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Here's the thing.


For all the hyperbole, the figures being banded about, the theorising on what might happen, the scaremongering on both sides...


Not a lot will change either way.


The security issue won't change much, the border situation won't change much, the banana situation won't change much.


Do you want a bunch of corrupt, out of touch politicians having free reign over the country - or do you want a bunch of corrupt, out of touch politicians elsewhere also having a say on the country.


Do you want a complete and utter buffoon who's many, many screw ups are made out to be just funny little anecdotes to be the leader of our country next time round?


Or do you want an unelected group of randomers who live thousands of miles away to instruct us on certain things?


Will each household be over £4000 worse off every year? no


Will the NHS be millions of pounds wealthier? no


Based on the almighty arseholes in both of the official campaigns I'm struggling to see how Joe public is going to decide.


Michael Gove or Jeremy Hunt...................


Totally what I was thinking.


After looking at the directives this morning it has dawned on me that the people of this country are screwed whether we are in or out....


If we stay in we have the benefit of some beneficial EU directives but we will effectively lose democracy not to mention globalist power will increase over time making those directives moot when they simply get rid of them.


If we leave then Cameron and his corporate backers will have much less resistance in screwing over the people and they do that already on a regular basis.


In all honesty this just seems like another illusion of choice/democracy. Where our actions will have no real consequence.

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Isn't that what a vote is for? You are asked to vote on your own opinion, based on your own knowledge and experience.........


Praising the tories? You need to look at other news sources than the red tops!


The major uproar on austerity and uncertainty is still there, but not reported due to the EU referendum


Well I look at elections and votes as what is best for my country and the people as a whole.

And I understand that nothing happens overnight, nor does change.


I don't look at the red tops.

I don't follow the usual tripe because it's all biased.


The red tops aren't showing the problems in immigration anymore, or the food bank issue, or the majority of the problems going on in the country.


And if you look on the various Facebook groups, you can see that the original issues are few and far between, except from the out brigade who keep bringing up the various problems.

The majority of the remain seem not to care.


Maybe that is the social divide and class divide?


The richer are happy to stay in, the people experience real problems want out.

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Can we see a list of actual legislation which the EU have 'forced' us to take which is not helpful to industry or looks out for the consumer/customer?


You know you shouldn't set such an easy question that can be shot out of the air with what could be called a ballistic missile ......


Below, taken from a website that looked at EU policies/legislation negitively affecting the UK;

1) The UK Renewable Energy Strategy – Recurring cost: £4.7bn a year

2) The CRD IV package – Recurring cost: £4.6bn a year

3) The Working Time Directive – Recurring cost: £4.2bn a year

4) The EU Climate and Energy Package – Recurring cost: £3.4bn a year

5) The Temporary Agency Workers Directive – Recurring cost: £2.1bn a year


On top of this are things such as the Common Agricultural Policy, Common Fisheries Policy, Free movement of people to name a few.


CAP which decimated many farmer's traditional ways and hit profits hard. Forcing farmers to grow only certain crops in certain fields and then having taxpayers money used to pay them to NOT grow other certain crops on certain fields.


Common fisheries policy in which a Danish, Spanish or French fishing boat can come and catch fish within eyesight of the fisherman's coastal house, but yet he is not allowed to go and catch the same fish. The coast of Britain being a rich-picking area of the North Sea and Irish Sea. 100's of fishing businesses lost over the years, creating ghost towns/villiages along the coast with high unemployment and little local trade/incomes.


Free movement of people - having the effect of raising property prices via huge demand of people coming to the UK. Also putting huge pressures on local services (NHS, schools etc.). [This hit the newspapers only yesterday - even though its been mentioned time and time again by the 'leave' campaign].



Something specifically for businesses - EU protectionism - something that puts tariffs and regulations on trade with non-EU businesses. It also prevents new businesses expanding and taking market share of the established big businesses. This is where your so called "lower prices" argument comes from within the "remain" campaign.

You may get lower prices but you are most definitely getting a lower quality product. So value for money is dropping in the name of these lower prices.


I could go on, but most people may be asleep reading all this ;)

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Free movement of people - having the effect of raising property prices via huge demand of people coming to the UK. Also putting huge pressures on local services (NHS, schools etc.). [This hit the newspapers only yesterday - even though its been mentioned time and time again by the 'leave' campaign].


Is this what your talking about? The EU now telling us to build more homes for migrants :shock:



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The link you give is very much part of the same problem.


What is startling with this headline is that the EU can't even wait with its agenda until after the UK referendum.

Its a clear sign of things to come and their plans to flood the EU with middle-eastern economic migrants whereby Britain will be forced to take its share.

Its also a sign that the EU is expecting a flood of economic migrants from the newly invited members from eastern europe including Turkey. And again it will be forcing the UK to take its share. Knowing where many of them will intend to head as soon as the doors open.


It should be a clear signal to even the most blinded pro-EU person what the intentions of the EU are regarding it 'use' of the UK in its membership.

