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The mkiv Supra Owners Club

Maximum annual mileage


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Just curious in this day and age if anyone uses their Supra a lot, perhaps 10K miles a year or something.


I used to do this in the old days but suspect most owners usage has dropped off a cliff, very few owners where it's their only car, talking of winter sorning for many etc.


I never used to see that many on the roads but seem to see very few these days.

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It does seem a shame they are mainly laid up these days, I had cause to use mine a bit more than normal last week and really enjoyed it despite it being mainly just dull commuting.


I'm going to try and rattle through the niggly jobs I need to do in the spring and then actually use and enjoy it a bit more I think...

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I've covered nearing on 100k miles in my Supra. I used to do 12k miles a year, now more like 200 miles.


I'd probably do more if it were sunny, pleasantly warm and dry more often than it is for the 6 months the car is taxed. I find these days I'm drawn towards my Range Rover when I leave the house as it is a very comfortable place to be. Its true though that others (all males from 5 years up) do like seeing the Supra being used and other drivers are often keen to converse whilst waiting at lights so maybe we owe it to the rest of mankind to get the cars out more often than we actually do.

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.......200 miles with all that sparkly new suspension tut tut :D


I know. Its never run better. All new OE suspension and bushes. Overhauled brakes. Recent new intercooler and clutch (its amazing the difference they made to restoring the cars performance, you don't really notice it fading away over the years until you renew some parts). Chassis tune. Note to self, take the Supra on the annual road trip rather than the MGB roadster this year. I am going to look at an MGC roadster on Saturday though, if I buy that the temptation might be too much to resist for a MGC road trip. Too many cars, that is part of the problem.

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8500km (5.3k miles) between this year's and last year's MOT. It will be more than that next year because it was parked up a few months last winter. I drive to work every day, including today in the snow, and have taken it down to cornwall and back a few times on holidays. Might as well enjoy it while I can, it's not a show car.

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As a side note - one thing that actually puts me off driving the soup is the sheer amount of traffic on the road. On many roads at weekends etc to get over 30/40/50 in a 10 mile journey is actually difficult.


And on the roads where you can give it a little blast they are always hotspots for mobile vans


I know the supra is a good GT car but my fun comes from a good blast

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As a side note - one thing that actually puts me off driving the soup is the sheer amount of traffic on the road. On many roads at weekends etc to get over 30/40/50 in a 10 mile journey is actually difficult.


And on the roads where you can give it a little blast they are always hotspots for mobile vans


I know the supra is a good GT car but my fun comes from a good blast


I used to live in Reading and I always recall one weekend sunny day I took my then black beauty MkIII Turbo for a blast. We are talking 25 years ago here. Into Oxfordshire doing an A road loop towards Oxford swinging around to Henley and back into Caversham. I got out of the car physically shaking because I'd frightened myself so much, a great I'm really alive feeling. It was one of those driver harmony moments when it was a driving dream. Fast forward to today if I were to repeat the process and there are 2.5 times as many cars on the road. Oxfordshire has 30mph and 40mph speed limits everywhere and anyone who knows the area will like me wonder why when there are hedges hiding fields on both side of the road. Back in the day there were lots of three lane A roads, now converted to double white lines for miles and miles.


Radar 25 years ago was a copper pointing a gun looking rather sheepish trying to hide behind a tree. Its all a lot more sophisticated today. There just isn't the scope to get blasting like there used to be. I now sub the 100mph 'A' road blasting with lets take that bend at 35mph with foot flat to the floor in my MGB and do a bit of tyre squeal and tramping to get my driving thrills. I do often still recall that Supra day I really frightened myself though with a big grin, it was great and although lots of other road users were passed by at some considerable speed, none were harmed in the process.


All drivers have to look forward to now, in the coming years, are the new GPS location speed adherence offerings mandated by the EU from 2022. What joy awaits in a controlled driving environment where dashobards will bing at you for being reckless and propulsion power will be cut if you ever dare to venture over the prescribed, for your safety, speed limit. I can imagine the moment in 2040 there will be owners of then 65 year old MkIV Supras grinning madly as there blast past traffic at 10mph over the speed limit.

Edited by rider (see edit history)
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