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The mkiv Supra Owners Club

Do you track your car spendings somehow?


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Hi guys!

I am pondering creating an app for tracking car spendings. For a proof of concept, I would love to learn what are your habits here.


It would help me a ton if you could just dedicate 3-5 mins to answer the questions below:


1. Do you write down somewhere car-related transactions? (if no - just answer NO and that's all I need :) If so - please answer YES and go to 3 more questions below)


2. What kind of spendings do you write down? (all of them, or maybe just fuel, or just major works, or...?)


3. What tool do you use (Excel, some mobile app, web service...?)


4. For what purpose do you use the collected data? (is it getting back to the information on what was done to the car & when? is it to compare two or more cars in terms of cost generating? for personal budgeting? any other reason?)



Any input highly appreciated :) Chances are good, this will contribute to creating something cool and useful :)

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If I thought about purchase prices of the cars, maintenance, tyres, brakes, modifications......I think I would be pretty upset. If you chuck on fuel, tax, insurance and depreciation, I would be suicidal.....:D


Better of not knowing and just enjoying.



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I choose to forget what I've spent. That way, when the missus asks, I can say "I don't know" and I know I'm not lying.


I don't really care what I've spent though to be honest. It's irrelevant as I would've likely wasted the money on some other shit. I've learnt so much during vehicle ownership, which I consider invaluable, and the grin factor makes it all worth it



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I am currently getting my car back up and running to its former glory. MIssing alot of parts sadly and motor and well alot other stuff. So from the day I purchased it, the receipt of that transaction and every part paid for via ebay and fb on paypal and courier fees from around the world. Every page I am keeping in a file so I can see if I shot myself in the foot at the end of the day or not. Take note, finding a supra in my country is somewhat rare. People are selling cars that cannot be registered or have no papers either n/a auto or n/a manual cars for like $15 000 or more.

I have always kept info in sleeves or in a file for future reference to parts or as proof to show of history in terms of maintenance. Some people if buying a car feel relieved to know the car they buying was well taken care of.

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I keep all reciepts, paypal transaction printouts, ebay printouts and always staple my printed recipets to the a4 copy along with any import documents. Have done since 2013 and i got quite a pile :D


Ive also kept track of every single thing i do to the car...whats been done and dated..1 file for each year.


I also have a a3 scrapbook and print and add my photos at the end if each year

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If I thought about purchase prices of the cars, maintenance, tyres, brakes, modifications......I think I would be pretty upset. If you chuck on fuel, tax, insurance and depreciation, I would be suicidal.....:D


Better of not knowing and just enjoying.




I'm with you on this bud,i am the same with my musical gear,amps pedals,guitars,i dread to think what iv'e spent over the years,so luckily I don't know:)

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Hahah, clearly it comes down to the type of person each of us is. :D Some do (and always will) gather the data, analyze it, make lists, etc. (that's me) - while others hate that (my wife, for instance ;) ).


I just want to know how much (in general) this or that car costs me. How much of this are repairs? and fuel? what are the average monthly spendings? average cost per mile driven? total cost of particular modification project? and so on.


So from the day I purchased it, the receipt of that transaction and every part paid for via ebay and fb on paypal and courier fees from around the world. Every page I am keeping in a file so I can see if I shot myself in the foot at the end of the day or not. Take note, finding a supra in my country is somewhat rare. People are selling cars that cannot be registered or have no papers either n/a auto or n/a manual cars for like $15 000 or more.

I have always kept info in sleeves or in a file for future reference to parts or as proof to show of history in terms of maintenance. Some people if buying a car feel relieved to know the car they buying was well taken care of.

I keep all reciepts, paypal transaction printouts, ebay printouts and always staple my printed recipets to the a4 copy along with any import documents. Have done since 2013 and i got quite a pile


Ive also kept track of every single thing i do to the car...whats been done and dated..1 file for each year.


I also have a a3 scrapbook and print and add my photos at the end if each year

I can relate to this, TOTALLY... Personally, I like tracking category of each transaction (whether it was maintenance, repair, mods...) but at the same time I want to know if that were fuel, parts, a 3rd party service and so on. To complicate further, I sometimes bundle a number of transactions into 'projects'...


Because of this I cannot switch to some nice app and get rid of the spreadsheets so far. And even though they are pretty cumbersome to use, all the apps I tried were not even close to what I was looking for (most of them is focused on fuel consumption :rolleyes:)

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I have categories


Materials & tools

Reciept & non reciept parts

Mechanic work


I dont tracket fuel, mot or tax. However i could add tax and mot to the list but those are recorded from past documents. I also print the online reciepts for tax and staple it to my reminder forms to. But dont count the cost.

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Haha, looks like Supra communities (I asked the same question on another forum) are more than others unwilling to know what they spend on their cars :D Like I said, there will always be people who do not want to bother, and some group (likely minority) who will track every penny. I think it is not as much about the money as it is about the type of brain you have :)

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