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Pikey Attack!


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Went out for a meal tonight and took the Punto which meant I could negotiate a more direct route taking in the speed mountains - about 5 minutes from home there was a huge convoy of pikey types in white vans with caravans, all of them making their way onto some scenic grass at the edge of the estate - horses, hutches, brand new vans, lorries and a small child taking a dump next to the road - lovely!


Thing is they (or other pikey scumbags) have parked up in the same place before and left it a right mess, they were 'landscape gardeners' and dumped all the tree cuttings and general garden waste there which had to be removed by the council.


So what can be done to stop them? Do I grumble to the council about them putting some kind of barrier up (large boulders seem to be the theme)? Can the rozzers do anything? Do we just need to get together and torch them tonight?


I guess we'll be getting burgled at some point this week....


PS: I am pikeyist, they are scruffy nomads and have no respect.



I fu*king hate pikeys

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Guest The Flash

Heard a story - supposed to be true but prob victim of "Urban Myth" or "Chinese Whispers"....


- Guy finds pikey on his own in pub

- Guy beats crap out of Pikey

- Pikey goes home (Couldn't go to Hospital as they don't pay NI of course :D )

- Next night - all pikeys come back to pub to settle score

- Meanwhile, blokey and all his mates are at the pikey site knowing the place would be deserted

- Proceed to "borrow back" TV's, videos, DVD's etc with a view to returning them to whence they came !



As I said, prob all BS, but makes me smile :thanks:

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What's the diff' between Gypo's and Pikeys then

(or, am i just showing my considerable age ?? :( )


There are some pikeys that would pretend they are gypsies, but in truth the true gypsies loathe them as much, if not more, than we do, especially as they give gypsies a bad name.


Proper gypsies tend to follow strict codes and beliefs passed down from generation to generation - to be a proper gypsy you have to be of proper gypsy blood. Probably the nicest gypsies are the Romanys - I've met several and everytime they are friendly, helpful and courteous.


Pikeys are simply a boil on the arse of humanity, who deserve no rights and should become sport for anyone with a shotgun license.

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this forum just gets better every time I visit! :thumbs: i hate them all too there’s no trouble at all where i live but every time they invade the local rugby pitch of playing fields you hear of countless amounts of case when these scum run amok. i was out round town in Wakefield a few months back walking for at taxi with some mates and a kebab pizza when this dirty smelly scumbag gypo knocked the pizza out my hand, :devil: :devil: :devil: god i was angry but didn’t go for him as its just not like me but then him and his gypronite friends started abusing us, anyway banter was thrown and we just ended up laughing and walking off as there were eight of us to three of them. next thing we know this lad is running at us with a flap cap on and took his belt off cracking it like a whip(quite impressive actually) before we could start to laugh again, two of her majesties finest sprint from a side street and do one of the best take downs ever nearly snapping him in half, :clap: :angrymod: his two others mates legged it down the a back alley . police told us that the lads had been causing trouble all night.




i do feel sorry for the young kiddies though as they haven’t got much of a chance in life have they

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Pikey scum stole my father in laws coal truck fully laden. Knicked all the coal and burned out the truck. Effectively put him out of business.

Even worse was the police had seen the truck, were following it, and lost it. I mean WTF? the thing couldn't go faster than 60 fully laiden and it wasn't exactly small!

The Police knew were it was likely to be but wouldn't do anything as they're running scared of them. :thumbdown:

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Council are aware of them being there and have asked for an eviction notice - this takes 7 - 10 days. They have no plans to put up a permanent barrier.


Police don't care unless they do something wrong (yeah like they aren't already!).


Napalm still seems to be the best plan....

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.....They have no plans to put up a permanent barrier.....



There are permanent barriers on every bit of open ground in our area, they just cut locks off barriers, fill in ditches, etc... They've even been know to remover streches of farmers hedges to gain access to fields.


I want to know why human rights only seem to apply to scum like these people, not the inocent peole that get affected by their actions!



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I'd just like to see some huge boulders sticking at the edge of the grass, it will give the local kids something to play on and hopefully be too much for the pikeys to move - chances are they will nick them and sell them as landscaping features though.


The council didn't think the napalm idea would win them many votes :(

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whats with all the pikey hating. here's a joke to lighten the mood.


what kind of key opens all doors??


























..... pikey :D


i hate the stinky buggers too. luckily for me they dont venture into our ghetto as they would get molested by all the new age pikeys aka bosnian immigrants pmsl :D

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I've had 2 experiences of Pikeys


No 1. I used to keep Go-Kart in a lock up garage that was at the end of a field at the local Scouts HQ, pikeys moved on to the field on saturday, by monday they'd gone, and so had my go-kart


2. They moved o nto a field in Aylesbury by the lakes, lovely place, which was totally ruined by quad bikes, gas canisters, little grubby sh*ts vandalising the bridge etc etc


the amount of crap they left was amazing, in the 3 weeks they were there, there were two break ins at the nursery nearby, the bandstand was wrecked, and there was about 5 burglaries in local homes.


I f*kin hate pikeys with a passion, stupid good for nothing f*ck wits that make no contribution to society

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I've had 3 experiences of Pikeys


No 1. I used to keep Go-Kart in a lock up garage that was at the end of a field at the local Scouts HQ, pikeys moved on to the field on saturday, by monday they'd gone, and so had my go-kart


2. They moved o nto a field in Aylesbury by the lakes, lovely place, which was totally ruining by quads bieks, gas canisters, little grubby shits vandlising the bridge etc etc


the amount of crap they left was amazing, in the 3 weeks they were there, there were two break ins at the nursery nearby, the bandstand was wrecked, and there was about 5 burglarys in local homes


I f*kin hate pikeys with a passion, stupid good for nothing f*ck wits that make no contribution to society




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ok young kiddies under 8 as im sure there not hardened pikeys just yet


Pikey Kids are more obnoxious than the parents..they often turn up on my door pretending to collect for children in Need..like in April :p they vandalise cars...swear at elderly people, piss and shit in the street like animals.


They are little shits...They are the devils Kids....


Burn them all :flame:

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Pikey Kids are more obnoxious than the parents..they often turn up on my door pretending to collect for children in Need..like in April :p they vandalise cars...swear at elderly people, piss and shit in the street like animals.


They are little shits...They are the devils Kids....


Burn them all :flame:


LOL, steady Green or they'll take away your Lib Dem membership ;)

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