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Court rules that Calais illegals should be allowed into UK


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There was something in the paper the other week about one of the Scottish islands and immigrants. I seem to recall they were not seen in a very positive light...


Here it is, the lovely Isle of Bute:



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Just for balance (again)...


Three of those being moved over are 16 year olds (children according to international law) and the fourth is a 24 year old who suffers from a serious mental illness. All are from Syria, two of whom have previously been detained and allegedly tortured by the Syrian regime.

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Just for balance (again)...


Three of those being moved over are 16 year olds (children according to international law) and the fourth is a 24 year old who suffers from a serious mental illness. All are from Syria, two of whom have previously been detained and allegedly tortured by the Syrian regime.


And in what way is France less equipped to treat them than the UK? Surely whoever brought them all the way across the continent, risking the wellbeing of mentally ill children should face criminal proceedings?


How many of the migrants will start making similar claims now that a precedent has been set?

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And in what way is France less equipped to treat them than the UK?


As I understand it they have siblings here already who's cases were presumably handled separately.


Surely whoever brought them all the way across the continent, risking the wellbeing of mentally ill children should face criminal proceedings?


Agree. Not enough is being done (if at all) to combat trafficking.


How many of the migrants will start making similar claims now that a precedent has been set?


Unknown. Obviously you would hope that similar claims are factchecked and stories are corroborated.

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Hang on a minute. Isn't it always being said that the only reason that the French can't deport these migrants back to where they came from is because they have no paperwork and therefore they can't be identified. Clearly these 4 have been identified so why aren't the French fulfilling their obligation to assess the rights of and subsequently deport those that have entered France without the appropriate permission.


these 4 have been identified cause they most probably wanted to be....

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How do they know they are 16, it's common knowledge they destroy any ID and often claim to be far younger than they really are.


When will the government realise a LOT of their voters are sick and tired of all this, and dig their heels in to put a stop to it all. Frankly, I for one am beyond caring about them, the genuine ones will just have to take their chance, the huge number of fakers have done it in for them all. My concern lies in the future of the UK and the way our cities are becoming melting pots for riots, crime and general unrest. Just make this place so alien to their monetary desires they don't bother asking or insisting to come here, they aren't flocking to poor countries, and most offer nothing but potential trouble. First thing is to get out of the "so called" European Union and the madness their creators inflict upon member states. Sweden's had it, the Liberals have had their moment of benevolence, let them enjoy their new cultures. It looks like Germany has too, God, when will people toughen up and send `em packing!

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There was something in the paper the other week about one of the Scottish islands and immigrants. I seem to recall they were not seen in a very positive light...


Here it is, the lovely Isle of Bute:




Living in Argyll and being involved in the re-settlement of refugees in another part of Argyll, I can confidently advise that the Daily Fail article is inaccurate in many ways - they have an agenda and they won't let the truth get in the way of that.


In the local press and on social media locally, the biggest moaners appear to be incomers to the island from other parts of the UK and see no irony at moaning about 'immigrants'!!

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Ah, I've not heard the word siblings used, only family. That is a different matter, so long as these poor children aren't used as an extension to invite more extended family here.


Mental illness is a very difficult thing to "Fact check". And I doubt there are any records of their claims in Syria. Surely anyone who has made this journey, and lived in the Calais camp would have a legitimate claim to mental illness of some form.

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When will the government realise a LOT of their voters are sick and tired of all this,


Im sure they all do, however their hands are tied due to our democratic system and their hunger for power. The only way to solve this is if the two main parties join in unison over this particular matter and abstain from scoring political points over each other for the betterment of the country.

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Say we let 10,000 in. Then they decide they have 5 family members that quite quickly gain automatic rights to join them. That 10,000 becomes 50,000. 5 members is probably way too low a figure. You mark my words, these that have no papers will suddenly claim to be related to anyone they find convenient to try and bring to join them. Money will see to the fixing of who these "siblings" are. Are we going to DNA test them all, or just take their shyster words for it? Sheer and utter madness, we are like lemmings rushing to the cliff edge.

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IMO we have a responsibility to take in refugees providing they have acceptable forms of identification. But EU saying we need to take them all is extremely irresponsible and possibly dangerous.


Sounds like the EU is on shakey ground as a lot of EU country leaders aren't confident in Brussel's decision on this

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While I agree that countries should have an obligation with refugees, the refugee rules are flawed. They should not offer permanent residence. It should only offer shelter until the country of origin is safe to return to.


Any refugees *we decide to take* should also be taken directly from the region, anyone found on these migrant routes across Europe should be turned away.


In this instance, I don't think Europe is the best place for these refugees. Given the cultural differences, the sheer numbers, and our track record, I fear that both we and they will fail to integrate them into our society, and with time they will simply add to the growing cultural enclaves we have in the UK.


We are contributing more to the Syrians than the rest of the EU combined though, so we are definitely pulling our weight.