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Yay let's support Chris Grayling in his attempt to gloss over government housebuilding promises and their failures by dressing them up as migrant trojan horses!



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Exactly, we (the government....) needs to deter population growth, not build on green field land ad infinitum, and reduce everyone's quality of life. Strong financial disincentives to having more than two children. I would suggest the workhouse for single mothers, but I am known for my rather extreme views there ;)

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We the white British are already in decline with only 1.8 children per couple, 2.4 children are required to sustain the current population (2 to replace the parents and .4 in case of early death ) we are seeing the white population being almost halved every generation. where as eastern europeans who have come to the uk have a birth rate of 3.4 and asians ...ridiculously 5.7


We are being bread out


Oh and something i found out recently, landlords are getting tax breaks to rent to eastern europeans rather than English.

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We the white British are already in decline with only 1.8 children per couple, 2.4 children are required to sustain the current population (2 to replace the parents and .4 in case of early death ) we are seeing the white population being almost halved every generation. where as eastern europeans who have come to the uk have a birth rate of 3.4 and asians ...ridiculously 5.7


We are being bread out


Oh and something i found out recently, landlords are getting tax breaks to rent to eastern europeans rather than English.

Ah so it's about colour?



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We the white British are already in decline with only 1.8 children per couple, 2.4 children are required to sustain the current population (2 to replace the parents and .4 in case of early death ) we are seeing the white population being almost halved every generation. where as eastern europeans who have come to the uk have a birth rate of 3.4 and asians ...ridiculously 5.7


We are being bread out


Oh and something i found out recently, landlords are getting tax breaks to rent to eastern europeans rather than English.


Ah so it's about colour?




No, its about figures, please lets not go down the race route, its simple maths, too may people here already we don't need more.


I would say he was bringing colour into due to the fact he specifically stated 'white British' and 'white population'.


The fact he says we are being 'bread out' is brilliant, guess what, that's called human evolution, skin colours and body shapes change with evolution, we are all just humans and the human race isn't going anywhere anytime soon, in 300 years, the average human will be darker skinned and maybe a little more oriental looking, but so what? Please explain the problem with that?


Don't get me wrong, I want out of the EU for my own reasons, including immigration, I just effing hate those people who seem to follow, believe and share all the cr@p that the EDL/Britian First/fear the darkies brigade seem to throw around.

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Or, another view - http://www.theguardian.com/housing-network/2016/jan/25/is-immigration-causing-the-uk-housing-crisis


Both articles are technically incorrect as they both mention housing as a UK issue, however, both quote English only figures as Housing is devolved to the Scottish parliament and in Ireland and Wales to their respective assemblies.


The Daily Fail article should be regarded as crap as they haven't cited the source of the supposed E.U. report, or who commissioned it.

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You know you shouldn't set such an easy question that can be shot out of the air with what could be called a ballistic missile ......


Below, taken from a website that looked at EU policies/legislation negitively affecting the UK;

1) The UK Renewable Energy Strategy – Recurring cost: £4.7bn a year

2) The CRD IV package – Recurring cost: £4.6bn a year

3) The Working Time Directive – Recurring cost: £4.2bn a year

4) The EU Climate and Energy Package – Recurring cost: £3.4bn a year

5) The Temporary Agency Workers Directive – Recurring cost: £2.1bn a year


On top of this are things such as the Common Agricultural Policy, Common Fisheries Policy, Free movement of people to name a few.


CAP which decimated many farmer's traditional ways and hit profits hard. Forcing farmers to grow only certain crops in certain fields and then having taxpayers money used to pay them to NOT grow other certain crops on certain fields.


Common fisheries policy in which a Danish, Spanish or French fishing boat can come and catch fish within eyesight of the fisherman's coastal house, but yet he is not allowed to go and catch the same fish. The coast of Britain being a rich-picking area of the North Sea and Irish Sea. 100's of fishing businesses lost over the years, creating ghost towns/villiages along the coast with high unemployment and little local trade/incomes.


Free movement of people - having the effect of raising property prices via huge demand of people coming to the UK. Also putting huge pressures on local services (NHS, schools etc.). [This hit the newspapers only yesterday - even though its been mentioned time and time again by the 'leave' campaign].



Something specifically for businesses - EU protectionism - something that puts tariffs and regulations on trade with non-EU businesses. It also prevents new businesses expanding and taking market share of the established big businesses. This is where your so called "lower prices" argument comes from within the "remain" campaign.

You may get lower prices but you are most definitely getting a lower quality product. So value for money is dropping in the name of these lower prices.


I could go on, but most people may be asleep reading all this ;)


What is your source for alleged costs?


The Free movement of people, what about the 100s of thousands of UK emigrant retirees using the Spanish, French and Portuguese health services?


CRD IV is to prevent financial collapse such as in 2008/9, by regulating banks and financial institutions so we (the tax payer) don't have to keep bailing them out - it also sought to curtail bankers bonuses, is that a bad thing?


