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Are Supe Drivers getting the mentality of BM drivers?

Guest chiefvinso

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Oh thats ok then, I just thought that cos I had a standard looking supe and they had theirs modded that they must think that I am below them. I just like all supras and see the owners as exclusive - maybe I need to feel more loved (pam and her five sisters will help later!!)



Bless. Yes. Madam Palm and her 5 lovely daughters.... :violin: lol/./...


All Supes' are exclusive....not many about......I'll be waving when I'm driving mine....

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If I havent got my glasses on, I wave at every car in case ones a Supra...but thats because Im very old....

Take a biff from my walking stick you youngwippersnapperthingymelad :stickpoke

Maybe other Supe drivers dont wave 'cos they are too gobsmacked to see a Supe driver with a dummy in his mouth :D

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`Ray` that might be me.... I travel up and down the M4 and round Reading/Slough daily. If it is me then I`m not ignoring you just concentrating on `Mondeo Man` from pulling out in front of me and causing a pile up (I love the M4 in rush hour!!!)


I always wave to other owners, however there is one guy who travels the M4 with what looks like a stock `Saphire Blue` TT who definately blanks you. Have even pulled up alongside him and he has only then forced himself to awknowledge me!!!


Fair play dude :thumbs:


old fart (cj - :haha: ) - your sig says your supe's for sale? :( Thought you were keeping it fella?

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Oh thats ok then, I just thought that cos I had a standard looking supe and they had theirs modded that they must think that I am below them. I just like all supras and see the owners as exclusive - maybe I need to feel more loved (pam and her five sisters will help later!!)


My car is almost totally standard (prefer it that way) and I often get flashed at, waves etc. Personally I don't wave at mk3's not that I think I'm special just consider it to be a totally different car. Get lots of kids waving too, although one did tell me to get some shiner wheels the other day!

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Guest KARacing
I use to flash wave at Chinese Supra drivers here, got blanked every time so don't even bother now, misserable lot :tongue:




I would like to say sorry to you for them. Some Supra drivers are very impolite and cocky in here, but I am sure that every countries have the same type of people like that :thumbdown

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Rofl old man/mid 40s :D


I usually give a wave / flash when I see another Supra on the road, I dont always get it back but it doesnt matter to me - not everyone who drives their cars feel about them in the same ways as we do... and its certainly not the case that every Supra owner in on this or the other forum.


The voice of reason, as usual.


So, I waved at this bloke wearing the same jacket as me today, he didn't respond at all - stuck up midlife-crisis old fart.


Why on earth would you assume that someone is going to respond to you because he/she happens to have bought the same product that you have? Like Bobbeh, I'll flash my lights, but I don't automatically write the other person off if nothing comes back.


The assumption that everyone defines themselves and their affiliations by what they drive is, imo, just dumb. Nothing personal, but that's how I see it.



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Guest chiefvinso
The voice of reason, as usual.


So, I waved at this bloke wearing the same jacket as me today, he didn't respond at all - stuck up midlife-crisis old fart.


Why on earth would you assume that someone is going to respond to you because he/she happens to have bought the same product that you have? Like Bobbeh, I'll flash my lights, but I don't automatically write the other person off if nothing comes back.


The assumption that everyone defines themselves and their affiliations by what they drive is, imo, just dumb. Nothing personal, but that's how I see it.



Good answer, but a supra is a little more costly than a jacket - stupid comparison imo. I'm just giving a bit of respeck to someone who has good taste but like someone said people dont value things the same.


So in essence, dont bother acknowledging other supes unless you are at a meet where you are allowed to do it.

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I think its an affiliation more than anything. We all know that you dont buy a Supra cause its great for the kids, ample shopping space and `its just so economical` and we all awknowledge each other for that!!


Anyone who owns one has bought it because its not `vanilla` and wants that little bit more than average!

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In my younger days (not quite an old fart yet but on my way!) I used to ride bikes. Out on the country roads having a blast you see another biker and you give them the bikers nod. In France you kick your left leg out. But if you did it in London....you'd be nofdding your head more than the Churchill dog, and people would think you as rather strange.


Like its said, not everyone who owns a supe is a member of this or any other club. Doesn't make them a weirdo, just maybe they're not into that sort of thing. However, just cos they don't wave doesn't mean they've got the mentality of a BMW driver. Its stands to reason they drive a Supra :ok: .


Plus we're all kind considerate law abiding drivers who don't hog lane three (sorry fast lane) use our mirror and indicate.



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Good answer, but a supra is a little more costly than a jacket - stupid comparison imo. I'm just giving a bit of respeck to someone who has good taste but like someone said people dont value things the same.



