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The BBC currently using 3 multi millionaires in an advertising campaign to persuade pensioners to give up their free licence deal? ;) I doubt many will be rushing to the post office with their fees to watch the Beeb's current ethnic and sexual deviant quota targeting being met.


A fine example of further such "National Steerage", this opinion campaign is likely to slide into appealing for personal greed, by blaming the pensioners for the next hike in licence fee.

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The Blatantly Biased Corporation are really pulling every stunt at their considerable disposal, I am not a violent person,

but it would give me huge satisfaction for some of the elite at the BBC to receive a public beating ;)


I can't disagree with you, although their bias worked in another referendum they tirelessly took a government position on. There is no limit to the depths that BBC news will reach to make their favoured political point.


On another note: http://www.scotsman.com/news/eu-referendum-poll-76-per-cent-of-scots-against-brexit-1-4124162


Could our support keep you in when 'the result is too close to call' ? ;)

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The Blatantly Biased Corporation are really pulling every stunt at their considerable disposal, I am not a violent person,

but it would give me huge satisfaction for some of the elite at the BBC to receive a public beating ;)


Al Jazeera's reporting is far closer to reality, tune your mast in that direction instead of the Buster Bloodvessel Cr@p.

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Who the hell thought that Gordon Brown would be a suitable 'figurehead' for the Remain campaign? Surely he is so tarnished from his period as prime minister and in Scotland for the lies he spouted in the independence referendum?


He is often cited as one of the reasons for the death of the Labour party, in it's birth country, Scotland. He is one of the original 'red tories' and from my perspective, he won't help the Remain campaign one iota.


Is he a Brexit plant? :blink:

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Does anyone trust Moron Brown?


Lets face it he would never have become PM if the public had a say in it, it was gifted to him by his pals.


He sold off our gold stocks for peanuts and left the country in a worse financial state, not to mention he looks down on Joe Public ("bigotted women" for example).


We've gone from the 'remainers' saying flights will get more expensive if we leave the eu to now claiming it'll start a war...smells of desperation since the 'out' campaign has better arguments.



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Does anyone trust Moron Brown?


Lets face it he would never have become PM if the public had a say in it, it was gifted to him by his pals.


He sold off our gold stocks for peanuts and left the country in a worse financial state, not to mention he looks down on Joe Public ("bigotted women" for example).


Him & Blair - Thank Labour for that......and now they want to wash our hands of whatever democracy we have left.......


Labour - a gift that continues to give.

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Apologies in advance for the length of this post, Im quoting a comment posted on a Leave.EU Facebook post. I'm not sure who the original poster was as its been copied/shared loads since, however it does make a good argument to leave the EU.


There are huge economic benefits from coming out of the EU.

1. We stop paying a net £70 billion membership fee over the next five years to Brussels ( http://researchbriefings.files.parliament.uk/documents/SN06091/SN06091.pdf ).


Every single penny of that £70billion has to be borrowed, added to our state debt of £1.7 trillion and from the first minute adding interest to that debt, a double whammy.


2. We can say no to millions of low wage, low skill EU immigrants who are depressing wages of low paid British workers and creating chaos in state services such as the NHS and education and overloading the state infrastructure. 630,000 EU nationals given new NI numbers in the year to December, 209,000 to Bulgarians and Romanians ( https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/502613/nino-registrations-adult-overseas-nationals-feb-2016.pdf )


Migration Watch says Brexit would cut net immigration by 100,000 a year ( http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/immigration/12122518/Brexit-would-cut-net-migration-to-Britain-by-100000-a-year-claims-new-report.html )


NI data suggests the cut would be substantially higher than that and would relieve pressure on hospitals, schools, infrastructure, jobs, wages and state finances.


3. We get out of the protectionist and bureaucratic common agricultural policy, allowing us to recoup the £50 billion opportunity cost of CAP membership that we will incur over the next five years, for example by sourcing cheaper food from the rest of the world through free trade treaties instead of applying high EU tariffs ( http://openeurope.org.uk/intelligence/energy-and-environment/cap/ & http://www.express.co.uk/news/politics/632466/Farmers-better-Britain-leaves-EU-former-minister-Owen-Paterson ).


