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This is interesting, to say the least:






More than interesting, shows theyre worried, and will do anything to stay in, feck what the electorate want, we'll stay in anyway. If that happens we'd need to drive any car to the centres of cities, park and just block main roads and walk away, cause chaos. There are other things I'd like to do but not a good idea on here.

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The article talks about the "single market". That's not the same thing as we're voting on in the referendum, is it? The referendum is about "membership of the EU", not "membership of the EU single market". They're not the same thing. Am I correct?


The article leaves the skim-reader thinking that the MPs are considering defying the referendum result. But I don't think that's what's being considered. Defying the referendum would be pure political suicide.

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If we manage to leave the EU then we could then leave the EEA and no longer be hamstrung by all the human rights stuff, and *then* the government could, should it have the mind and courage, kick out all these pernicious and criminal immigrants that hide behind it, with their right to a family life, and "I'll be persecuted back home because I became a Christian (on the boat on the way here...) paying for their dodgy lawyers with legal aid, and which we, the taxpayers are financing. I believe that would have to be the lengthy process to achieve this, such is the mess we have gotten ourselves into with all this.

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The article talks about the "single market". That's not the same thing as we're voting on in the referendum, is it? The referendum is about "membership of the EU", not "membership of the EU single market". They're not the same thing. Am I correct?


The article leaves the skim-reader thinking that the MPs are considering defying the referendum result. But I don't think that's what's being considered. Defying the referendum would be pure political suicide.



"Staying inside the single market would mean Britain would have to keep its borders open to EU workers and continue paying into EU coffers."

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The article talks about the "single market". That's not the same thing as we're voting on in the referendum, is it? The referendum is about "membership of the EU", not "membership of the EU single market". They're not the same thing. Am I correct?


The article leaves the skim-reader thinking that the MPs are considering defying the referendum result. But I don't think that's what's being considered. Defying the referendum would be pure political suicide.


It's kind of suggesting if we leave then the remain MPs will consider using their majority power to keep us inside the market.


Thus kind of making a part of the referendum null.


The single market is the current EU free trade area with the same rules on labelling etc.


There's also the European free trade area that currently has places like Norway & Switzerland in it who we somehow will be able to magically copy according to leave MPs.


Doesn't make much of it any clearer.


As an aside, I keep stumbling onto comments like "vote out so we can send all the illegals back!".


Is anyone daft enough to think that's how it works?



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As an aside, I keep stumbling onto comments like "vote out so we can send all the illegals back!".


Is anyone daft enough to think that's how it works?




I think many do think this, but it's a convoluted process, and once we leave the EU we

could then leave the EEA and *THEN* we are far freer to send undesirables packing...

Until we leave the EU we cannot, for whatever reasons, leave the EEA. That's how I read it anyway.

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I was having a dither over my vote direction, and actually took the time to watch that. Very good point about basically living in a dictatorship if we can't vote out those who make the rules. Very good point indeed. A point unfortunately unanswered, uncountered, and unrefuted by those simply throwing namecalling around (and then flouncing off because they were called a name ;) )


Tone of voice doesn't change the truth. My mind is now made up.

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It's kind of suggesting if we leave then the remain MPs will consider using their majority power to keep us inside the market.


Thus kind of making a part of the referendum null.


The single market is the current EU free trade area with the same rules on labelling etc.


There's also the European free trade area that currently has places like Norway & Switzerland in it who we somehow will be able to magically copy according to leave MPs.


Doesn't make much of it any clearer.


As an aside, I keep stumbling onto comments like "vote out so we can send all the illegals back!".


Is anyone daft enough to think that's how it works?




Thing is, if people are here illegally, we can already send them back :D it is an utter failure of successive UK governments who have allowed this charade to continue.


I think the immigration benefit to leaving is that we can control the level from now on. I have no desire to see people who are here now, legitimately, kicked out if we vote to leave, and neither do the leave campaigners.


But considering that our population will exceed 100m in a century's time if current trends continue, we have to do something about controlling our overpopulation issue.

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Thing is, if people are here illegally, we can already send them back :D it is an utter failure of successive UK governments who have allowed this charade to continue.


