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If a vote to exit the EU is successful how will that impact our charging or paying of VAT to other EU countries that remain members?


Would that depend on the nature of the trade deals that a post-Brexit UK strikes with the EU? I'm not sure how VAT works internationally, and how it compares to tariffs and other duties.


My gut feeling is that a Brexited UK wouldn't be in a position of power when bargaining with the EU. When you leave a club, the terms you deal with the club in future tend to be on a "here's the deal, take it or leave it" basis.

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Equally, this situation, both in the context of the referendum and yesterday's tragedy, has been created by a Westminster liberal elite, and reckless journalism by the likes of the Guardian, smearing anyone with concerns about the scale of migration as racist. By playing the race card at every opportunity, debate on this subject has been stifled for years. As the labour MP's are now finding out, it is the very people who vote for them who are overwhelmingly against mass, uncontrolled immigration.


There needs to be a thorough discussion on how this referendum has been run, namely the completely anti democratic nature of the government's actions, the abhorrent use of migrant scaremongering by UKIP, and the daily drip feed of scaremongering, lies and disaster stories coming from the remain camp.


I see UKIP have been reported to the Police for this latest poster, and rightly so. While I don't think it is racist, it is definitely trying to provoke a xenophobic reaction.


Yes, both sides have had their part to play in creating all of this no doubt.


I'm not pointing fingers at either side but it's becoming obvious what beliefs this chap had, the amount of coincidences are too great for this to be not related to current events.


It's been toxic, and the past couple of days are in my opinion the result of that toxicity.


I think I might abstain to be honest, so that's me out of the discussion.

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Re the MP's murder, people need to leave the politics of the referendum out of it. There are nutters in every group in society.


The referendum shouldn't be postponed. That would be a victory for the nutter (disruption was probably what he wanted, and disruption is what he's achieved), and (I'm on risky ground here) I doubt that would have been the wish of the MP.

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Re the MP's murder, people need to leave the politics of the referendum out of it. There are nutters in every group in society.


The referendum shouldn't be postponed. That would be a victory for the nutter (disruption was probably what he wanted, and disruption is what he's achieved), and (I'm on risky ground here) I doubt that would have been the wish of the MP.


Agree - good post - are they contemplating postponing the referendum?

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Becoming obvious what beliefs this chap had?


You quoted the guardian earlier, perhaps if you read it again, it will give testimonies from his elderly neighbours who say he would voluntarily cut their grass and trim their bushes.

Would help out.

Volunteered at the park, for which he was in the news for.


So straight away, this points to a very well, socially acceptable human being who would go out of his way to help people.

This guy has probably done more to help others than many.


Oh, and his neighbours also say he lived there for 40 years.


So highly doubtful that he had a subscription to SA patriot at another address in Batley.

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They have postponed referendum CAMPAIGNING, but already there are rumblings around the world that this death may be used to leverage a postponement of the referendum vote itself. So seriously is this being taken it's apparently impacted gold prices!


The campaign postponement is here:





The talk of a possible postponement of the referendum vote itself is here:



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They have postponed referendum CAMPAIGNING, but already there are rumblings around the world that this death may be used to leverage a postponement of the referendum vote itself. So seriously is this being taken it's apparently impacted gold prices!


The campaign postponement is here:





The talk of a possible postponement of the referendum vote itself is here:




Intriguing how they think gold prices will soar if we vote leave

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Intriguing how they think gold prices will soar if we vote leave


It's investors and speculators putting their money in a safe place. What it is actually saying is that the referendum, and especially a Leave win, will bring uncertainty, which these people hate. So yes, gold, and other tangible assets will go up in value.

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My gut feeling is that a Brexited UK wouldn't be in a position of power when bargaining with the EU. When you leave a club, the terms you deal with the club in future tend to be on a "here's the deal, take it or leave it" basis.


Money talks and we have more buying power than the EU as we import more than we export within the EU.


I cant see them harming their own economies to spite us.



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For the protection of EU member States there's an EU procedure for members to leave and even if/when we're out, we'll still be in for 2 to 3 years.


Having been an EU member, U.K. & EU products will continue to meet EU & U.K. regulations and both will want to continue profiting from this.

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The FTSE100 has recovered 3 straight days of losses (about 120 points) within the space of a few hours trading (ignoring the break overnight). Almost half of the recovery happened within a few hours of yesterday's announcement that both sides were suspending their campaigns.


Just goes to show how volatile things are right now.

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Tony Benn once gave a succinct answer to whether the EU is a true democratic organisation.

He posed these questions, and it falls down dramatically on the answers. Vote out!!



Tony Benn's 5 questions to check if it is a democracy, which he believed the EU fails on.


 “What power have you got?”


“Where did you get it from?”


“In whose interests do you use it?”


“To whom are you accountable?”


“How do we get rid of you?”

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At the end of the day though, this is whole thing isn't legally binding. It could come out as 100% to exit the EU, doesn't mean they have to do it!


This is true. But would be political suicide for any government if they did ignore the will of the people, especially as it is voiced so publicly in the form of a referendum.

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I still maintain this whole brouhaha about In or Out is transitory as the EU is in terminal decline and in the medium term it will cease to exist, either at all, or in any recognisable format to what we see today. It's disintegration will be be messy, argumentative and costly, and as such best viewed from the stalls during which period we can be making long term future strategies, rather than in fighting for "our corner" within the flailing, dying beast.


Why do I say this?


Because the Union will fall apart under differing actions and opposition taken on migrants and their funding. There will also be further fall out over other member countries in dire economic straits, like Greece, requiring bail outs. As other countries adopt a more right wing government their attitude (refusing to acknowledge them), as with Poland and others, will make the cohesion of the Union untenable. The final nail in the coffin will probably be Turkey, whom Cameron refused to address THREE TIMES on live public TV last night when asked if, should we remain the EU, he would veto joining.

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I'm not so sure that in reality it is that close at the moment.


Many of these 'official' polls only ask around 1000 people.


The Money Saving Expert website have done a poll with almost 44,000 votes.




It's currently around 2:1 in favour of leave.


Going off this, the poll on here and on various other websites, leave should win easily.


Not long to go now...

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Had to chuckle the other day in debate on a Facebook group.


When talking about immigration, I got called a racist.

By an Australian!

Who thinks their point system is great but for us to implement one is racist.


I never laughed so hard in my life.


I'm starting to think that many remainers know immigration is a problem, but due to the PC brigade, people are scared to challenge it and instead stick by it in fear of being branded racists and xenophobes.

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I'm not so sure that in reality it is that close at the moment.


Many of these 'official' polls only ask around 1000 people.


The Money Saving Expert website have done a poll with almost 44,000 votes.




It's currently around 2:1 in favour of leave.


Going off this, the poll on here and on various other websites, leave should win easily.


Not long to go now...


But that was 4 weeks ago. A lot of things have happened since then. Obviously the Jo Cox murder will have a bearing on some people's decision as will George Osbourne's emergency budget talk. I sensed a tone of defeatism in what Farrage said in the media yesterday.

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I see the thickening Baroness Warsi has done her disingenuous bit and made a dramatic last minute swap to supporting the Remain campaigners. Quite why parties haven't cottoned on to the fact a lot of these token ethnics they parade as unusual supporters of their cause often bite the hand that feeds them I don't know. Better to have mutterings of "racist party" than the ignominy of this dreadful woman having air time proclaiming you as such as she kicks you in the groin on her way out. They say there is no such thing as bad publicity at a certain stage in one's career...

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