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Do other motorists stereotype supra owners?


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Some of you may be aware of this ,or may be, all of you? I am not saying this only applies to Supra owners, but we are at the front of the queue, may be i have had more experience, but you get comments like, "only hairdressers have these cars", "why have an agressive car that looks like a great white shark", "are you trying to make up for a small party piece", could be jelousey, but out on the roads many want to race you. In the past ,with my pre NA/T, i had problems with a few modern cars, sort of just holding my own with Nisan 350's and Mazda MX5's etc, not any more with the post NA/T situation, no contest.

At my local pub there are a few petrol heads and they think my car is a good piece of engineering that at 20 years of age can match or beat their mega bucks lease hire BM's and Mercs etc.

I have to admit that when you pull up outside some places you can tell some people think your a prick, and others show interest in your car, i have never been sure what drives this? may be some of you know? Herbie.

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Years ago when I got mine, about 15 yrs ago, many professionals owned them, then the chavs got a chance with cheap imports. I think it's going back the other way now with people regarding them as a bit of a classic, will take a few years but the chav stigma is still there.

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I have mine to compensate for small man hood :D but seriously anyone who asks what I have majority of them haven't a clue what a toyots supra is until you say the car from the fast and the furious.

Can't comment on when driving around as I haven't yet.


But I will have to agree with Ellis. Those who know appreciate those who don't are going to hate/judge

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I've noticed a few who know judge because they are jealous.

Especially when their limelight has been took because a supra is around :)


Or when they've had their arse handed to them on the road.


I get that a few times.

A few people think they have great fast cars lol

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couldnt give a monkeys what people think, i like it thats all that matters , there arnt that many cars on the road today i like tbh all pretty boring and the same kind of thing.

did have some fella last year in the fuel station say to me as he was going in to pay , "nice to see a proper car"

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I've had nothing but praise, only negative comments have been from colleagues trying to poke fun about how i can't go over speed bumps (I can) and how big the spoiler is (required I guess). But these people drive Vauxhall corsas, Citroen C1s etc so it's not like they can brand it a poor choice of vehicle.


My Fiesta gets the stick sadly, especially after having a very nice Alfa - I do regret trading it in against a Fiesta, stupidest decision I've ever made


EDIT: three people have asked about it but assumed it was a Celica, luckily positive comments followed otherwise my twitching eye would become a shouting mouth :v

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Oooh, another one... twice in a petrol station


"Bet that's not cheap to fill up" - "I hope you don't spend too much time in here!"


Reality = only putting in £20 a time and typically having to go to the petrol station every other drive :(

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Only ever seems to go one of 2 ways. Either loads of respect and admiration for it, or immediately judged as a racer, fast and furious fanatic, rebel, chav.


And every where you go someone's ex wife's, uncles, cousinso friend from school 15 years ago had a brother with one that had 1,000,000Bhp

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Ive never had any negative comments, most people seem shocked to see them, always good comments


Get alot of people tailgating or wanting to race though, i think alot of people do it as they just want to see you put your foot down, to see/hear it go

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Ive never had any negative comments, most people seem shocked to see them, always good comments


Get alot of people tailgating or wanting to race though, i think alot of people do it as they just want to see you put your foot down, to see/hear it go


Funny enough the only people I get tailgating/trying to push me into flooring it are people with cars that don't stand a chance (little 1.0 hatchbacks and the like). Guys with more powerful cars seem to always chicken out and wave me passed. I.e. a guy in a new M3 waved me passed an on a duel carriage way the other day. I only have stock power so he could have easily out run me.


That's the fun thing with a Supra....they command respect, because anything from a stock power N/A to a stock power TT to a big single all look relatively the same. You never know if its going to embarrass you or not. So guys with fast, expensive cars just don't seem to want to try.

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Funny enough the only people I get tailgating/trying to push me into flooring it are people with cars that don't stand a chance (little 1.0 hatchbacks and the like). Guys with more powerful cars seem to always chicken out and wave me passed. I.e. a guy in a new M3 waved me passed an on a duel carriage way the other day. I only have stock power so he could have easily out run me.


That's the fun thing with a Supra....they command respect, because anything from a stock power N/A to a stock power TT to a big single all look relatively the same. You never know if its going to embarrass you or not. So guys with fast, expensive cars just don't seem to want to try.


I have noticed this, R8 owners try not to look at you/the car in that invisible blinker mode... Fiesta STs though "I CAN HAVE THAT SOOPRA!"

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just think about how old our cars are , you can sit these next to anything out there atm and it wont look dated , then think what forward thinking the designers had when they developed it . everything back then was square /boxy, probably the only other is the quattro, yes its square but legendary for a different reason

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I have noticed this, R8 owners try not to look at you/the car in that invisible blinker mode... Fiesta STs though "I CAN HAVE THAT SOOPRA!"


I had an R8 owner compliment me on my Supra at the fuel station.

I asked if his was a V10 and he said no, it's a V8.


I can honestly say I've not had any of the comments from the first post.

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Ive never had any negative comments, most people seem shocked to see them, always good comments


Get alot of people tailgating or wanting to race though, i think alot of people do it as they just want to see you put your foot down, to see/hear it go



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Only ever had good comments, good looks, thumbs up and so on.


However this I can relate to!


I've never had any negative comments, but some assume since it's a Supra it has 1000hp and will beat every car on the road. Little do they know, it's an NA :D


Luckily our NAs pass as TTs so 99% of other drivers won't try it on haha.

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