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Are Supe Drivers getting the mentality of BM drivers?

Guest chiefvinso

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Big question - do any other jap turbo owners wave at you?


I've given the thumbs up to a few R34 and R33 owners, a couple of modded scoobys and a few 300zxs (yeah yeah I know). Only 1 or 2 have ever waved back, but I actually had a 300zx owner give the thumbs up to me on Eastern Road as he pulled away from the lights on the other side (which is what started me doing it).


I think RX7 owners are the most responsive, had a few of them give a reply thumb up - shame these cars always seems to be going the other way though!!



The day I picked up my current mk1 I was trundling along the M4 and this sporty red car on the inside lane was doing about 50mpg....it was a sooped up RX-7. hhoooooggge wheels and exhaust. i gave him the thumbs up and he nodded in acknowledgment. RX-7's are even more rare on the roads.

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Big question - do any other jap turbo owners wave at you?

I got a good long look from a lass in a lovely white Skyline a few days back. I was bit embarassed TBH. She had the faster car and I looked like a contender for an appearance on Ten Years younger.


Always nod at anyone in a slightly modified Jap car. Except for Scooby owners.

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The BMW stigma is just being played over and over again. I agree there are a lot of loosers who don't give a crap about other people on the road BMW/Merc/Ford/Skoda it don't matter what car - a nob is a nob.


Here is an example and yes it happens to be a BMW driver......


Going to work last week on the motorway. Move to the OVERTAKING lane to do just that. As I am overtaking a rover 75 thing I see a maroon/red saloon coming at pace in my rear view mirror. I had nothing infront of me for some distance and I could of just sped off easily but no I move over as I am not in a rush. The car was a 406 pug and he whips past at about a ton.

I carry on and 2 mins later I am in the middle lane moving with traffic and then I catch up to the pug 406 and infront of him is an X5 black (Nice Too).


Did not think anything of it just thought there is a line of cars infront of the X5 driver and we are doing about 70. The pug guy is moving from the left side to the right to look past the X5. I am at this point starting to get to them.

As we are going downhill a bit I see nothing infront of the X5. He is just staying the outside lane not letting the 406 overtake. Whe there is nothing in the middle lane the X5 speeds up to about 110 at which poin the guy seemed to struggle to keep up in his pug.

I come up a couple of car lengths behind the 406, the X5 guy is not going to move into a space to let this guy past - why I do not know and don't want to know :shrug:


This happened like 3/4 times the X5 could of moved over into a space in the middle lane big enough to fit an articulated lorry. So the X5 is staying at 80 when there is traffic in the middle lane and when there is a clearing he goes back to 110.

So Supra to the rescue as I thought you absolute w****r! I head at speed (when there is a clearing in the middle lane) to the 406 and he see's me and moves over. I wave and point to my rear.

I flash the X5 and he starts trying to pull away. He gets to a certain speed and is no longer pulling much and of course I am there. The X5 finally moves over and I pull up next to him but I do not overtake.

The 406 catches up and the X5 starts to slow down as there is traffic in the middle lane. I slow down also as I know he will pull back out behind me. I just slow down too till we are near the traffic in the middle lane and the 406 is behind me with little room for X5 dude to pull out. Once in position for me and 406 I boot it and move back over and resume normal driving. 406 goes past and X5 stays where he is? :shrug: :limp:


Sorry for the long post.. As for the waving I do for club spirit and to be friendly. I don't expect a response from everyone though.



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In my younger days (not quite an old fart yet but on my way!) I used to ride bikes. Out on the country roads having a blast you see another biker and you give them the bikers nod. In France you kick your left leg out. But if you did it in London....you'd be nofdding your head more than the Churchill dog, and people would think you as rather strange.

I found that odd. could never understand why no one nodded back when i went past :(, but now i understand it's just a London thing.


I always wave at other Sup drivers coz i think there's not many of us out there and we're all part of the same gang. Mini drivers do it, so why shouldn't we.

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It's in our heritage to be polite. I still say 'Good Morning' to passers by when I'm out walking in the countryside etc etc....I always get a friendly reply......

Even when I clean the car and people walk by....sometimes you have a chat......I like people being polite like that.

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Why do we compare our Supras (a type of car from a manufacturer) to BMWs (a manufacturer) ?


Surely we should compare Supras to the 6 series or a BMW type. Or Toyota to BMW holistically.


Interesting . . .


Good point!


I have always wondered that!


The last time i visited Toyota..when I had a UK a noticed a banner on their desk saying Approved 'Toyota' 'Lexus' and 'Supra' almost as if at one point Toyota had wished or attempted to brand the 'Supra' as seperate brand from the rest :innocent:

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How would you know if someone was wearing a rolex anyway? It's not the kind of thing I look for when walking down the road - whereas you can't easily miss a Supra!!


