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He sounds calm, collected, informed and comes across well to me, too. I can't see anything that would cause someone to describe him as a "nutter"......


His language and tone is all wrong becoming more of a rant at one point. Depends who he wants to appeal to I guess.

I'm surprised he didn't go as far to say the EU is run by lizard aliens in human clothing.


Now back to these rusty bolts on the ZR

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Well there's a rounded balanced discussion. :rolleyes:


If people like this are going to take the time to do this kind of thing they really ought to do it in a way that they don't sound like raving nutters.

Think I managed to stick 25 seconds.



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His language and tone is all wrong becoming more of a rant at one point. Depends who he wants to appeal to I guess.

I'm surprised he didn't go as far to say the EU is run by lizard aliens in human clothing.


Now back to these rusty bolts on the ZR


I agree with his view on the EU, and he makes good points. But the man himself is abhorrent, he's a notorious Islamophobe.

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Poll cards sent out by Bristol council




Plus last week we heard about over 6000 polish people getting poll cards to vote......apparently a software glitch.


Seems like this election will be rigged for sure.



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Poll cards sent out by Bristol council




Plus last week we heard about over 6000 polish people getting poll cards to vote......apparently a software glitch.


Seems like this election will be rigged for sure.




They are actually an out take from a polling guidance sheet, but still very dubious!!

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Sometimes the truth can sound harsh, difficult to listen to and often is very hard to accept.

It's not WHAT was being said but the delivery. If he wants to appeal to people like me then....I'm not going to repeat myself, see above.


The bookies don't usually get this stuff wrong:




The ‘Leave’ camp finds support ahead of the Referendum which will likely result in Sterling weakness this week. The table below highlight the changes within the last month for GBPEUR, GBPUSD and GBPAUD


With just 17 days to go to the EU Referendum the Leave campaign is gaining a real advantage with a Telegraph poll of 19,000 subscribers showing 69% backing Brexit. With the Guardian poll last week putting Leave ahead by four points sterling is coming back under pressure. The Remain vote is still however the perceived favourite according to the bookmaker’s figures. According to Betfair there is a 72% chance of Remain with a Leave vote at 28%.


What is clear is that Remain’s previous lead has slipped and nothing can be taken for granted over the next 3 weeks. Last week David Cameron had a shaky performance on TV whilst Michael Gove’s performance on Sky the following night was well received, The Leave camp is definitely on the front foot. Key dates up ahead are tomorrow‘s ITV studio debate between Nigel Farage and David Cameron at 9pm, this Thursday’s ITV debate at 8pm with Boris Johnson and Nicola Sturgeon from the SNP Scottish National Party. There are two BBC Question Time debates on the 15th (Leave) and 19th (Remain) before a crucial BBC live event at Wembley with key figures and representatives on the 21st. Channel 4 will then hold a live programme the night before the 23rd with the result expected early morning on the 24th.


Sterling will continue to react to the polls The two main issues are immigration and the economy. Looking at the Scottish Referendum and the General Election last year it seems the economic arguments trumped other ideals when it came to voting intentions. With the Leave camp enjoying some favour the pound has come under pressure and even if the polls do point more towards Remain before the vote, the markets will still have to price in the possibility of Brexit which could see some large unexpected movements. Important economic data this week for the pound is the latest Industrial and Manufacturing data due Wednesday morning at 09.30 am before the latest NIESR (National Institute of Economic & Social Research) GDP (Gross Domestic Product) estimate at 3pm.

Thursday is the latest Trade Balance data at 09.30, all in all a fairly quiet week for data. The main driver for the pound will be the TV debates and how well or badly received the different sides are received. The Leave camp clearly have some momentum at present, the extent to which this can be sustained will be key to determining how the pound performs this week.

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The bookies don't usually get this stuff wrong:


The bookies had Labour to win a majority in the General election until 4 days before the vote.


Besides, if the bookies never got it wrong, no one would gamble. The bookies very regularly get it wrong (albeit, slightly more often than not they are right), it is the only way their business works.

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