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The mkiv Supra Owners Club

Owning an old supra makes you "green".


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Hi Guys, Yes we are technically "Green" with these cars and have a small "Carbon Footprint". This status is based on us looking after and restoring instead of buying a new car, we also in the majority of cases do low annual mileages etc.


I know that most Club members will not have purchased their Supra to be considered "green", but it is better than people thinking we are posers or hairdressers etc.


The theory the "Global Warming" Scientists have, i agree with, which is that "design obsolescence" and a "throw away society" are not "green", due to the carbon dioxide produced by scrapping things and then re-manufacturing things. If you visit your local tip it is amazing what items get thrown away, some of the push bikes just have a puncture or some thing.


I realize with some things a replacement is the only way forward, but with most major domestic items a repair is possible, all be it i have a friend who told me many items currently are deliberetly designed such that they cannot be repaired.


The real problem the "greens" will have is the fact that a capitalistic society have a very different ethos, based on, more, more, more, which adds to their wealth. What do you think? Herbie.

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no way a Supra is green lol


We done an emissions test on a RR sport 5.0ltr supercharged and a 1993 1.6 Honda


The range Rover was cleaner lol


I reckon most single turbo Supras that do 100 miles will have the same carbon foot print to a morden 1.6 petrol which has done 60k miles lol

Edited by mplavery (see edit history)
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Yes. We should all be driving around in old classics when you consider the ecological footprint of build a new car and scrapping an old one. Way more damage than the thing is putting out running it.

Wait until we're having to deal with thousands of dead Tesla batteries.

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Hi Pete, Good point, my key message is about the "throw away society", and i am just saying that Supra owners in the main are keepers and improvers and have a low "carbon footprint", equally i accept that some owners buy a new car every 2 years and cover 30,000 miles per year and pay the same road tax as people covering 5,000 miles per year.

As i stated in my thread i realize that most of us bought our Supras with no thought of the way the current "green lobby" is progressing.

Your point about the batteries is correct and most people do not realize the hidden CO2 produced in the manufacture and the 73% fossil fueled electricity, generated to power electric cars.

At the end of the day we in the UK are just tickling this subject and understandably it is being driven by global extremes of weather, but IMHO unless the world does not get the USA, China, Russia and India on board, then the whole thing is a farce. Herbie.

Edited by herbiemercman (see edit history)
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Mine's white though, not green.


I'm convinced Global Warmism has been turned into a moneymaking scheme by big business and the government. It's a good excuse to raise taxes and make themselves more money to buy more yachts and castles with. As you say, India China and USA are doing significantly more than us, and Africa will be within the next 50 years too. I read somewhere that the 10 biggest container ships create as much pollution as every car on earth so that goes to show how little impact people have as individuals.

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The carbon footprint of building a green Tesla is a massive. Besides the lithium mining issue isn't sustainable for more than 15 years as there isn't enough to fuel cars, tablets, phones etc. Hydrogen is the way forward but is being ignored due to current difficulty in Hydrogen production.

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Hi Scooter, If we wanted to dig right down to the hub of the demise of our planet, then "Overpopulation" is the total root cause. Every human being wants air, water and food, this was in the "beginning" if you have studied "Maslow's Needs Hyrachy", (man leaving his cave) etc, basically it means we start off with the essentials and then as "Hurtzburg" stated "Man is Greedy", i guess it includes women as well.

Evolution of science and technology and the advancements in medical health, and globelisation, has made all humans lives better, BUT unwittingly we have ignored the consequences of the planet killer, "Overpopulation.

Understandably everyone wants materialistic things, and a luxury life, you cannot blame the mega overpopulated parts of the world queing up to enter Europe,USA and our mega overpopulated island with it's congested roads,hospitals and schools and dentists waiting lists, city polution rules, etc. The people that ran the job just sat in their "ivory towers" and let this happen, applauded by the business share holders who benefited from the extra sales of cars, houses, etc.

Anyway scooter hope you are right it may not happen in our life time and i don't think anyone in the Government etc would go there, IMO the earth itself will take care of it. Herbie.

Edited by herbiemercman (see edit history)
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The thing with the internal combustion engine its a double edge sword

A. your burning fossil fuels and putting toxins in the air

B. your using oxygen to burn the fossil fuel.


so your putting in bad stuff and taking away the good ! this is were a electric car is a better option as it can be made in many ways that have little environmental impact ,wind ,solar, hydro IE wave and dams

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Hi Scooter and thanks for the link, it shows quite technically that there has been some high tech phillosofers predicting the mathematical certainties and the extrapolation of where we are heading. I also noticed that on the top of his list of possible ways of trying to divert a world famine etc, was a global "Contraception" plan, time will tell, but it seems like it will be a great pity that the world did not follow his predictions back then.

I take mellonman's point about the all electric car,s pollution level "V" the ICE engine powered cars, however if you look at the worlds sources of pollution, then the change to the electric cars is a "drop in the ocean".


Anyway on a lighter note i like driving my rocket ship and i like a couple of Stellas after i have got back, just a bit of hypocracy. Herbie.

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Hi Pete, Yes i did, it means the situation is not qulatative, it is a scientific fact, stretched, ( extrapolated), to portray the ultimate outcome.


Perhaps you should close this thread now as i was "tongue in cheek" about doing a doom and gloom thread, but time will tell that this may be an accurate hypothesis.? May be scooter and one or two others may agree. Herbie.

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In a nutshell the guy was saying that growth at a certain % means ultimately the planet would get at some point to one of us per sqm. Now in practice it won't but the reasons it won't, ie famine, war, natural disasters will at some point intervene and we will get a balance.....but we are highly unlikely to reign ourselves in before this balance point so will overshoot and pay the price.


1960 3 Billion 1999 6 Billion so doubled in 40 years! So if you make everything we use energy for twice as efficient in 40 years then you'll only have broken even due to the population increase and you even if that was achievable through some not yet known technology it's not like you can endless increase efficiency.


When you consider that a recession is seen as about the worse news we can get as a country, and that a recession is considered as 2 quarters of negative growth (however minor) you can see that zero or negative growth is an unpopular goal/outlook/policy hence the overshoot.


Even if an enlightened country or two decided on some measures it's unlikely that it would make a difference globally? Besides the Chinese did that one child only thing and were totally slated for it as a policy....


I'm not sure what you can do to stop it, but living on an Island with not too harsh a climate, plentiful water and reasonably above sea level we will probably be better off than most!?

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Problem with the Chinese one child policy is it doesn't work with the current financial model as there wouldn't then be enough workers to contribute to society in either a monetary (pay for pensions, NHS etc) or looking after the ageing population, so the the system would go into recession for a long time, which the government/big business would not allow. The Capitalist system of growth only works with expanding population, increased building, increased car production etc etc.

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Scooter and Annabella, Very good points you make and well put.

I suggested to Pete that it might be time to let my thread die down but to date it has not fallen into banter and jokularity so may be members can see this is an interesting and unavoidably daunting subject. I was a bit concerned that my initial thread which was light hearted may develop into mockery.

Changing the subject my beast is running superbly following its replacement cylinder head gasket, it seems like it is quicker than before, may be a plasebo effect, but it was worth the hard work. Herbie.

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