The UK Renewable Energy Strategy or the UK The Renewable Energy Directive (2009) sets a target for the UK to achieve 15% of its energy consumption from renewable sources by 2020. This compares to only 1.5% in 2005, Is it bad to generate electricity from solar and wind turbines instead of coal?


The Working Time Directive - The Working Time Directive, 2003/88/EC, is a Directive of the European Union. It gives EU workers the right to a minimum number of holidays each year, rest breaks, and rest of at least 11 hours in any 24 hours; restricts excessive night work; a day off after a week's work; and provides for a right to work no more than 48 hours per week. It was issued as an update on earlier versions from 22 June 2000 and 23 November 1993. Since excessive working time is cited as a major cause of stress, depression and illness, the stated purpose of the Directive is to protect people's health and safety. How is that bad? If everyone in Europe does it, then no one country can seek an advantage by running sweatshops!


The EU Climate and Energy package - To reduce emissions of greenhouse gases by 20% by 2020 taking 1990 emissions as the reference, to increase energy efficiency to save 20% of EU energy consumption by 2020, and to reach 20% of renewable energy in the total energy consumption in the EU by 2020. plus to reach 10% of biofuels in the total consumption of vehicles by 2020. What's wrong with that?


The Temporary Agency Workers Directive is an EU Directive agreed in November 2008 which seeks to guarantee those working through employment agencies equal pay and conditions with employees in the same business who do the same work - why is that a problem?


"Common fisheries policy in which a Danish, Spanish or French fishing boat can come and catch fish within eyesight of the fisherman's coastal house, but yet he is not allowed to go and catch the same fish. The coast of Britain being a rich-picking area of the North Sea and Irish Sea. 100's of fishing businesses lost over the years, creating ghost towns/villiages along the coast with high unemployment and little local trade/incomes. That isn't true as you've written it, fish are not routed to the spot and move in different seasons to different locations. There are quotas set for different fish with fisherman able to buy and sell quotas in certain species. Fishing is still a major employer in Scotland despite lack of effective EU representation by a dismissive and disinterested Westminster government and most of the ghost towns and missing fishing fleets have been caused by the sellout by Westminster in 1976 to appease the US and Nato over Iceland and the lucrative sale of quotas by UK based fisherman to the Spanish fishing fleets.


We can agree on CAP, farmers in the UK and europe are featherbedded with grants and subsidies, if no one wants their goods, they should be allowed to wither away and sell up!


Everyone's asleep now! :D

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Oh and something i found out recently, landlords are getting tax breaks to rent to eastern europeans rather than English.


Name your source for this piece of utter tripe!


Although, as a housing professional for a large housing association, I can agree that most Eastern Europeans make excellent tenants, paying their rent, keeping tidy gardens and generally being good God fearing family orientated folks! :D

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Name your source for this piece of utter tripe!


Although, as a housing professional for a large housing association, I can agree that most Eastern Europeans make excellent tenants, paying their rent, keeping tidy gardens and generally being good God fearing family orientated folks! :D


I was told this by one of your fellow housing professional (a letting agent), my brother has been struggle to find somewhere to rent even though he passes all the financial checks etc and he was told (i was there with him) by the letting agent that "unfortunately as long as the EU are giving tax breaks to landlords for renting to eastern europeans people like you will always struggle to find somewhere"

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I would say he was bringing colour into due to the fact he specifically stated 'white British' and 'white population'.


The fact he says we are being 'bread out' is brilliant, guess what, that's called human evolution, skin colours and body shapes change with evolution, we are all just humans and the human race isn't going anywhere anytime soon, in 300 years, the average human will be darker skinned and maybe a little more oriental looking, but so what? Please explain the problem with that?


Don't get me wrong, I want out of the EU for my own reasons, including immigration, I just effing hate those people who seem to follow, believe and share all the cr@p that the EDL/Britian First/fear the darkies brigade seem to throw around.


Evolution is something that happens over a long period of time and is usually a species adapting to its surroundings...................what is happening is forced multiculturalism, forced by the EU.

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Evolution is something that happens over a long period of time and is usually a species adapting to its surroundings...................what is happening is forced multiculturalism, forced by the EU.


Race doesn't equal culture. I have no problem with "them lot coming over 'ere" if they make an effort to adapt to our lifestyle, prove their worth, and not segregate themselves into areas where they can get by without learning English (perhaps I'm biased having Eastern European ancestry myself). This happens not because of the EU, but because our government is too cowardly to call them out.

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I was told this by one of your fellow housing professional (a letting agent), my brother has been struggle to find somewhere to rent even though he passes all the financial checks etc and he was told (i was there with him) by the letting agent that "unfortunately as long as the EU are giving tax breaks to landlords for renting to eastern europeans people like you will always struggle to find somewhere"


I personally wouldn't class a Letting Agent as a housing professional, he is telling lies, in fact it's absolute crap!

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