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US presidential election


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How do you explain him being so unpopular then? Even within the republican party and republican voters? Hardly an endorsement of him or his rhetoric?


Don't get me wrong, I fully accept that there will be many racists etc in among his voters, (just as I'm sure there are among the democrats too) but these people would have voted republican anyway, no matter the candidate. it was a message of change, and a rejection of the opposition / status quo which won the day, IMO.


Two part, his co-republicans started to back away from him, and latest results show Clinton won much of the so called 'popular' vote.


What does that say though? Couple that with the fact he's barely got any seriously thought out policies I think it suggests he's won an ideological vote based on his views.


I doubt front row fans at his speeches would openly wear "make America white again" if not for the language and terms he's used.


I agree the some of the fault (same as the rise of Farage, Le Pen, Wilders etc) is down to the opposition & the mainstream system being useless and leaving people feeling completely detached from it. Totally agree.


I can't agree that this has been a protest vote against the establishment though, more so than something more ideological.



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I can't agree that this has been a protest vote against the establishment though, more so than something more ideological.


Monday’s poll showed that the Democratic candidate is seen unfavorably by 60% of likely voters while her Republican opponent is viewed unfavorably by 58%. Voting intention was similarly close: Clinton 46%, Trump 45%, which suggests that some voters are holding their noses and picking a president they don’t like.



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I am told Trump is building the huge new El Paso Brick and Cement Woks and is recruiting Mexicans. Skilled bricklayers wanted, must be able to work in chains from one side of a wall only. They will be paid not in the now near worthless Mexican currency, but in a new Trump currency called the A'Reas :)

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I am told Trump is building the huge new El Paso Brick and Cement Woks and is recruiting Mexicans. Skilled bricklayers wanted, must be able to work in chains from one side of a wall only. They will be paid not in the now near worthless Mexican currency, but in a new Trump currency called the A'Reas :)


I'm off to Texas early December on business, any idea on where i can get that currency? lol

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The oppressive far-left and social media justice warriors created President Trump, IMO. I cannot believe for a second that all of his voters are racists and bigots, BUT... the ones that aren't know full well they would be branded just this if they raised any concerns about immigration. As a result, they have felt cornered, voiceless and angry... and then came along Trump who basically give the massive middle finger to all of that.


I don't like Trump and I feel it's a shame it's come to this, but until people get off their high horse about things, we will never have an honest debate about certain things and elect the right person to balance everything.

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One day we'll figure out a way of expressing our disgust with the political climate without the martyrdom approach.


Until then, strap yourselves in and grab that sweet, sweet popcorn. This ride's about to get topsy-turvey and it's gonna be a helluva show.





What facts is there that anything turbulent is on the way?


Pure speculation and scaremongering.


I thought the media would learn it's lesson on scaremongering during Brexit.


People have the power, and for some time that's been lost with corrupt, war mongering idiots who only care for themselves and their career.


Being a leader is about running a country for the people.

I'm glad we had brexit and I'm glad trump is in.

It's about time leaders started doing their jobs properly.


If a few things need to be sacrificed then so be it.

I've had enough of pretentious idiots who think the world owes them something because they were born.

And most, are privileged in the fact they are in western, modern civilised countries.

Stop taking things for granted

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What facts is there that anything turbulent is on the way?


Pure speculation and scaremongering.


I thought the media would learn it's lesson on scaremongering during Brexit.


People have the power, and for some time that's been lost with corrupt, war mongering idiots who only care for themselves and their career.


Being a leader is about running a country for the people.

I'm glad we had brexit and I'm glad trump is in.

It's about time leaders started doing their jobs properly.


If a few things need to be sacrificed then so be it.

I've had enough of pretentious idiots who think the world owes them something because they were born.

And most, are privileged in the fact they are in western, modern civilised countries.

Stop taking things for granted


I just said this boat's about to get wild. Trump was elected primarily on the basis of turbulence and shake-up, you said it yourself, people have the power- and last night they flexed their muscles to remind the who's-who of that. It's just a shame it had to come to this. I ain't even mad, Brexit was one thing but the DNC has been disgracing itself for way too long now (and that's coming from a liberal).


This is a thread about election opinions, I think I gave a pretty neutral and fair one. Didn't ask for your tirade of attack.


On the subject of "learning lessons from the media's mistakes" though, coming together and dropping the left/right mutual hatred and to stop fuelling the flames is probably the most important lesson we should be taking from the last year. So if this is brought on by my rant about Brexit, I'm sorry, and apologised for it at the time.


Edit: I think I even saw j_jza80 say something similar, things are already going bat-poo-crazy if we're singing off the same sheet.


The oppressive far-left and social media justice warriors created President Trump, IMO. I cannot believe for a second that all of his voters are racists and bigots, BUT... the ones that aren't know full well they would be branded just this if they raised any concerns about immigration. As a result, they have felt cornered, voiceless and angry... and then came along Trump who basically give the massive middle finger to all of that.


I don't like Trump and I feel it's a shame it's come to this, but until people get off their high horse about things, we will never have an honest debate about certain things and elect the right person to balance everything.




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If a few things need to be sacrificed then so be it.

I've had enough of pretentious idiots who think the world owes them something because they were born.

And most, are privileged in the fact they are in western, modern civilised countries.

Stop taking things for granted


Why you keep saying this? I dont think that defines the typical person who would have voted for Clinton or wanted to remain in the EU. That argument has got nothing to do with either election vote imho. You seem to be aligning people who just want handouts for life as Remainers or Clinton voters which is misguided. No one I know has any time for scroungers and layabouts... and that doesn't mean they have to think like you to have the same belief.


