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Article 50 can't be triggered before a parliamentary vote??

Chris Wilson

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Uni doesn't teach you common sense, how to mix with clients and colleagues, working under pressure.....etc., many I've worked with are lost without wikipedia or google as this is the amount of their 'experience'.

A degree is the very start of a career, and the calibre of grads I've worked with over the years has honestly been disappointing.


I love how Barclays are calling 'common sense' life skills, thats how poor our system generally has got :D

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God, I can’t believe some of you. What has this great country come to? I am doing ok. Was before Euro. Was during Euro, and will be after Euro involvement, yes, I’m an old git, but life was just as tough when we left school – look it up, properly. You just need to do what is needed to make your living.

(No, they don’t ‘owe us a living’, although I love that record and era- again, look it up)

I’m glad we are out, no I did not vote, (despite being and old git, I don’t want to wreak the lives of our young, go figure?) never will, all a bunch of £ chasing unspeakable types if you ask me who will never care about the working man.

Whatever happens, I see a lot of opportunities for me and all others who want to try hard. Remember, I’m an old git, (not a young and go get it type – although I was once) and can’t wait for the challenge. (Oh, scary, I might have to think for myself and do a real days work.)

I have always worked hard, always will, not afraid of that. Working hard will always see me ‘right, not a problem. I bought my first house at 19 and no, it wasn’t any easier back then and no one helped me, we just never thought we had the right to go out like our elders were doing and I never, ever went on holiday nor had a decent car etc., clapped out mk1 1100 escort! That’s the choices you make.

Just to put my thoughts into today’s perspective, my son bought his house £250.000 with his girlfriend, two years ago (he was 24 she was 23) without any help, because they wanted it and saved. This all happens because they have a life plan. To be honest, her dad and I wish we could of helped them but bottom line is they said no, they were ok and could manage it all themselves.

So make all the excuses you like but I managed it (32 years ago) and my son has managed it (2 years ago). No one helped us; we just got on with it and managed our money correctly.

Just in case you are wondering, we were left no money and did not marry into money. I’m a bricklayer and he is a car mechanic, not silver spoon boys. We are just hard working guys who don’t expect a hand out. I have worked hard to get a degree in teaching, whilst working full time, teach and run a property maintenance & development company and he is looking to go forward with his trade.

It took me a long time to get a Supra, my dream car. It’s a matter of priorities in YOUR life, whatever they might be. Remember, it’s all your choice. Tough maybe, but life is and to be controversial in today’s world, so it should be.

‘Do they owe us a living? ‘Course they do, ‘course they do’. No they don’t. (Look it up).


Exactly this, although I wouldnt consider myself an old boy, i've not long turned 30 (in denial i guess)

I have worked hard in all of my jobs, including night shift voluntary work with Staffordshire Police that i did for 5 years back to back with a full time job as a Technician at Honda. Walked out of a job after a row with the MD, few days out job hunting and landed straight back into another secure job. The work is there, if you are willing to look for it.


The world owe's you nowt and I dont think things are any harder now then they were years back, what people lack is motivation. I'm yet to meet anyone thats lost their Job as a result of this Brexit. I voted to leave, and although it has affected exchange rates massively with my job importing and exporting performance car parts, we are still extremely busy and my job couldnt be more secure.

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It's easy to say things based on your own circumstances...


I agree hard work and motivation are key ingredients in simply just getting on in life. But as an example things are definitely harder now for University Students, in my day (late 90's) we often got given money (means tested) and no one had course fees, now they end up with what an average of £30K ish debt on graduation? That is an indisputable 'harder' regardless of working ethic or motivation level, leaving aside any personal views on the rights and wrongs of either system or higher education as a whole.


Also north/south divide on house prices and their growth has meant a gulf between wages and house prices/rents. 'GU8' within 5 miles £115-120K gets a studio flat 'B1' 5 miles gets you a 3 bed terraced house, and with a hard working Honda technician they are both in reach but in one area you can potentially raise a family in another barely swing a cat! About £520 a month for both options and renting a room near GU8 is that or more!


The world doesn't owe us anything I agree but the way we setup and govern our country can effect us all, I consider myself lucky for my personal circumstances, yes I went to uni, but dad was a brickie and brother still works good honest manual labour, so think I have a balanced view of both paths, but bar mass migration away from the south east (are there the jobs to make that even possible?) there are an awful lot of young folk down here that I sympathise with as a family home the like of which can be a realistic/attainable goal in the west midlands etc is simply not for them at £250K upwards, after all a technician down here will not be earning double or anywhere close, in fact (outside of the 'city') no job is/does?

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The risk is the UK government having to lay all cards on the table for everyone to vote on, this would likely be visible to those we are planning to negotiate with :(


Exactly - do the MPs want to debate the exact proposal before it is presented to the EU - that will be a negotiation 1st.


As for democracy - it doesn't get more democratic than every vote being counted equally which just happened in the Referendum.


To Mr Wonga....


As for Uni Degree and not finding a job - two main reasons (assuming that one is genuinely capable and jobworthy)


1) there aren't enough jobs to go around cause our economy is being dragged down by the laggards in the EU with a 0% growth record for the past decade.

2) there are too many people in the market for open job positions.


You'll note that the above are connected :)


Freedom of movement in an EU that is a dump economically (other than Germany & maybe France) its hardly surprising that you are struggling to find a job in the UK. Perhaps try your luck in Spain where Youth unemployment is 50%..... :blink:

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