Trev, I'm not sure you've fully grasped the nature of an analogy :D


Actually, I don't see any differece between Supra owners and Rolex owners in this context. People like to form groups and feel affiliations. Any excuse will do: in our case it's a particular make of car. For others, it's keeping hamsters or listening to a type of music or whatever.


Nothing the matter with that.


People first identify themselves as a member of a group (call them 'Supra devotees') and then follow the group norm ('wave at other Supra devotees'). But although owning a Supra may appear to make you a devotee- group member, actually it doesn't. Although it will be news to some on here........guess what? There's a whole world out there that knows nothing about brand-loyalty based social groups. There are people that don't know that they bought an automatic allegiance to anyone with the same product. There are others who do know this, but reject it anyway as a bit silly.


So Supra-devotees group members wave at people who look like other Supra-devotees group members and get offended and a wee bit hurt because the group norm has been broken. And the usual round of insults we pour on any out-group or rule-breaker begin. The other people don't know they're in the group, or choose not to be. This does not make them unfriendly, arrogant, or - Heaven forbid - middle-aged.

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Trev, I'm not sure you've fully grasped the nature of an analogy :D


Actually, I don't see any differece between Supra owners and Rolex owners in this context. People like to form groups and feel affiliations. Any excuse will do: in our case it's a particular make of car. For others, it's keeping hamsters or listening to a type of music or whatever.


Nothing the matter with that.


People first identify themselves as a member of a group (call them 'Supra devotees') and then follow the group norm ('wave at other Supra devotees'). But although owning a Supra may appear to make you a devotee- group member, actually it doesn't. Although it will be news to some on here........guess what? There's a whole world out there that knows nothing about brand-loyalty based social groups. There are people that don't know that they bought an automatic allegiance to anyone with the same product. There are others who do know this, but reject it anyway as a bit silly.


So Supra-devotees group members wave at people who look like other Supra-devotees group members and get offended and a wee bit hurt because the group norm has been broken. And the usual round of insults we pour on any out-group or rule-breaker begin. the other people don't know they're in the group, or choose not to be. This does not make them unfriendly, arrogant, or - Heaven forbid - middle-aged.



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Trev, I'm not sure you've fully grasped the nature of an analogy :D


Actually, I don't see any differece between Supra owners and Rolex owners in this context. People like to form groups and feel affiliations. Any excuse will do: in our case it's a particular make of car. For others, it's keeping hamsters or listening to a type of music or whatever.


Nothing the matter with that.


People first identify themselves as a member of a group (call them 'Supra devotees') and then follow the group norm ('wave at other Supra devotees'). But although owning a Supra may appear to make you a devotee- group member, actually it doesn't. Although it will be news to some on here........guess what? There's a whole world out there that knows nothing about brand-loyalty based social groups. There are people that don't know that they bought an automatic allegiance to anyone with the same product. There are others who do know this, but reject it anyway as a bit silly.


So Supra-devotees group members wave at people who look like other Supra-devotees group members and get offended and a wee bit hurt because the group norm has been broken. And the usual round of insults we pour on any out-group or rule-breaker begin. The other people don't know they're in the group, or choose not to be. This does not make them unfriendly, arrogant, or - Heaven forbid - middle-aged.


Beautifully put :clap:

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Personally I think there will always be a difference between the average BMW driver and the average Supe driver...


Ok so there will always be people will own both and there will always be exceptions but in general I find that there is an air of unnecessary snobbishness with BMW drivers which is completely unfounded, especially since they are “belly button” cars (every body has one). I don’t think many BMW drivers bother to wave at each other, do you?


The majority of beemer owners are interested in the status and image, not the uniqueness, the driving, the technical aspects and the modding... It’s a completely different mentality!


I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve seen bad driving and it’s been a BMW, it’s like some sort of “arrogant” driving attitude.


At least in anything BPU+ or better you can rest assured no BMW is going to seriously bother you and if it did it’s going to have been several times to cost.


I also disagree that you have to work harder in the supe, having had the misfortune of driving some BMWs IMHO the average one handles lack a sack of potatoes, more tail happy than the supe with shoddy tires!


Ok as I said, there will always be exceptions but think of it like this:


If we all owned BMWs our arms would have dropped off from all the ‘waving’ by now. Even if we picked a particular model that wouldn’t really make a difference. TBH they all look the same anyway. We'd soon be bored of that and this forum would be nothing like as interesting and diverse as it is!


It’s good to be different, even better when you pick something better than most of the also-rans!