I think the immigration benefit to leaving is that we can control the level from now on. I have no desire to see people who are here now, legitimately, kicked out if we vote to leave, and neither do the leave campaigners.


But considering that our population will exceed 100m in a century's time if current trends continue, we have to do something about controlling our overpopulation issue.

I completely agree.


I totally get the 'why' we should and so on, but we won't.


We already can, the EU is not stopping us.


Several EU member states are already setting their own quotas and so on (old eastern bloc).


But we don't, because our politicians are weak and couldn't organise an outing to an alcohol distillers.


But people keep churning it out like someone across Europe millions of people are going to be repatriated in various different directions.




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I completely agree.


I totally get the 'why' we should and so on, but we won't.


We already can, the EU is not stopping us.


Several EU member states are already setting their own quotas and so on (old eastern bloc).


But we don't, because our politicians are weak and couldn't organise an outing to an alcohol distillers.


But people keep churning it out like someone across Europe millions of people are going to be repatriated in various different directions.





This is where we differ. I don't think they are really weak or disorganised at all. I think they know exactly what they're doing and they do it to benefit themselves and their financiers.

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This is where we differ. I don't think they are really weak or disorganised at all. I think they know exactly what they're doing and they do it to benefit themselves and their financiers.

You could well be absolutely spot on there.


"What should I sort today, deposit millions into my offshore tax haven or resolve illegal immigration...."



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You could well be absolutely spot on there.


"What should I sort today, deposit millions into my offshore tax haven or resolve illegal immigration...."




I think it's even more intricate than that. If it were me in that position, I wanted to screw money out of the general public and I lived in a gated community away from the rabble then all these issues wouldn't affect me at all. Immigration is just another issue that keeps the public eye away from corruption within politics. That's all I see these "unresolved issues" as, Simply distractions. Yes they are issues but why would the government actually want to sort them? Doesn't benefit their bank balance at all.


The EU is perfect for this reason. What a great scapegoat. Not to mention it benefits corporate Europe massively.

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What overpopulation issue? Britain isn't even in the top 20% for population density in the world.


Two years ago, the population density of England was 413 people per Sq/KM. Scotland, Wales and NI don't have the same issue as England, and as migration and birthrates overwhelmingly affect England more than the other countries in the UK, and I live in England, i'm not using the UK stats.


So, let's compare the England figure to some others:


England: 413 people per Sq/KM

France: 121

Germany: 232

Poland: 124

Spain: 93

Portugal: 114

Ireland: 67

Canada: 4 (really)

Norway: 14

Scotland: 40

N.Ireland: 130

Wales: 258

Italy: 205

Bulgaria: 66

Japan: 336


While the other countries in the UK don't have such issues, England (the largest by far) has the 5th highest population density of any major country in the world. And with record migration figures, this is going to get much worse.

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What overpopulation issue? Britain isn't even in the top 20% for population density in the world.



And even if your figures are correct a lot of us do not want to be more densely populated,

especially by people of totally different ethnicity, culture and values. We do not want to

become a dustbin for economic migrants from countries many couldn't even point out on an

outline map of the world.


We don't want to see our over stretched public services further burdened, and more

green field sites set to "affordable housing" and inhabited by those who can "afford" it only on

the benevolence of the taxpayer.


I think it is modernly called being xenophobic, and to some it's a naughty word, but call us

what you will, it's a fact :)

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Andrew Neil discusses the effects of mass migration with TUC's Francis O'Grady




Been saying for years.

And I noticed it first hand when preparing to leave the army and actually being out of the army.


I was even told off the record that I probably wouldn't get accepted because my experience would demand a higher wage for a managerial role and they could hire a European "supervisor" for a lot less.


So far that company has hired 10 manager(supervisor)'s in the past year as people keep leaving.

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Postal vote completed and returned today, so I have voted to remain in the E.U.


I had always leaned towards staying in the E.U. and absolutely nothing I have seen, heard or read from the Brexit side has made me think twice about my vote. Mind you, any campaign led by Farage, Johnson, Gove and Fox is doomed to failure, whatever it's message.......


I shall now ignore the whole damn thing until the result is announced - ironically, I'll be in Denmark when the voting boothes are open and I doubt I'll be able to get any information whilst abroad, bliss!

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