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Fraud within the EU :


This thread made me chuckle


---Quote (Originally by ******)---

The EU spends about 6% of its budget on administration https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Budget_of_the_European_Union(about 3% on civil servant salaries), and it employs less bureaucrats that some UK councils. I personally think that's pretty reasonable.

---End Quote---


---Quote (Originally by @@@@@@@)---

[That's nice - but this is the same administration that cant get its books signed off because there's money missing all over the place.


"OLAF is notified of some 12,000 cases of possible fraud every year, and says that it adopts a “zero tolerance” policy towards corruption and fraud in EU institutions. In reality, OLAF must be somewhat more tolerant than “zero” as it investigates only some 200 cases per year – *that is to say 98% of reported cases go un-investigated.*"


"This is the most likely explanation of the fact that, since 1999, OLAF has sent only 335 people to jail and recovered only 1.1 Billion Euros of EU money –* less than one-thousandth of the amount unaccounted for*"






"in 2015, the amount not signed off by the Court of Auditors was “only” 4.7% of the budget. The problem is that 4.7% of the budget is 6.97 BILLION Euros – enough to build 70 major hospitals or 150 large secondary schools."


1.1 Trillion Euro's for the boy's.

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I think us older gits waiting to vote Leave, and who don't do polls, Facebook, Twitter or other social media could be fairly numerous. At least I certainly hope so :)


That's why the polls all underestimated the Tory vote at last year's General Election.

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There's a poll on the Lancashire Evening Post website published at 8:16 this morning.


Only 472 votes so far:


61% - leave


39% - remain


This ties in more with the majority of polls I've seen recently.


There's hope still...

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I think us older gits waiting to vote Leave, and who don't do polls, Facebook, Twitter or other social media could be fairly numerous. At least I certainly hope so :)


I hope so too, as an 'older' git also...........


I see David Beckham all over the news today siding with the 'remain' campaign!!! I guess we'll have other 'fanboys' following like sheep to remain now? Basically argueing that He has played with people from the EU during his football career and He 'likes' them!!


IMHO only one way to vote and thats leave, infact as I use the postal vote, I already have voted to leave as has everyone else in my household........


Really surprised by news that the voting is so close! as I have not met anyone who has said that they are voting to remain??

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It all comes down to the economy - and betting against Soros doesn't usually go well. If he is right (and he usually is), a 'Leave' vote could really screw my life up, so I'm voting IN.


The bloke is just making money off the situation. He's up there with the most biased. Don't base your vote off that scumbag




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(reply to JasonR24) er, yeah. Soros is only in it for the money, and he is very good at it. But the point remains that a Leave vote will cause a serious downturn (otherwise vultures like Soros wouldn't be circling), and right now my company looks like its folding. I don't want to be looking for a job if the economy is fecked.

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Some verbatim quotes from EU creators, head honchos and supporters:



Jean Monnet, one of the founding fathers of the EU - “Europe’s nations should be guided towards the superstate without their people understanding what is happening. This can be accomplished by successive steps, each disguised as having an economic purpose but which will irreversibly lead to federation.”



Jose Manuel Barroso, Ex-President of the European Commission - “They must go on voting until they get it right.”



President Juncker - "We decide on something, leave it lying around, and wait and see what happens. If no one kicks up a fuss, because most people don't understand what has been decided, we continue step by step until there is no turning back."



President Juncker - “Of course there will be transfers of sovereignty. But would I be intelligent to draw the attention of public opinion to this fact?,”



President Juncker - "I'm ready to be insulted as being insufficiently democratic, but I want to be serious ... I am for secret, dark debates"



Angela Merkel on the Lisbon Treaty after the Constitution was rejected by the people of Europe - “The substance of the Constitution is preserved. That is a fact.”



Giscard d’Estaing, who drafted the EU Constitution 1997 - “One must never forget that monetary union, which the two of us were the first to propose more than a decade ago, is ultimately a political project. It aims to give a new impulse to the historic movement toward union of the European states”



Jose Manuel Barroso September 2012 - “The world needs a Europe that is capable of deploying military missions”.



Professor Otmar Issing - a former chief economist at the European Central Bank and architect of the euro - "EU elites were afraid to confront voters, delaying their plans for integration until after 2017, the year France and Germany hold national elections. The thrust of all these ideas is going through a back door towards fiscal union, voters in the end will understand what is going on. They will know they are being exploited."

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I think given our age of celebrity a lot (sadly maybe most?) people could end up voting not on facts/policies but who they like in each camp. I'm seeing loads of posts on facebook showing popular celebrities in the remain camp and some dodgy suspects in the leave.


I know this isn't vastly different that voting for the PM figure you like, based on how they come across in the media but still seems a little disheartening.


Maybe my approach is worse, I only vote on things that I have the time to research.

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If I wanted advice on tattoos, or living with an anorexic, I would be interested in Beckham's knowledge. But on politics and the EU a less than knife sharp man who amassed his fortune through an ability to kick a bladder of wind around a muddy pitch seems merely opinionated.

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If I wanted advice on tattoos, or living with an anorexic, I would be interested in Beckham's knowledge. But on politics and the EU a less than knife sharp man who amassed his fortune through an ability to kick a bladder of wind around a muddy pitch seems merely opinionated.


If anything him wanting to remain just makes me want to leave more, the total airhead :D

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Anyone watching the great debate? It's funny how the leave side are actually putting across arguments about control and putting the figures across and the remain side are literally just talking absolute generalised rubbish and saying "no your wrong" how childish, they're lying flat out




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If I wanted advice on tattoos, or living with an anorexic, I would be interested in Beckham's knowledge. But on politics and the EU a less than knife sharp man who amassed his fortune through an ability to kick a bladder of wind around a muddy pitch seems merely opinionated.


it's ok for him he lives in the U.S !

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Money talks and we have more buying power than the EU as we import more than we export within the EU.


I cant see them harming their own economies to spite us.



Resurrecting an older post in this thread, but IMO it's an important point. See here:


However, the idea that Germany might put the preservation of its markets in the UK, for example for cars, ahead of its wider interest in preserving the EU and safeguarding it from further defections, is erroneous, according to many Germans in politics.


The idea the UK should become an example - and not in a good way - may seem like an odd strategy for the rest of the EU to pursue. But that is the view of several people, on and off the record, to whom I have spoken in recent days, and they appear to be in earnest.

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Anyone watching the great debate? It's funny how the leave side are actually putting across arguments about control and putting the figures across and the remain side are literally just talking absolute generalised rubbish and saying "no your wrong" how childish, they're lying flat out





Yeah was hilarious.

Remain loved butting in and talking over leave but hated it happen the other way around.

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Yeah was hilarious.

Remain loved butting in and talking over leave but hated it happen the other way around.


Just shows the desperation. The remain side is made up of people worried about their summer holidays, multi millionaires and those fooled into thinking its the super left, "green" thing to do. Hence why I find it funny how the Green Party are backing the EU...


They keep playing the racist card too which is infuriating. Immigration isn't the main issue its the huge lack of democracy the EU offers (more like forces down our throats) this is our opportunity to try and maintain what useless democracy we have left.


At least out of the EU we aren't signing up for the fourth reich.

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Remain supporter Lord Alan Sugar is getting a drubbing on social media about a xenophobic tweet this evening:


I find it strange that Gisela Gschaider a 1974 immigrant from Germany is on the brexit panel telling us British what we should do .





Can you imagine the outrage if Gove or Boris had said something like that?

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