My worry is that the decisions made by the people with the belief they want to see real change, wont be seen, and all that'll happen is that it'll get worse for those who need it most. Damaging ones economy is only going to hurt those at the bottom.


I'm actually interested to see what happens, not trying to look at it in an overly negative way because no one really knows as of now. Trumps acceptance speech for example was night and day from the crap he was spouting during the campaign.. so it might all have been bluster to get votes... time will tell.

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Why you keep saying this? I dont think that defines the typical person who would have voted for Clinton or wanted to remain in the EU. That argument has got nothing to do with either election vote imho. You seem to be aligning people who just want handouts for life as Remainers or Clinton voters which is misguided. No one I know has any time for scroungers and layabouts... and that doesn't mean they have to think like you to have the same belief.


My worry is that the decisions made by the people with the belief they want to see real change, wont be seen, and all that'll happen is that it'll get worse for those who need it most. Damaging ones economy is only going to hurt those at the bottom.


I'm actually interested to see what happens, not trying to look at it in an overly negative way because no one really knows as of now. Trumps acceptance speech for example was night and day from the crap he was spouting during the campaign.. so it might all have been bluster to get votes... time will tell.


My rant isn't about people on handouts or at the low end of the income table.


It's about the very many people that did vote Clinton and Remain.

Chanting "not my President" because they didn't get their way?

Massive protests and some riots.


Those types of people, who slag off Trump/Leave voters and actively shout out and cry are the types of people I'm talking about.


Thinking because they voted one way, that they are solely right and everyone is wrong and it needs to change immediately to suit them and their needs.


Funnily, it's mostly the young and "educated" and I use that word very loosely.


I don't think the real change will happen with Trump, I think the change will happen at the next election.


That's only if politicians from both sides of the pond see that the people aren't happy with the status quo and aren't happy about the way the countries are run and the people treated.

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Fair enough. :)


You did mention the same sort of comments in the other thread before that, so that's why I asked.


Deffo don't agree with the rioting - pure stupidity, protesting is fine but its not going to change anything, its just people venting which they're entitled to do in a democracy... but they will have to accept the vote.. and make sure that if things dont work out in 4 years time they have another chance to change it.


I think the lobbyism needs to end, thats what's controlling politics. I guess one argument to be made is because Trump is a billionaire.. is he above all that?

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First thing is he needs to survive until his inauguration, has anyone else noticed his immaculately

tailored suits are sometimes somewhat spoilt by a bullet proof vest's presence? :)



And when are all the Thespian luvvies who are having fits of the vapours over his election fulfilling their

vow of emigrating from the USA if he won actually leaving? If they can't find an empty plane seat

there's probably a plane still idling on some runway here, awaiting their UK chums to get packed and

leave to fulfil their own post Brexit promises of having to leave....

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There were a swathe of characters wanting a vote in parliament to ban Trump from even visiting the UK, when the consensus of opinion of the likelihood of him becoming president was nil.



Hopefully Donald keeps a little black book and can now enjoy having a bit of fun..... ;)


I don't think Boris can expect a Christmas card from the Trumps somehow!

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This the sort of luvvie you're refering to Chris? I think the Trump election has taken everyone involved in politics by shock.







I refer the honourable gentleman to this list of luvvies showing a desire to leave the USA, hopefully they are now packed and awaiting transport out:





"There were actors (Bryan Cranston, Samuel L Jackson, Lena Dunham and Neve Campbell), singers (Cher, Miley Cyrus, Barbra Streisand and ‘Ne-Yo’), ‘comedians’ (Amy Schumer, Chelsea Handler, Jon Stewart and Whoopi Goldberg) and even a Supreme Court justice (Ruth Bader Ginsburg). Don’t worry, we haven’t heard of most of these people either…"




The chances of them actioning their vows is what, zero? :)

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My rant isn't about people on handouts or at the low end of the income table.


It's about the very many people that did vote Clinton and Remain.

Chanting "not my President" because they didn't get their way?

Massive protests and some riots.


Those types of people, who slag off Trump/Leave voters and actively shout out and cry are the types of people I'm talking about.


Thinking because they voted one way, that they are solely right and everyone is wrong and it needs to change immediately to suit them and their needs.


Funnily, it's mostly the young and "educated" and I use that word very loosely.


I don't think the real change will happen with Trump, I think the change will happen at the next election.


That's only if politicians from both sides of the pond see that the people aren't happy with the status quo and aren't happy about the way the countries are run and the people treated.


You can use "educated" however loosely you choose, mate. Some people think education means common sense, or in-depth knowledge on a particular subject, or a basic understanding on a wide range of topics, some people even define 'educated' as somebody who says things they agree with. You can debate that until you're blue in the face.


What you can't really debate is that you won't get far academically if you're incapable of considering a wide variety of viewpoints, analysing and discussing their merits, then drawing your own conclusions before articulating it all. That means something, especially in politics.


I'm just as annoyed by people screaming and stamping their feet because things don't go their way just as much as you are. Their behaviour (among other things) is how we got here, not only do they push rational people who agree with them away, they solidify the opposition's beliefs that the left are a bunch of raving PC babies who're impossible to reason with. That said, do you not consider for a second that the reason you're seeing so many of these people is because there's been 2 huge decisions made recently that both went in favour of the right? You're obviously not going to see anger/sadness expressed from the side that won are you? At least the liberal-types aren't renown for their violence when things don't go their way...


Anyway, what do I know.

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