The majority of supe owners would bother to wave when they can, the vast majority of beemer owners wouldn’t even notice each other…


sorry for long post!

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Trev, I'm not sure you've fully grasped the nature of an analogy :D


I do understand what an analogy is, I was just trying to make a point that your one sucked! TBH a better one would be to compare Supra owners with house owners, there must be some logic in the thinking that neighbours are more likely to chat not purely because of thier proximity but also because they live in the same residential style of house/street, they may look down on people in council houses/bungalows/terraces/motorhomes etc.


I don't understand any links between rolex owners as I don't happen to be in that social class!! I'm sure a percentage of them would stop to chat with someone who owns the same model watch as them - certainly more so than someone with a Casio! But that's not the point.




I agree with everything else in your last post though, nicely put. However your signature alone suggests you are trying to make a point in this thread that doesn't sit with the majority on the site. Almost everyone on this site loves their car so much they cannot understand why other people don't show the same feelings. I had the same (even worse) feelings when I owned the ZR, and the supe is a big step up from that.

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...However your signature alone suggests you are trying to make a point in this thread that doesn't sit with the majority on the site.

TBH, I think that his signature is very apt and should sit with the majority of the site. If it doesn't then there are some sad and insecure individuals around who felt they needed the car for more than it being just a first class car.

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Personally I think there will always be a difference between the average BMW driver and the average Supe driver...


Ok so there will always be people will own both and there will always be exceptions but in general I find that there is an air of unnecessary snobbishness with BMW drivers which is completely unfounded, especially since they are “belly button” cars (every body has one). I don’t think many BMW drivers bother to wave at each other, do you?


The majority of beemer owners are interested in the status and image, not the uniqueness, the driving, the technical aspects and the modding... It’s a completely different mentality!


I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve seen bad driving and it’s been a BMW, it’s like some sort of “arrogant” driving attitude.


At least in anything BPU+ or better you can rest assured no BMW is going to seriously bother you and if it did it’s going to have been several times to cost.


I also disagree that you have to work harder in the supe, having had the misfortune of driving some BMWs IMHO the average one handles lack a sack of potatoes, more tail happy than the supe with shoddy tires!


Ok as I said, there will always be exceptions but think of it like this:


If we all owned BMWs our arms would have dropped off from all the ‘waving’ by now. Even if we picked a particular model that wouldn’t really make a difference. TBH they all look the same anyway. We'd soon be bored of that and this forum would be nothing like as interesting and diverse as it is!


It’s good to be different, even better when you pick something better than most of the also-rans!


The majority of supe owners would bother to wave when they can, the vast majority of beemer owners wouldn’t even notice each other…


sorry for long post!


Agreed..as per my earlier post regarding social climbers..we are 'against the grain' 'eat the rich'


We are not drawn in by social climbing marketing tactics telling us that if we buy a BMW we can then join the local Golf Club and read a magazine that advertises £million plastic boats on the rear cover to make us feel like we have arrived or going somewhere


..We are also (i'm sure) the kind of people that view a Platinum or diamond credit card as a huge debt rather than a prestigious form of expensive jewellery..I also like to think that if we all won the lottery we would buy a unique unusual dwelling rather than a house like the ones in 'Footballers Wives'


So (In my own view) theres the difference, its known as 'class' and you can't buy class! :tongue:



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i find it really nice to see another supra... i even get excited when i see a nice celica in these parts ... ive only heard of another 2 Supras in this area but seen one (which belongs to a good friend) so i will always wave at any supra... supra is a thing of love and respect that’s why i spend most of my weekend cleaning my car so i know it will look perfect during the week. cleaning the car gives me so much pleasure as im usually sat being a desk 9-5.30 (plus work at home).... its nice to do something different (which doesn’t involve staring at a computer screen) and i really appreciate the opportunity to look after and drive my car ...



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It's a car, I like it very much because it gets me from A to B in comfort, relatively quickly and it also looks good in itself. It doesn't make me look any better (more's the pity - must shave the nasal hair) nor did I expect it too when I got it 4 nearly 5 years ago. But I enjoy driving it, like I enjoy driving all my cars. And the main reason is - and this must be because I am older than the average bear - they are comfortable over long distances, easy to drive at speed (well apart from the delica which doesn't have speed in it's dictionary) and are reliable. So my criteria are comfortable, fast, reliable and aestetically pleasing to look at.


See I am old so I'm off to graze in the paddock now.

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I do understand what an analogy is, I was just trying to make a point that your one sucked!


How dare you, Sir!


TBH a better one would be to compare Supra owners with house owners, there must be some logic in the thinking that neighbours are more likely to chat not purely because of thier proximity but also because they live in the sam


e residential style of house/street, they may look down on people in council houses/bungalows/terraces/motorhomes etc.


