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Insurance farce


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I know its done to death but insurance comps never cease to amaze me


Admittedly it's only on a compare site but all the same


I'm looking at a house that's no more than 1.5 miles away from where my car is insured at present, the cheapest quote

at the old postcode this year is with the AA and was £270, i pop in the new address and postcode which i will

add is in the same group B postcode risk and now the AA quote is £1070 !!!!!!


The cheapest company is £428 at the new address


WTF are they on

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A strange system they have indeed out of curiosity I plugged my car details etc into confused.com and to insure my car at my friends address who lives across the road (out of my secluded estate but no more than a few hundred meters) and in a row of Terraced houses it was an additional £600.


We all thought it was hilarious.. my friend has since moved haha

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I was up for renewal recently, got a letter with an renewal of an extra 100. Rang them and said i wont be renewing with them and they instantly offered discount. Loons.


That's pretty standard practice with insurance comps, not really anything like what i'm on about

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I never give my current insurer another chance to beat an offer from elsewhere. Can't be bothered with the games. They have an opportunity, at the point of renewal, to offer me thier best quote to keep my custom.


If I ring around and get a better deal, more fool them. If we all did this it would eventually end up forcing the industry to be competitive from the outset to keep custom.

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My point isn't about the usual run around you can have :rolleyes: That's pretty much the accepted tactic and has been for

years, i guess due to lots of customers just re insuring as they can't be bothered with the hassle.


Its about the same company for no apparent reason going from £270 to over £1000 because the postcode

is now B98 from B97 and both the postcodes are in the same risk category and only 1.5 miles from each other !


To make it even more amusing another postcode i own is a grade C ins risk, both the others

are B and now the cheapest quote is £225 !!

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There must be some sort of mistake there Dunk, I know you're only plugging it into go compare for an idea, but imagine when you contact them to discuss it'll be a different story (hopefully!). It may be that they've treated you as a new customer with the quotes and the change would just be an administrative one which should only attract a small charge. I know that when I sold my last supra and went to amend my policy for the new one (same year, same model, just different colour and reg) my company tried to charge me a fortune, it turned out that I got an 'experience' type bonus/discount for owning the car for so long (8 years) and I had to get a manager to agree that the same discount should apply for the new one.

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  • 3 weeks later...
All insurance will get more expensive due to the ruling the other week. I don't know why it isn't just called a tax.


I can live with more expensive but 72% !!!!


Obviously i shall be looking elsewhere

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Same crap over here in australia... except we also have a compulsory green slip which is basic insurance and we also then have to get normal insurance! A massive rort!


An idea... do an online quote, clear your browser cache and cookies, then redo the quote and see what happens?

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Same crap over here in australia... except we also have a compulsory green slip which is basic insurance and we also then have to get normal insurance! A massive rort!


An idea... do an online quote, clear your browser cache and cookies, then redo the quote and see what happens?


That won't work, it's stored against your reg number and/or IP address. When I phoned my insurance company they could see the quote I'd been given by everyone on go compare.

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The insurance company''s run on a algarythme. Where you live, age, point's, where the car is stored, mods and how many miles you do annually. Eve your job ect effects the price. Best thing to do is phone around. I know someone who works with insurance company's and has written bits of code for it all.

It's stupid I hate insurance company's.

Hope you get it sorted.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Mine went from £353 to £539, i've just cancelled the renewal and had the same oh lets look and see what

we can do game, i just said no thanks i'm off elsewhere.


Afraid most insurance comps wont do an agreed value classic policy for my Range Rover as its not garaged

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