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Polished alloy wheel protector recommendations


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Wipe off after every drive, wish you had them painted!! Honestly they can be a right pain.


I use Meguiars All Purpose Cleaner on mine to remove initial grime, then Autoglym alloy cleaner followed by a rinse and polish with Kleers which is amazing stuff. I've not figured out how best to protect them after that as they seem to attract water marks, brake dust and general muck so interested in replies. I don't find any standard off the shelf stuff does any good at keeping the shine.





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I've heard a few people mention the poorboys sealant. I have the interior shine stuff and it's fantastic so will get some ordered.


In terms of general cleaning then any non harsh cleaner to just keep on top of them as don't want them to end being marked, etc if i can help it.


What's a good polish to use to keep the shine?

Edited by foggy147 (see edit history)
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I have polished lips , no lacquer


white diamond Metal polish or Autosol if you need something a bit more abrasive


If you need to use a cleaner , use some Swissvax wheel cleaner but just try stick to PH neutral shampoo, only use a wheel cleaner if it is an absolute must


Keep the wax topped up , if you need a winter wax use Collinite, for general use I found Chemical guys wheel guard wax excellent


Autoglym alloy cleaner is too acidic to use on polished rims , it is for your average OE painted alloy, I would not even use it on diamond cut wheels , too abrasive


Motorbike guys use ACF50 , worth looking into

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Autoglym alloy cleaner is too acidic to use on polished rims , it is for your average OE painted alloy, I would not even use it on diamond cut wheels , too abrasive


Motorbike guys use ACF50 , worth looking into


Good point and apologies, I use the Autoglym on the Matt painted wheel centres where there are stubborn marks within the spokes and it's great.


ACF is an excellent shout, although not sure it would sit in the surface right.



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My girlfriend just bought this ceramic coating for her polished wheels. I have used it for the lips on mine too. easy to apply and remove but too early to find out what it's like


The coating should last a year, Its had good reviews





Their body ceramic coating is fantastic , but prep is key , there's a 5 year coating out now, forget the manufacturer , car pro reload is great for a top up


I tried the $$$ gtechniq c2 wheel armour when I got mine professionally repolished , it dulled the finish and lasted sweet FA , was very disappointed, wheels where prepared correctly , alcohol used to clean too , prior application




Edited by Jellybean (see edit history)
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  • 7 months later...

Just to reiterate MpLavery post


Cquartz & Wheel wax (Chemical guys/Poorboys) is about as good as it gets , you just need to keep on top of them and do no drive when the roads are salted especially with polished lips , fully painted wheel you can get away with , if you have them protected and wash them that day (ASAP)


Had the bike out when the roads where gritted , the rear wheel was covered in a chewing gum type substance ( I did not wash the bike until 3 weeks after), I did not realise the wheel was covered in grit/Salt; was fearing the worst ; Chemical guys wheel guard held up well , a bit of elbow grease to get it off , but the wheel is still pristine, no etching on the paint/damage


Bike guys use WD40/ACF50 on their wheels / bike as a protectant and cleaner ; used WD40 on the wheels of another bike I use for the daily commute ; will give her a wash the weekend and let you know how it has held up





Rule is to use the least abrasive/harsh chemical on your wheels first, step it up if you are finding it difficult to remove contaminants


  • Snow Foam -- Ph neutral , it does not strip wax/Sealants
  • Swisvax Wheel Cleaner -- I found safe on my non-lacquered Polished rims, the best product I have used (Only used if I am having difficulty cleaning with less abrasive products)




Autoglym -- if you need something with a bit more bite, has small microbeads to allow more abrasive pass


Finishing Polish

  • White Diamond -- I found the best to date (My mate is a detailer , he has been through almost all brands at this stage)
  • Kleers
  • Peeks



Wheel Protection

  • Cquartz
  • Chemical Guys Wheel Guard
  • Poorboys wheel sealant



Word of warning with Cquartz , the quality of finish/if the product cures correctly is in the prep, you need to clean the wheel to surgical standards ; no contaminants or additional products (i.e. Polish) between the surface and the coating

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