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I agree, I think remain will edge it. But that will simply empower the eusrosceptics, and as with the SNP, the threat of another referendum will constantly loom over.


However, I wouldnt be surprised by a leave outcome. As well as the demographic disadvantage remain have to overcome, anti EU sentiment is very widespread.

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Apart from some of these 'official' polls, most things do point to leaving, but I do wonder if they're magically going to pull a few million extra remain votes out of a hat. Don't trust them at all...


What I was going to say but shorter, they'll fix it!

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There's obviously quite a number of people who are thinking it's going to be a fix, because there is an online petition requesting 3 independent vote counting organisations to verify the EU referendum voting.


The Government has already responded saying their vote counting procedures are all above board etc etc.



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There's obviously quite a number of people who are thinking it's going to be a fix, because there is an online petition requesting 3 independent vote counting organisations to verify the EU referendum voting.


The Government has already responded saying their vote counting procedures are all above board etc etc.



Much in the same way they assure us that recent elections were all above board despite the police quietly investigating several suspicious counts.



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Strange really then that so many are committed to voting out and protecting our "democracy".






I've said many a time that this system is broken but the ones on benefits don't want to risk losing their benefits so they have something to lose, the middle class don't want to risk losing what they have in life and end up poor so they do nothing, the richer of us think they are the most well off so are pretty content and don't want the system to change and the mega rich are the ones with the power who have made this system of fake democracy.


No one really wants change or democracy. Clearly. People think they do but no one is willing to risk their way of life to save it. Including myself. If someone said i could guarantee a fair system if I simply gave up everything I own then I'd have to seriously think about it.




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If someone said i could guarantee a fair system if I simply gave up everything I own then I'd have to seriously think about it.


Really, so a 60yr old who has worked hard all their life to provide a comfortable retirement is then given the option to give it all up and share the same retirement as someone who has done nothing in life, you think that would require serious thought?


Then extend this to someone who not only worked hard for themselves but then provides for their two kids to help give them a start in life, its all taken away so that someone sat on their backside can provide the same to their eight kids.


Doesn't sound that dissimilar to what we already have :lol:

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If you are on facebook or twitter, which I do neither of, stick this on your twitter feed and facebook message as many contacts at possible, may help to win the suppression war.......


Do more sheeple "read" Faceache and Twatter than read Newspapers these days?

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I've said many a time that this system is broken but the ones on benefits don't want to risk losing their benefits so they have something to lose, the middle class don't want to risk losing what they have in life and end up poor so they do nothing, the richer of us think they are the most well off so are pretty content and don't want the system to change and the mega rich are the ones with the power who have made this system of fake democracy.


No one really wants change or democracy. Clearly. People think they do but no one is willing to risk their way of life to save it. Including myself. If someone said i could guarantee a fair system if I simply gave up everything I own then I'd have to seriously think about it.




I'd agree with all of that.



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Really, so a 60yr old who has worked hard all their life to provide a comfortable retirement is then given the option to give it all up and share the same retirement as someone who has done nothing in life, you think that would require serious thought?


Then extend this to someone who not only worked hard for themselves but then provides for their two kids to help give them a start in life, its all taken away so that someone sat on their backside can provide the same to their eight kids.


Doesn't sound that dissimilar to what we already have :lol:






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If you think going it alone will kerb migration then think again.


I keep hearing how we should be like Switzerland, but has anyone bothered to look at the trade agreements that Switzerland had to make with the EU?


Bilateral I agreements (signed 1999, in force 1 June 2002)

Free movement of people

Air traffic

Road traffic


Technical trade barriers

Public procurement


Bilateral II agreements

Security and asylum and Schengen membership

Cooperation in fraud pursuits

Final stipulations in open questions about agriculture, environment, media, education, care of the elderly, statistics and services.


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