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Completely agree, like my argument is during WWI/II British citrizens migrated into the Welsh/Sottish countryside or even Spain and Portugal to avoid the majority of the bombing... But at the end of the war the vast majority returned home. They didn't seek asylum in those countries so I don't see why we should award citizenship to anyone who's fleeing a war torn country.


It's a bit like having a friend who can't live at home anymore, you offer them to stay at their house a few days... But then state that they're living with you permanently now

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I agree, although in this particular case I can see why it is necessary for someone with a mental health condition to go somewhere with family - as long as that is direct family, and not some cousin or other extended family, possibly even someone they have never met before.

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It's not often I agree with you on political views - but you've pretty much nailed it there.


I don't like using the political spectrum but if I was going to I'd have to say I was in the middle. I'm not left or right wing. Balance is important and I think what I stated is a fair way of doing it. Just like everything else I've said I feel is balanced (mostly)


In terms of the refugee issue, this country has a part of the blame and as a result should support the countries taking in the refugees with supplies. It doesn't mean we have to take in migrants though, because they are playing the system. If they were genuine refugees they would stop in the next country and would want to go home and start again when it's safe.


I think we should leave the EU, heavily secure Dover as the new checkpoint and increase the coast patrols. I'd rather that then get dictated to by EU leadership, who are slightly worse than our leadership. Oh and if you're wondering where the money will come from then how about the mega rich get properly taxed ;)

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  • Start charging everyone a tenner to see the GP
  • GBP50 to use A&E & Ambulance
  • Prioritize british nationals over the rest
  • Tighten up on the benefit claims = housing, unemployment, etc.
  • Have an immigration rule similar to OZ



and watch how all the parasites (both home grown and foreign) get their act together.

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  • Start charging everyone a tenner to see the GP
  • GBP50 to use A&E & Ambulance
  • Prioritize british nationals over the rest
  • Tighten up on the benefit claims = housing, unemployment, etc.
  • Have an immigration rule similar to OZ



and watch how all the parasites (both home grown and foreign) get their act together.


100% agreed, £20 to go to the emergency room too

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Paying for GP and A&E?

How about F off, I've paid more than my fair share of NI to allow me to go and see a doc.


But, I am in favour of charging people who are wasting time, especially at A&E, where as they could of used a GP.

But, on the flip side of that, getting to see a GP is brutal with waiting times and appointments being days and days away.

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Paying for GP and A&E?

How about F off, I've paid more than my fair share of NI to allow me to go and see a doc.


But, I am in favour of charging people who are wasting time, especially at A&E, where as they could of used a GP.

But, on the flip side of that, getting to see a GP is brutal with waiting times and appointments being days and days away.


Agree with all of that.


We already do pay National Insurance, and when I can't get a doctors appointment even when ringing a WEEK in advance I'm not paying any bloody more - same goes for A&E.


Daft idea that one.


Definitely agree with the idea of charging time wasters though, although I'd wager the vast majority of those are indigenous people anyway so that doesn't really have much relevance to this thread.


I agree with our current pledge to take 20,000 refugees 100% - particularly those at higher risk (women, children, elderly, familes).


An agreement needs to be reached with France regarding Calais. The situation is not good for us, the French and those living in the 'Jungle'. Unfortunately no matter how many night time bulldozing jobs the French do, the site is becoming more and more of a permanent residence as time goes on.


We do need to get ourselves out of the EU but in a limited way, i.e reduce the legislation that comes our way but whilst still having trade agreements in place.


Separately with regards to moving refugees back to their homeland once certain things have settled down; in terms of Syria that is not possible for the forseeable future and is quickly becoming a 'failed state' so it won't be an option ever. The 20,000 we are due to take over the 5 years is more than manageable.


With regards to the other millions making their way accross the globe the UN have been disgustingly inept at managing the crisis, particularly when it comes to the middle east. They need to step it up.

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Paying for GP and A&E?

How about F off, I've paid more than my fair share of NI to allow me to go and see a doc.


With attitude like that no wonder the Govt (which are of the people) don't have the balls to do whats necessary to have a fair and sustainable NHS for generations to come - or should I say "international health service" - drowning the country is even more debt.


Germany, France, Belgium, Scandanavia, Portugal all have this system for over 20 years - so hardly rocket science - helps to know what goes on in the rest of the world.

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With attitude like that no wonder the Govt (which are of the people) don't have the balls to do whats necessary to have a fair and sustainable NHS for generations to come - or should I say "international health service" - drowning the country is even more debt.


Germany, France, Belgium, Scandanavia, Portugal all have this system for over 20 years - so hardly rocket science - helps to know what goes on in the rest of the world.


I literally just laughed out loud when you said government, of the people :lol:


How about if you don't have a national insurance card and haven't been paying into it then you have to pay to use the NHS. Seems simple enough, points system, another simple solution to migration.


The EU is corrupt as hell, you can't have a group with that much power unelected. That's even less of a democracy than what we have now.

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