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What's happening to the UK?


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Like most on here I've always been very 'proud to be British & Northern Irish' but I'm now left wondering if there is anything left of our national governance, resilience or international reputation?

I switch on the telly every day and wonder if the country is just about to implode - or has it already imploded, I'm not sure.

I was chatting with Mrs Ayf last night and we even debated a move abroad - to some place with a bit of sun. 

All positive thoughts are welcome as I just can't see 2023 or 4 being any better; probably much worse!

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3 minutes ago, Annabella said:

Useless I'm afraid, would Mr Starmer be any better though. 

I look at politics these days in the same way as I look at the chocolate isle in Tesco, i.e it's too overwhelming with no particular choccie bar preference standing out.



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52 minutes ago, Annabella said:

Useless I'm afraid, would Mr Starmer be any better though. 

Tories are just labour with the brakes on. Same end result, it'll just take slightly longer. They deserve to be wiped out in the election so they can have a good long think about what conservative values actually are (e.g. not having people arrested for swearing on twitter, or letting in 1 million migrants a year, or putting up illegal immigrants in posh hotels, or the petty authoritarianism we saw in 2020, or spending billions of pounds we don't have and ruining the economy, etc etc). They've become too comfortable with the ineptness of the opposition and think they can do whatever they please without putting in any real effort.

With any luck a new party will rise from the ashes who actually represents what the people of our country want.

Edited by mc92 (see edit history)
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3 minutes ago, mc92 said:

Tories are just labour with the brakes on. Same end result, it'll just take slightly longer. They deserve to be wiped out in the election so they can have a good long think about what conservative values actually are (e.g. not having people arrested for swearing on twitter, or letting in 1 million migrants a year, or putting up illegal immigrants in posh hotels, or the petty authoritarianism we saw in 2020, or spending billions of pounds we don't have and ruining the economy, etc etc). They've become too comfortable with the ineptness of the opposition and think they can do whatever they please without putting in any real effort.

With any luck a new party will rise from the ashes who actually represents what the people of our country want.

Yes, that's what does need to happen, and have thought many times, but usually it'll be a far right or 'popularist' party

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1 minute ago, Annabella said:

Yes, that's what does need to happen, and have thought many times, but usually it'll be a far right or 'popularist' party

And is that actually a bad thing? Or do the current lot of elites and media moguls just not like it because it'll cut into their profit margins? If it's what the public want, it's what they should get. Politicians are supposed to represent us, not rule over us.

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1 hour ago, SupraAyf said:

I look at politics these days in the same way as I look at the chocolate isle in Tesco, i.e it's too overwhelming with no particular choccie bar preference standing out.



where the chocolate bars are Jostling to get in prime position, try to melt all the others bars around them, and have little respect for the shelf they find themselves on or thought for the supermarket worker who put them there?

PS I don't like the chocolate analogy as I actually quite like chocolate and this risks tainting it!  😄

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Its all part of the WEF global masterplan with the Soros funded politicians at the helm. Its a global phenomena I'm afraid so no place to hide, in or out of the sun.

It was reported in Spring that there are at least 104 World Economic Forum (“WEF”) Young Global Leaders embedded in British institutions, charities, and companies. Liz Truss is recorded as yet another young global leader graduate of the WEF. Big business are our unappointed leaders operating behind their puppet politicians everywhere. It is a project thirty years in the making that is due to mature by 2030. Best buy a remote island somewhere, that worked for Richard Branson.

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40 minutes ago, mc92 said:

And is that actually a bad thing? Or do the current lot of elites and media moguls just not like it because it'll cut into their profit margins? If it's what the public want, it's what they should get. Politicians are supposed to represent us, not rule over us.

Makes you question who runs stuff really. Democracy used to pick parties/leaders/policies all fine but then really, security services, financial markets, the ultra rich have many of the wizard of Oz levers behind the scenes, or certainly influence on when and how they are pulled?

Let's face it too, we like American are really only presented ever with a binary political choice and over the years their positions have moved closer. We rarely feel inspired to get behind them they either shoot themselves in the foot, are hounded by the press/media or are just hamstrung by the seeming futility or our (and global) finances/economics.

I sometimes go down the rabbit hole into global/country finances and it all seems like a house of cards, on a spinning plate, with central banks with one hand on the stick busily spinning for dear life and with the other sprinkling magic balancing dust over everything.........



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15 minutes ago, AC93 said:

We've been talking about it over the last 8ish months, the state of everything has just gone to pot.

Unless something changes for the better probably be moving to Turkey or Qatar/Dubai in the next few years 

and this sort of thing should be a concern to them too, wealth and/or brain drain if things slide too much, adding pressure on the deficit (was going to put "/surplus" but it's been a while!) 

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Voting for who's in charge is like asking which hedgehog you want shoved up your arse. Any party will fuck you.

The county is broke, Covid and non means tested hand outs have wiped out the money. The benefit state is out of control and needs to be sorted. Any party/coalition who gets in power has to be frank and say that. Taxes will rise and they have to. My fear is when I and other like me who've worked and paid taxes every single day of their working lives since they were 16 and cannot claim a benefit, will have no pension whatsoever. That isnt right

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Yes potential/certain empty promises inbound! the 'Market' pulled us up on trying to reduce taxes and at the same time increase spending, so if they do start throwing around those sort of promises it'll have to come from somewhere else (Rob Peter to pay Paul), not just from more debt, they are more hamstrung than previously? 


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209 countries on that list and we're bloody second, on the news they're talking about at this rate the UK will need a bail out from the IMF. its actually painful, we used to be a massive player on the world stage and own so much, these days all we own is debt. 

What does the uk actually offer the world these days, shitty vauxhalls and marmite! 😪

Ive got alot of family that emigrated to new zealand many years ago, might go join them lol


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8 hours ago, Swampy442 said:

But who's top? Whos 3rd, 4th and 5th? 5 of the G8 nations. Im sure theres a way to massage any debt figures

 Correct, however if you look at debt per person it's bad! 

Populations of top 5 on that list vs debt owed per person

USA: 329 million = 72948 pp 

UK: 66 million = 131818 pp

FRANCE: 67 million = 105074 pp

GERMANY: 83 million = 76904 pp

JAPAN: 125 million = 34880 pp

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