OK, how about: "So, I waved at this bloke wearing the same Rolex as me today, he didn't respond at all - stuck up midlife-crisis old fart."


There's a nicely expensive product, I'm respecking his good taste and he's ignoring me. Obviously some sort of deviant.


I thought it was a great comparison. :)

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The BMW Rant continues . . . .


Im an Ex BMW driver and proud of it :) !!

I am no more socialable in a Supra than I was in a BMW.


Wow - what a revelation, its still me driving, so I don't change my character depending on the type of car I drive ? Well I would not have guess that !


Therefore if I do not change then maybe - just maybe - other people do not change in character when driving different cars.


So I guess if a BMW driver has driven any other car - and the likelyhood is that he/she has, then their character remains constant. Therefore how can BMW drivers be worse than other drivers ?


Well the truth is, they are not, many BMW enthusiasts are as keen for their machines as we are for ours. True, the BMW is easier to drive, so what ? many of them taken them to the limit - I have seen many of you lot coax your Supras and drive them less than enthusiastically yet you would criticise a BMW driver for - er - driving enthusiastically ? (not all of you - so don't flame !).


So I ask myself why attack BMW drivers ? (thread title).


Is it to hide the fact that some of you are jealous ? For BMW has invented many of the ground breaking designs we see today in car technology. Is it a jealousy of how easy it is for a M3 to out drive a Supra with very little effort ? Where the Supra may be a little "difficult", especially in the rain or when cornering ?


Oh - techies will be telling me the terminal velocity into corners comparison and co-effecient of friction calculations after this post (not interested btw). All I can say is that I work alot harder in a Supra to achieve similar results on 90% of the roads I drive on in this country than in a BMW - Fact.


So do I hate BMW drivers ?


No, I envy them when my aircon breaks, I envy them when insurance renewal comes round and I envy them in traffic and when I have to fill up.


So next time you diss the Germans, just think what you will leave behind in your legacy after you die, because the German car industry is monumental. Think about why people buy BMWs and think about why you bought a Supra. If you don't know, I suggest you sell it now.


Have a nice day . . ..

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The BMW Rant continues . . . .


Im an Ex BMW driver and proud of it :) !!

I am no more socialable in a Supra than I was in a BMW.


Wow - what a revelation, its still me driving, so I don't change my character depending on the type of car I drive ? Well I would not have guess that !


Therefore if I do not change then maybe - just maybe - other people do not change in character when driving different cars.


So I guess if a BMW driver has driven any other car - and the likelyhood is that he/she has, then their character remains constant. Therefore how can BMW drivers be worse than other drivers ?


Well the truth is, they are not, many BMW enthusiasts are as keen for their machines as we are for ours. True, the BMW is easier to drive, so what ? many of them taken them to the limit - I have seen many of you lot coax your Supras and drive them less than enthusiastically yet you would criticise a BMW driver for - er - driving enthusiastically ? (not all of you - so don't flame !).


So I ask myself why attack BMW drivers ? (thread title).


Is it to hide the fact that some of you are jealous ? For BMW has invented many of the ground breaking designs we see today in car technology. Is it a jealousy of how easy it is for a M3 to out drive a Supra with very little effort ? Where the Supra may be a little "difficult", especially in the rain or when cornering ?


Oh - techies will be telling me the terminal velocity into corners comparison and co-effecient of friction calculations after this post (not interested btw). All I can say is that I work alot harder in a Supra to achieve similar results on 90% of the roads I drive on in this country than in a BMW - Fact.


So do I hate BMW drivers ?


No, I envy them when my aircon breaks, I envy them when insurance renewal comes round and I envy them in traffic and when I have to fill up.


So next time you diss the Germans, just think what you will leave behind in your legacy after you die, because the German car industry is monumental. Think about why people buy BMWs and think about why you bought a Supra. If you don't know, I suggest you sell it now.


Have a nice day . . ..


Bloody hell, you on your period Ian? :D

I saw a black one on Saturday morning that i overtook on the way to Newport Bridge, looked over and got nothin back off the bloke with a beanie on driving. I'll generally wave/flash (my lights ;) ) at MKIVs if i see them - except if it's ChrisB's Black UK, just swear at that one :D

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OK, how about: "So, I waved at this bloke wearing the same Rolex as me today, he didn't respond at all - stuck up midlife-crisis old fart."


There's a nicely expensive product, I'm respecking his good taste and he's ignoring me. Obviously some sort of deviant.