Heh-heh. Picking up on the second paert of this -it implies that one of the benefits of Supra ownership is to look down on people with 'lesser' cars. Of course you're right - one way any group defines itself is by what it looks down on. I find the Barryboys BBS interesting because there you have a group of people only defined by their dislikes.


I don't understand any links between rolex owners as I don't happen to be in that social class!!


I am, in everything but the wealth. I'm just slumming it talking to you lot. :D


(There's the smiley for anyone reading who doesn't 'get' irony without a little picture).


I agree with everything else in your last post though, nicely put. However your signature alone suggests you are trying to make a point in this thread that doesn't sit with the majority on the site. Almost everyone on this site loves their car so much they cannot understand why other people don't show the same feelings. I had the same (even worse) feelings when I owned the ZR, and the supe is a big step up from that.


It is my destiny to be in the minority (strikes proud pose, thrusts chin forward into icy wind).


I'm sure you're right about people loving their cars on the site. What I'm saying is that not everyone buys into the idea of a social grouping based on that.

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Guest chiefvinso

LMAO - glad that I started this thread! Ok, we joined this forum to be part of something - that happens to be a supra forum, surprise. We have a section, was it you? Maybe we should remove that cos we dont really want to know? Of all the threads on here BMW drivers are slated by members for their experiences.


I have always wanted a supe and dont look down on other people for having one, how can you - most people dont even know what it is other than a toyota. If I see another supe I will give them the wave, just cos I like them. And even if they dont wave back and they are young I will still say that their old farts!! LOL

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As an ex-BMW driver it does make me laugh when people pigeon-hole every BMW driver as arrogant or pompous - I had the car because I loved the way it looked, loved the way it sounded and loved the way it drove (it was an E36 325i Coupé - 192bhp model - and I don't know if that was at the wheels, hubs or bloody stereo so don't start on that one again!!) and, as with any car I've had, I like to beam from ear to ear when I look at it out of my front room window - that for me equals great personal satisfaction. I don't give a rats ass what others think of my choice of car (or watch [don't wear one as I don't care what bloody time it is] or clothes or house) - if people judge others by those standards then they would drown in a puddle.


When people make stereotypical statements such as 'all BMW drivers' it just shows that they are incapable of an original thought, instead happy to jump on the bandwagon and go gormlessly on without using their own brain.


Right, soapbox away!!


Besides, Merc drivers never get out of the way!!!! Often because they are dead at the wheel!

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In my case I can honestly say it's an observation based on behaviour on the road, not some bandwagon I've jumped on, sorry!


I spoke to someone who was seconded to work for BMW (in quite a high capacity) from Lancia for a period and he doesn't even like the cars. He refused to drive the top of the range BMW they offered him. He commented (his words not mine) that it's all about the image and the lifestyle (that they want you to think you get with it) and to be an idividual and drive something else (he chose a Lancia because that was his personal preference) was deeply frowned upon - individuality - whats that? lol


If I won the lottery, I'd probably buy a Ferarri for the passion and the x-factor, I'd also like to own something like a mental supe or skyline, it's the unqueness and the individuality, you can't buy a car like that off the shelf, it's not about status, it's about machinery and it's capabilies :D


Having said that, if you enjoy a particular model then good on you, I have more respect for someone who say loves their 2002tii turbo rather than their off the shelf latest 3 series blandwagon - because it has no pretentious status (it's now too old for that) - it's to be enjoyed for what it is!

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This is a cool thread, it's nice to see what everyone really thinks about this kind of thing. I like to think I'm quite polite on the roads, I wave at other Supra owners and give a thumb to other japanese/modified/turbo owners. If I don't get a response I don't let it bother me for more than a second or 2, then again I can understand when people say "why didn't that grumpy bastard wave back?" because of our obvious affection for our cars.


Comparing them to BMW drivers, well, that's a stereotype isn't it, there's no use in saying not all BM drivers are the same - of course they're not, not all hooded 'yoofs' hanging around in gangs late at night outside the off-license are going to beat you up or ask you to buy them some fags - but you'd have to assume they will before thinking otherwise. Similarly we can assume a BMW driver won't let you overtake and won't indicate to change lanes, because it's been noted that it's BMWs that do this more than any other car (lets not argue about the likelyhood that a stereotype is actually true, I'm assuming a stereotype is brought about by enough actual proof from past experience to be put forward as 'fact').


I'm sure there's a stereotype for Supra drivers as well, I'm not sure what it would be though. BMW stereotypes are in the public knowledge for some reason - because they are closer to the truth for the majority?

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