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The mkiv Supra Owners Club

Uk twin turbo 6 speed


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Hi guys as you no I put this up last week but you guys kinda talked me out of selling it!!!!!!!!!

However I do want to sell so I offer it for sale at a slightly reduced price now and I am open to sensible offers as I think I have found the new car I am looking for . The ebay link is http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/291832764994?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649.


If anyone is genuinely interested in the car or making a sensible offer please contact me.


Thanks for all your advise in the past

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Somebody offered you £18k 7 days ago and now your selling for £17k ?


I'm not having a go but don't really understand why your not selling it to whoever that was seeing as it only a week ago

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that is a completely fair question... I took the car off ebay for the gentleman to view the car as I accepted his offer.... turns out the guy was in Germany and wanted to send a deposit and me to sit on it til he was over next to collect etc.....I just want a simple sale come and see the car if you like it make me an offer and drive it away if it not right for the buyer shake my hand say no thanks and walk away but it seems very hard to find serious buyer?????

So I finished my weeks work off and then sat down to do a more detailed listing... I have an offer from a club member at 15.5k and he Is possible coming to view next weekend.


- - - Updated - - -


hi there I am gonna try and get on the underside pictures later on today

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yeah maybe mate, i just want a simple sale. i sold my na auto over sea 3 years ago and he took the log book for the boat and then i had propblems with dvla etc its a honest car so want a simple honest sale!!

can you recommend any decent classic car auction houses???

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Why did you have problems with the DVLA ? my sale to France was about as easy as it could get


Can't you do the sale online now at the DVLA so should be no dramas at all


Sorry I've not used any auction comps

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Yeah I guess but I want a simple uk sale- log booked filled in and sent to Dvla - just a personal thing-

Thanks for your interest tho


Speak to Stuart Banks at Historics Auction houses and mention that Taz recommended you

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