I thought it was a great comparison. :)


I'm sorry I 'slightly' disagree 'but only slightly' ha ha


The Toyota Supra MKIV is not a regular consumer product like a Rolex watch, it is like owning a collectors item, before I ever became a member of a club like UK Supras or supras.net..I would always return an acknowledgement or volenteer one...


In the same way classic VW drivers do, MG owners do, or Lotus Esprit owners do.


There was however less commraderie amongst owners in the mid to late Nineties thats for sure.


However...I do know people that have bought a Supra because in stock form its such a reliable car...they have no-need to seek help from others and enjoy the independence of owning a supercar that dosn't say...'Big Boobs' :read: in big letters on the bonnet..so maybe there is a hidden social background to supra ownership that is just emerging as a result of the rest of us pulling together!


As far as BMW owners are concerened...let me just rant this one out! I have owned 3 BMWs a 325 coupe, a Z3 2.8 :limp: , and a 740...great cars, but wasn't happy with the way BMW try and sell them.


Me: 'How Much Luggage can you get in the boot'

BMW Salesman: ' enough room for three Golf Bags

Me: 'I dont play Golf

Salesman ' oh well you have to now If you own a BMW'


I blame the BMW marketeers..its all aimed towards the 'social climber'


Their other tactic they use..when buying a car from them is to ignore you and make it look as though they think you dont have the means to..and most 'British' people respond to this by...eh ....buying the thing...so BMW kind of cash in on the pride and arrogance of the British mentality...


This 'Feel Good Factor' (a term invented by the Tories in the 80's i think) then transfers to their normal lives and their driving habits...(but cant generalise so not every BMW driver thank God)


This is just my experience of owning Beemers...but you only have to go out in your street and 'everyone has one' so wheres the 'Class' in that aye! :tongue:


I rest my case :ok:

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How would you know if someone was wearing a rolex anyway? It's not the kind of thing I look for when walking down the road - whereas you can't easily miss a Supra!!


Also BMWs; I actually do like them, especially the 'fast' ones like M3, M5, 850 etc. But I wouldn't own one because they are WAY overpriced, I'd suggest at least 10% of the cost is the badge, and I don't like that (hence I've owned 1 Austin, 1 Rover, 1 MG, 1 Toyota).

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Part of the reason we acknowledge each other is part of the reason we're all members of this forum - we love our cars and like to belong to a 'club' with like-minded people who share our desire to own a true piece of engineering excellence. When we raise our hand to each other its like saying "I know, its fantastic isn't it. Great choice!".


I used to own an MGB GT and owners of those would do the same thing except when we waved it was more to say "Bloody hell, you actually got to be inside it and not underneath it today - result!"


Yes we're individual but we do all have Supras (Suprae, Supri, Supratus-a-um, to quote another thread!). And if someone doesn't wave back - who gives a bugger, you still own a superb car that most people still lust after.


Enjoy it and chill out!

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Guest KARacing

Dear UK members,


Just curious, how are the BMW drivers over there? Are they nice? Or will they think they are better than you because they drive a BMW and you drive a Toyota (Supra)?

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I have had lots of fun with 840/850 drivers..and I am a great fan of the Z8 (Where BMW actually did break the mold)


Also I Met DJ Ray Keith at the Vibe Bar in Brick lane..he was drooling over my Supra and asked if I wanted to sell it to him! he then took me for a spin in his brand new convertible 'M3' it was beautiful.


A few days after he sent me a couple of albums which I proudly played in my car for the following weeks...so not all BMW drivers are bad :whistle:

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Part of the reason we acknowledge each other is part of the reason we're all members of this forum - we love our cars and like to belong to a 'club' with like-minded people who share our desire to own a true piece of engineering excellence. When we raise our hand to each other its like saying "I know, its fantastic isn't it. Great choice!".


I used to own an MGB GT and owners of those would do the same thing except when we waved it was more to say "Bloody hell, you actually got to be inside it and not underneath it today - result!"


Yes we're individual but we do all have Supras (Suprae, Supri, Supratus-a-um, to quote another thread!). And if someone doesn't wave back - who gives a bugger, you still own a superb car that most people still lust after.


Enjoy it and chill out!


Well said...I agree. ;)

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Big question - do any other jap turbo owners wave at you?


I've given the thumbs up to a few R34 and R33 owners, a couple of modded scoobys and a few 300zxs (yeah yeah I know). Only 1 or 2 have ever waved back, but I actually had a 300zx owner give the thumbs up to me on Eastern Road as he pulled away from the lights on the other side (which is what started me doing it).


I think RX7 owners are the most responsive, had a few of them give a reply thumb up - shame these cars always seems to be going the other way though!!

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