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Fag end cameras ?


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at work smokers are aloowe 5 mins every so long for a smoke but none smokers are victamised for not been a smoker. i tried half a cig when i was at school,made me dizzy made my breath taste horrid and makes your cloths smell with stale smoke. cant see the point of it all myself. when the goverment driving up costs of cigs to get people to stop they losing so much tax they have to get it elsewhere like motorists.

they always thinking of nerw ways to get money out of you.

if they wanted to stop people smoking put up price to £10 a packet. mind you i bet everybody knows people who smoking cigs from outside the uk.


seems a bit crazy about them fining you when there are people doing far worse things driving.

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WOW....lot of strong feelings here, rightly so.

Im bang to rights for littering, no argument there although I hope an apology may stave off the firing squad....sad thing is I dont throw fag ends out of the window, I use the ash tray - not because Im worried that there will be cars going off like bombs everytime I throw one out, but because I dont want the fag end coming back in and burning my carpet or melting my genuine leatherette rear seat. Im up against someone elses word here, and who knows, maybe I did do it subconciously without thinking.


As to smoking itself....I want to stop....help me please

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at work smokers are aloowe 5 mins every so long for a smoke but none smokers are victamised for not been a smoker. .


My GF is a non smoker and along with all the other non smokers she works with have just been given a £5 per month bonus (before tax). This apparently is to compensate the non smokers for working more hours than the smokers but for fukc sake £5 that an insult!!!


The smokers have a 15 min break 4 times a day so theoretically that works out they get nearly 3 days off a month. - doesn't sound fair does it ?!?!


Surely thats discrimination against non smokers ? as well as a smack in the face.


P.s... i've never touched the stuff, can't stand the smell. Now alcohol....thats totally different...or is it ? :taped:

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Sorry mate, but whether or not you wait for there to be no witnesses, you are still littering, just forget for a moment that it's a cigarette butt. Granted you've aleady shown more consideration than most by waiting, but that's not the real point here.


This thread started as a littering summons, and has turned into an anti-smoking rant. Well I think that sums up too many peoples attitudes to smoking, and that it's "OK" to litter cigarette butts.


It's not OK.



You're absolutely right, it is littering and it's illegal, same as throwing your sweet wrappers/soft drink tins etc on the ground or out of the window.

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The smokers have a 15 min break 4 times a day so theoretically that works out they get nearly 3 days off a month. - doesn't sound fair does it ?!?!


I've never heard of this before, must be a civil service establishment then, were the unions rule.


I've always worked through my lunch and any other offical break periods to compensate for the 30 minutes a day I might spend outside smoking.

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At least Its not a motoring offence....


I wasnt caught eating a Kit-Kat or burger at the wheel, as in other recent successful convictions - a particular soap-box subject of mine, as Im amazed at how these activities along with mobile phones are considered dangerous whilst its perfectly legal to use sat-nav or car hi-fi's, and what about BMW I-Drive (all require eyes-off-road operation)...no sensible consistancy.


AND....25% of road accidents involving cars are caused by drink-drivers, which means obviously 75% are caused by non drink-drivers...pick the statistics out of that one. (no Im not being serious)


AND....throwing chewing gum on the floor...far worse than bio-degradable butt ends


AND....smoking....I didnt start untill I was 26, around the time I started working for Sunsqueakers

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I have to confess to still smoking...occasionally only its cigars...'Big Fat Ones' its awful its like having a C**k in your mouth. (not that I know what thats like !.its supposed to help me quit...but hasn't quite worked yet..


I also confess to throwing huge unsmoked cigars out of my window..userly when BMW Convertables are passing..just a coincidence I can assure you..


But yep I agree..its bad..unlucky to get done for it coz we all do it..I remember when i used to have a DT125 and no visor..and i got a couple flies in my eyes and had to stop from 80 miles per hour it was scary..I think anyone who dosn't have a visor on a bike is mad, plus all family related deaths have been smoking related including my own parents so although I smoke occasionally...I would like to see it banned as much as possible!



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What makes me laugh is when a smoker comes to your desk straight after a fag break and you, being a non-smoker, go "facking hell, you've just had a fag then" and hide your nose in your shirt like an impromptu respirator, and they think you are psychic or something! "But.. but.. how could you tell?!"




PS it's even better if they then say "but I've had a mint!" chortle

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Personally I think that there's way too much of a "smokers are all evil" mentality now. Example: they shut the smoking room at work even though it was far enough away from everywhere else to be no problem to non-smokers (it did stink, but if you decide to go in there that's the choice you make). That then forced all the smokers outside.... then they got rid of the outside ash-trays! WTF? How long will it be before they start moaning at people for dropping cig ends on the floor, they've left them with no other choice!


Smoking IS a bad habit, it does kill you, it's antisocial and wrong to force other people to breathe your smoke...... but why are the ones who are trying to be polite and considerate about it being punished? :shrug:


Rant over as I've seriously :dir: :D

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