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Rev limit....or not as the case may be


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I just "happened" hit 7,400rpm this morning (low throttle load just held open too long!) I was waiting...and waiting for the rev limiter to cut in, but it didn't and I wimped out.


I've got a MINES ECU. This "must" be the reson why I can clear 7,000rpm, just starting to wonder if

a) other owners of my car have "used" the extra rpm :eek:

b) whether there is a rev limit

c) have I just fooked the engine

d) has anyone else found a rev limit? I just want to re-affirm that there is a stock rev limiter and that I'm not looking for something that is not there to be found.


Right...I'm off to think about upgrading the valve springs etc and the fueling to handle 7,500rpm :D



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a. probably


b. yes there will be, probably just beyond where u got to.


c. does it still work or feel any different? i doubt u have. just dont hold it there for long.


d. ive hit stock rev limit and my current car limits at just beyond 7500 rpm.

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Alex, I am sure Nick Phelps' old one with a Mines ECU used to rev to 8K regularly.


I am sure your car is OK. I wouldn't keep it up there for too long as it seems to be a source of FMS failure. Enjoy.

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So how far can I rev it - for short periods of time (say whilst running a 1/4)


I do have mechanical sympathy, but not having to change into 5th at the end of the strip could save me time.


I FULLY RECOGNISE THE STOCK LIMITER WAS THERE FOR A REASON. But seeing as I don't have the stock limiter I need to know after which point to give myself a flogging. :)


Also, what could I now do to safely hit the limiter?

Full engine re-build (ie Alex give up now)?

Stronger valve springs?

Just remove weight from the Pistons and Conrods (I don't mean milling out great big chunks!!!

Short stroke crank?


ideas would be great....but I have a feeling I should give up now! :D

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IMO its prob right out of its power band at thosr revs and th eonly reasont to rev it that high is so it doesnt drop out of the power band/boost when you change gear , but there again turbo engines like to be loaded up so you may well be 'defeating the object' . I dont think mine goes past the stock redline with its MINES , but i'll have a go on the way to work if you want and report back .

John:flame Dev

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Originally posted by Alex Holdroyd

So how far can I rev it - for short periods of time (say whilst running a 1/4)


I do have mechanical sympathy, but not having to change into 5th at the end of the strip could save me time.



5th?! :eek: What sort of gearing do you have, I never even get out of 3rd!



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The gearing for the first 4 gears maybe shorter.


I don't normally get out of 4th...but should I get more power on line it will be a close run thing.


7,300 rpm it is then, I know it's out of it's power band but its certainly better than having to lift of and change gear!

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Originally posted by Thor

Alex, I reckon 500 rpm over stock, so 7300 rpm.


Glen - Flash Git!


My rev limiter kicks in at about 7100rpm? The rev counter is slightly inaccurate according to the Apexi unit, and the peak hold has shown 7090rpm after the rev limiter has kicked in (wheelspin in 2nd...) and I've ragged it to 7060rpm racing Angie up the Pod strip (and losing, sob, damn my lack of traction). So, on a j-spec 6spd, is that the stock rev limiter point or has something changed it....?



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I see what you are saying, but these are readings from the Apexi unit, not the rev counter, and the rev counter reads over and above what the Apexi thingy is showing. I'm more inclined to trust a digital readout of a digital signal, especially as it's the expected 'slightly below the analogue' reading.

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Originally posted by Thor

Ian, not sure if that was directed at me. I do know the looking at a laptop & the Rev counter that there is a 300ish RPM discrepency. I am sure your digital readout is near enough spot on.


Sorry, yes it was, Oh Large Hammered One :) I'm not big on the 'quote' thang.


It was the maths involved - you told Alex that 500rpm more than stock was plausible, i.e. 7300rpm, which makes stock = 6800rpm, and your rev counter reads 300rpm over, which means stock shows 7100rpm on your rev counter at the limit, which is the rpm I gave for when my limiter kicks in, except I meant that the *digital* readout gives that (I have no idea what the rev counter is showing at the time). So I thought you were telling me "yes, you will see 7100rpm but in fact your limiter is kicking in at the stock value of 6800 because the rev counter overreads", so I laughably thought I would clarify where I got the reading from and how accurate it was before anyone got confused. not much chance of that happening, eh? :looney: :looney:



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Originally posted by GavinL

Has anyone confirmed that their rev counter reads correctly?


Valid point, I wouldn't trust the standard rev counter on any car, mine often reads 400-500rpm over at 9000rpm, when the rev limiter is raised I expect it to see 10K (but only be doing 9500)

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Hi Thor.


It may seem like that but I assure you NOT having a rev limiter is asking for trouble. Bit like not checking your oil regulary and having no EGT gauge.


Just asking for trouble and I never found out it didn't have one still I sticked it the first time. No other way of knowing if you've got a limiter I suppose is their?


See Ya.



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Originally posted by TOKYO

Until my new ECU turns up my rev limiter is my common sense and mechanical sympathy :D :D .




I assume you are getting a Power FC, that seems to be what a lot of you big power boys are running.

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