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Comes down to personal experience, I'm peed off with people from failing European economies coming over with clearly no experience or knowledge and willing to work for half the money in professional engineers jobs, the result is that my wages stay are hit long term.

Also trying to get a doctors/dentist appointment, when you get one the waiting room is full of eastern europeans, disgusting behaviour when they demand and shout for preferential treatment because they 'pay taxes'.

Recently noticed signs putting people off threatening staff in doctors/dentists, not something we had a few years back.

Also the local press is increasingly reporting crimes with Eastern European names being at the forefront.


So, if you disregard the spin from either side and listen to your personal experience then that's the way forward as it can't be twisted.

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The remain lot really are desperate. There's no arguments now, it's simply "you're fools" Bob geldof is also a massive hypocrite, always hated him, makes out like everyone should donate but he's the tightest of them all. Plus he's a tax dodger.


From what I've seen Nigel is easily the best of the worst.

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Interesting quotes this morning although no one has named the minister yet:


In the view of one shadow cabinet minister: “It’s over already.” MPs speak of “horrific” postal vote returns.




FYI postal votes can be opened and a "sample" taken although they are not legally allowed to be counted as such.

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Is this what happens when the ugly side of politics is brought to the fore? Why do people take politics so literally that they feel the urge to snuff out the life of a dedicated young MP? I blame politicians of both sides for ramping up the fear to the point that idiots in the far fringes of politics feel compelled to violence......


It seems a life time ago that the biggest talking point of the latter stages of the independence referendum campaign was the throwing of an egg at a Labour MP - if only that is all that was meted out to Jo Cox. :(

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It is absolutely tragic :( no one deserves this, especially not her 2 kids. Thoughts with the family.


People can and do have different opinions on politics, and any reasonable person accepts it, and it's never an issue. This individual appears to have been drip fed racist propaganda from all manner of extremist publications for years, and when combined with his history of mental health problems, and constant isolation, has created a monster.


I just hope that when the intensive political campaigning starts again, it stays respectful. I've seen supporters of both sides already trying to take advantage.

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Can we hold off with the political blame.

Only one eye witness says he shouted out Britain first.

No other witness has said anything, and considering one was struggling with the man more would say it if it were true.





This, seems like everyone is going to use the murder of this woman for their political anti leave agenda. It's nothing to do with that

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This thread should be put to bed as well as the whole referendum for a few months.


If you don't think he was influenced by what's going on politically in the country right now then I'd ask who it is you're trying to kid?


I think I worded that wrong, what I meant was no one actually knows why. How do you know? Did you know this woman personally?


I think the only ones kidding themselves are the ones saying it was definitely political and the fact that someone "supposedly" heard "Britain first" shouted sounds bull, seeing as that person was the only one who heard that.


May as well start claiming the remain side had her killed to further their agenda if that's what people will believe :lol:

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This thread should be put to bed as well as the whole referendum for a few months.


If you don't think he was influenced by what's going on politically in the country right now then I'd ask who it is you're trying to kid?


There's less than a week left now, best to get it over and done with, and then move on.


Besides, if this vile creatures intention was to somehow influence the democratic process, giving in to him really isn't the best way of honouring the death of someone who spent her life fighting for it.


I can't believe for a second she would want anything else.

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I think I worded that wrong, what I meant was no one actually knows why. How do you know? Did you know this woman personally?


I think the only ones kidding themselves are the ones saying it was definitely political and the fact that someone "supposedly" heard "Britain first" shouted sounds bull, seeing as that person was the only one who heard that.


The fact is the police are investigating if he shouted it. THREE media sources are reporting it; Howard (Guardian), Rothwell (Telegraph), Tahir (Sky).


Or do you mean, we should ignore the fact the suspect has a decade old association with a white supremacist group that flies the apartheid flag?


A pretty obvious picture is building of someone who objected to views like the ones she held, was influenced by the current political shitstorm, was unstable enough to do something, and did it.


Any other day of the week it might have been another MP in another town with a different set of beliefs and from a different side of the argument.


May as well start claiming the remain side had her killed to further their agenda if that's what people will believe :lol:


That's something a child would come out with.

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Or do you mean, we should ignore the fact the suspect has a decade old association with a white supremacist group that flies the apartheid flag?


A pretty obvious picture is building of someone who objected to views like the ones she held, was influenced by the current political shitstorm, was unstable enough to do something, and did it.


Any other day of the week it might have been another MP in another town with a different set of beliefs and from a different side of the argument.



Equally, this situation, both in the context of the referendum and yesterday's tragedy, has been created by a Westminster liberal elite, and reckless journalism by the likes of the Guardian, smearing anyone with concerns about the scale of migration as racist. By playing the race card at every opportunity, debate on this subject has been stifled for years. As the labour MP's are now finding out, it is the very people who vote for them who are overwhelmingly against mass, uncontrolled immigration.


There needs to be a thorough discussion on how this referendum has been run, namely the completely anti democratic nature of the government's actions, the abhorrent use of migrant scaremongering by UKIP, and the daily drip feed of scaremongering, lies and disaster stories coming from the remain camp.


I see UKIP have been reported to the Police for this latest poster, and rightly so. While I don't think it is racist, it is definitely trying to provoke a xenophobic reaction.

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