some ":respekt:"


Thanks all! :clap:

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You will find that you get a fair amount of respect on the road, if you are on the motorway and you come up behind somebody you can sometimes see them look in the mirror and move slightly to the left out of fright, they then look for the next opportunity to get out of your way.


Most cars dont seem to want to race a supra, some of the boy racers will give it a go just to watch your car really take off but only race them if you are bored.


As for being worried about RWD and all that power, I would just get Racelogic fitted and then book in to a couple of track days to see what the car can really do and what to feel for when the back is going to break away. And in the wet drive like a granny, never floor it until the car is in a straight line.



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So, get one, and drive sensibly. It's been said already but there is nothing to prove. I just enjoy tootling to work at the speed limit. I laugh at the fools who go teararsing from traffic light to traffic light and I still roll up next to them and I looked better doing so.


Yeh i second that, i dont think i cud afford the petrol driving spirited all the time anyway!!

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