4. We get back our UK fishing grounds, 70% handed over to the EU, gaining us £15 billion over the next five years ( http://www.efddgroup.eu/images/publications/Stolen_Seas.pdf ).


5. We set our own trade treaties and exit the protectionist and bureaucratic single market which costs business tens of billions of pounds a year and which have saddled us with a £89 billion annual trade deficit with the EU ( http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3439693/Britain-s-trade-EU-slumps-Major-boost-Leave-campaign-exports-outside-Europe-continue-soar.html ), despite proof that EU setting our trade treaties and the single market are bad for British business ( http://www.civitas.org.uk/content/files/mythandparadox.pdf ). 200 SME's have recently signed a letter to Cameron endorsing Brexit.


6. We will continue to have major foreign direct investment into the UK. The $830 billion Norwegian sovereign fund says it might invest more after Brexit ( http://www.breitbart.com/london/2016/03/10/norways-830-billion-wealth-fund-to-invest-in-uk-regardless-of-brexit/ ) HSBC will stay after Brexit, Honda, Hitachi, Toyota, Nissan, Vauxhall will all stay here, Avon has just announced it is setting up its global HQ in the UK so it's not worried about Brexit. Neither are 73% of Chief Financial Officers who say Brexit will not affect their UK investment decisions ( http://www.cnbc.com/2016/03/14/brexit-wont-hurt-our-trade-with-uk-global-cfos.html ).


7. As for the City, there's growing consensus there that it will prosper outside the EU! Away from EU power grabs ( http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/economics/12157846/UK-would-be-a-better-place-if-it-left-the-European-Union-claims-one-of-Londons-biggest-hedge-funds.html ). Deutsche Boerse is so relaxed about potential Brexit it wants to merge with the London Stock Exchange.


8. We can set our own energy policy instead of following the costly carbon emissions laws set by the EU.


The EU is collapsing economically because of a dysfunctional currency, protectionism and bureaucracy, it's got deflation and minimal economic growth, why attach ourselves to that economic carcass?

So Brexit will benefit Britain economically, business costs will fall, global business will still invest here, food prices will fall, we will get the controlled immigration we need, state spending will fall, we set our trade treaties and we are freed from single market bureaucracy.


We should also bear in mind that George Osborne MP cant even predict our GDP for 1 year, let alone predict the future in 2030. Add to that the IMFs doom and gloom outlook on Brexit - the IMF has been consistently wrong in past forecasts about the UK and other countries!


Plenty of further bed time reading at http://www.voteleavetakecontrol.org/news


And a simple video to get the jist below...


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Who the hell thought that Gordon Brown would be a suitable 'figurehead' for the Remain campaign? Surely he is so tarnished from his period as prime minister and in Scotland for the lies he spouted in the independence referendum?


He is often cited as one of the reasons for the death of the Labour party, in it's birth country, Scotland. He is one of the original 'red tories' and from my perspective, he won't help the Remain campaign one iota.


Is he a Brexit plant? :blink:


Quite agree,you never hear anything about Brown till he crawls out from under his stone whenever a referendum is taking place,does he seriously think anyone is interested in what he has to say !!

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Why is Operation Sophia (the EU funded and UK supported operation to deter people smugglers and deter migrants from illegally crossing the Med to enter EU countries) now become a lifeboat and ferry service for North African migrants, who, on entering International waters 12 miles off the N.African coat, use a satellite phone and a navy ship comes and picks them up and ferries them to Europe?


I feared the BBC would fail to show this total misuse and twist to the stated role of these sailors and ships, but today they are showing it in detail, albeit with its typical migrant friendly and sympathetic bent. Grist for the Brexit mill ;) But what the hell are the EU playing at, operating a ferry service for illegal migrants is diametrically opposed to its stated purpose.

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The IMF were wrong on Greece, wrong on the Euro and didnt predict the global financial crisis.


I thought it was awkward that George Osbourne reveals the findings of the 'independent' IMF report only for Christine Lagarde to thank the Treasury for their help producing the report.



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