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V161 prices???


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I found a v161 gearbox for sale for 4k comes with brand new SYNCHRONIZER rings.

The seller told me it has a problem with synch.. on gear 3.

I don't know much about gearboxes is that serious problem?

I will post a photo with the synchronizer rings included.20180110_172105.png

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You might struggle to find a place that’s willing to disassemble and rebuild your box with the new sychros here in the UK. £4K for a box that needs them doing might not be the most cost effective move.


I remember picking up a V161 in 2004 for £500 :), how times have changed.

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Utterly insane money for a used gearbox, insane.


You can buy two 6 speed Adton Martin DB9 manual gearboxes for the price of a Supra one :D


Thankfully these prices won't last long now, the various gearbox conversions have come on a long way, and the new ring and pinion gears will mean the T56 finally becomes suitable for these cars.

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Makes me laugh when a used ZF box for my track E36 is 80 quid. And going back a year the 530D box was 3 or 400. I bought a Chaser R154 for 500 quid about 4 years ago.

I get the rarity, and robustness, I really do. But should be worth a couple of grand max especially with unknown mileages/histories and limited repair options. But its standard Supra stuff, someone asks what its worth - 3 goons say *5 grand* and so it becomes law.

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Makes me laugh when a used ZF box for my track E36 is 80 quid. And going back a year the 530D box was 3 or 400. I bought a Chaser R154 for 500 quid about 4 years ago.

I get the rarity, and robustness, I really do. But should be worth a couple of grand max especially with unknown mileages/histories and limited repair options. But its standard Supra stuff, someone asks what its worth - 3 goons say *5 grand* and so it becomes law.


I agree a bit but it’s mainly down to supply and demand and the v160/1 demand has always outstripped supply. It’s a sellers market.

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When the t56 sees 700 it’s finished


700 what?


There are countless Corvettes, Mustangs, Vipers, Camaros etc in the states running FAR in excess of 700hp / 700lb/ft through the t56 magnum. You can even buy uprated parts off the shelf is the stock magnum isnt up to the job.


And if you do break one? They can be rebuilt easily, and parts are relatively cheap. A brand new magnum is cheaper than a used v161.

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If you are after top dollar for your Sup in years to come, and that’s the end goal after ownership then stick to the factory equipment.


I love my TT6’s, nice and fun at stock levels on the twistys and great fun/all rounder at BPU, but then again I don’t have a hankering for more power than I can handle by going single.


Still agree that the prices as of late for these boxes have been inflated a bit too much, but I guess that’s the current trend.

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I've been told that V160/161 transmissions are in stock at Toyota in Germany, brand new for around 21.400 £...


Also i've been told that it's the same trans which is sitting in the Skyline R34 apart from the clutch housing and transfer case - though i don't have any experience with it myself! :)

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700 what?


There are countless Corvettes, Mustangs, Vipers, Camaros etc in the states running FAR in excess of 700hp / 700lb/ft through the t56 magnum. You can even buy uprated parts off the shelf is the stock magnum isnt up to the job.


And if you do break one? They can be rebuilt easily, and parts are relatively cheap. A brand new magnum is cheaper than a used v161.


After the 700ftlb mark, they have to have the upgraded parts you mentioned mate, as stock parts start to wear and fail after that.


I agree it’s a good option people may get, but if you’ve already got a v160/161 then it might be better to rebuild if any issues arise to keep the value and identity of the car. Although that is a extortionate expense in its self.


The prices are crazy, but people must remember they are getting rarer and rarer now, my issue is the charge of the new spare parts people

Make for the v160/161 charging a fortune.

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If the car is origionly a v-box then i can see why people would want to keep it that way, but i see people saving up for years to then swap a w58 for a v-box, that i cant really understand with the more affordable and in some cases better options available which will still add £££ to the car over the w58

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As far as I'm aware, the V161 had uprated syncro rings compared to the V160 as Toyota must have realised there was an issue. The syncro issues I've seen over the years tend to be on the V160 not the V161.



If it is definitely a V161 (some late V160s have the same uprated outer casing so it can be difficult to tell) the fact it's got an issue might suggest its had quite a hard/misused life.

Edited by Dr_Doom (see edit history)
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the fact it's got an issue might suggest its had quite a hard/misused life.


This is the problem with all of them. They are VERY durable gearboxes, but you just dont know how its been treated. There are plenty of cases of people buying supposed low miles getrag boxes (funny how all the ones that come up for sale are low mileage...), only to have them whine and crunch when installed.


I would have to drive the donor car before I'd even consider forking out £4k on a used one.

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I've been told that V160/161 transmissions are in stock at Toyota in Germany, brand new for around 21.400 £...


Also i've been told that it's the same trans which is sitting in the Skyline R34 apart from the clutch housing and transfer case - though i don't have any experience with it myself! :)






Very fortunate having this then in the car:)

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  • 8 months later...
, albeit similar price with all the bits in it, about 5/6k


But in the future he can easily have it rebuilt, or buy a brand ndw replacement box for much less than a used v161. He can get hold of alternative gear sets. In many respects, it is a no brainer.


I assume theyre using sime form of electronic signal fudger tk sort the speedo though? And what readily abailable clutches are there for it which can hold good power, and remain pleasent to drive?


Whose done it? That tuner who must not be named seemed tk be pushing this swap a while back.

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