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OK I Fitted my Induction Kit And....


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Following on from a previous thread on how to clean my filter, i have and i have now fitted it to my car, the following has ocured is this normal, (the car is standard except the induction kit by the way, rest still to come) there is a little more turbo spool sound, It dosent seem to pick up any quicker in fact it did seem a bit down on power, (but that could be me:stupid: ) Also when i lift off the power, theres a big Ptshhhhhhhhhht noise, is this the stock BOV?


every thing else is ok, can anybody confirm that these are normal noises, and dose it really effect power output either way, (HKS Dragger comming, HKS BOV SQV comming and FCD and boost controler still to get) or do i have to wait and fit other bits to get the real benafit from the induction?


Any comments welcome


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TBH from what i've read here the benefits of induction systems are (powerwise) minimal, more asthetics and noise changes.

Can decrease power if more air ends up coming from the engine bay.

I THINK its been mentioned before that some induction kits allow the stock bov to be more vocal.

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Cool, i can live with that, I have to wait and see if the noise drives me La La! okay at the mo! :moo:



anyone else about the power drop, is it me??? I see Scooter said the engine could take to much air! Is this possible, i thought it would only draw in the air it needed?, I have left the bottom air scoop thing'y in,, from the old air box, i did this so that in the heat some cool air would get in while going trough slow traffic?,



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Guest Martin F
Originally posted by JCresswell

I see Scooter said the engine could take to much air!


You've mis read that. The engine (or turbo's in the case of a TT) will only take in as much air as they need. It's just where that air comes from can be the problem. By fitting an aftermarket air filter more air is taken from under the bonnet rather than outside of it. Air under the bonnet is a lot hotter than outside and thus not so good for performance and could be what you are experiencing when you seem to feel that there is a loss of power.

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I wouldnt have thought the stock BOV would start making more noise.. its prolly the air filter making the noises.. my brothers HKS kit in his RX-7 make the car sound like its alive... I thought it was the dual BOV's, but it aint.

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Originally posted by Bobbeh

I wouldnt have thought the stock BOV would start making more noise.. its prolly the air filter making the noises.. my brothers HKS kit in his RX-7 make the car sound like its alive... I thought it was the dual BOV's, but it aint.


I agree, i have driven some Celica GT-Four's over the last month some stockers and some with after market air filters. The ones with after market filters made a whole load of intake noise so i think its that you are hearing.

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Originally posted by Bobbeh

I wouldnt have thought the stock BOV would start making more noise.. its prolly the air filter making the noises.. my brothers HKS kit in his RX-7 make the car sound like its alive... I thought it was the dual BOV's, but it aint.



It is the stock recirculating bov that can be heard......... made more audible by the open filter

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I was always told it was just the air filter you could hear sucking the air in, as with the stock box its inclosed so you dont really hear anything. Wouldnt thought you would be able to hear the stock BOV anymore, couldnt see how that could be.....


PMSL @ ChrisR......:D

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Thanks for all the advice, i think Matt has got a point, there is more induction noise (a little) you can hear the turbos spool up more and there is a defenate sucking noise, but after i take my foot off the power, there is a big Ptshhhhh, at first i thought it was air sucking from the filter but if your off the power, errrr throttle body is closed so there should be no intake noise, but i can here the ptshh noise,


if fact has anyone seen get away in stockholm 2???? the red escort cossie ??? makes the same noise as my car! when he comes off the power you can here the preasure release which i thought was his BOV,


Anyway i going the drive mongo style today, and see if i can live with the noise!!!! and i should get a chance to see if there is a power diff,


Thanks Agian youve all been very helpful!:)

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Mate, Im pretty sure I can lay my life on the line and tell you it has nothing to do with the stock BOV. I had a HKS filter on mine when I bought it and like you get all the pssstt noises when coming off the pedal, this is just down to the amount of air being sucked in, bit like blowing over the top of a bottle I presume, the harder you blow the slightly different noise you get. Anyway I changed my filter from a HKS type to a Blitz, and even noticed a difference in sound then.


I just cant see how because you have a open filter you can suddenly hear your enclosed, reserculating stock BOV....!!!!!


The stock BOV Im sure doesnt make any noise as its a recirculating BOV, so all it does is release the air back into the system, where as an aftermarket one releases it outside, hence you get an extra ppsssttt.


Someone kick me if this is incorrect.......


/Waits to be stand corrected......

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Originally posted by Ashley Willis

Mate, Im pretty sure I can lay my life on the line and tell you it has nothing to do with the stock BOV.

I just cant see how because you have a open filter you can suddenly hear your enclosed, reserculating stock BOV....!!!!!


The stock BOV Im sure doesnt make any noise as its a recirculating BOV, so all it does is release the air back into the system, where as an aftermarket one releases it outside, hence you get an extra ppsssttt.


Someone kick me if this is incorrect.......


/Waits to be stand corrected......


Hope you're not dying now mate ;) , but it's definatly the stock BOV that can now be heard.

You can't hear it before as it releases pressure straight back into the intake, (re-circulating).

The stock airbox is designed to be quiet, but now that you have a non-stock filter with foam or gauze, sounds can easily be heard.


Consider yourself kicked :):twak:

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Yep, it's a common phenomenomenomenom donchaknow. :p


There's air moving about in the inlet tract as the stock BOV does it's stuff. The noise of this is severely dampened by the massivee stock airbox, remove that and you can hear the turbos and the BOV much more clearly. Good innit?

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Fight Fight Fight Fight......:p


OK, ive spoken to a couple of chaps who started out with stock cars like myself, it seems the BOV can now be heard because, the stock air filter has been replaced, the noise i hear is probaly alot quiter than a propper BOV, however when you come off the power the bov reserculate's and before it couldnt be heard (the Guru's words not mine) because its like having a rag stuffed into a trumpet (stock airbox) and then removing the Rag (new filter), so now when you blow back or presure release, its all down to the lack of sound deadening.............



Me thinks i opened a tin of worms! :p

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You and me both mate, All my experiance is from bikes,


these twin turbo intercooled, bov sqv fcd, blitz controler hks exhaust, GT051, air induction supras etc etc etc.......


are all a bit much for me sometimes, But i find that if a ask enough people, the answer allways wiggles its way to the top, as with bikes lots of people know how it works but only a few of them owen them and win races on them...... etc........:p :baa:

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