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The Islamist attack in Paris 13-11-15


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You can't compare him to the mainstream media. Even though our media does slant things to their own political pov, they still have a strict ethical and impartiality code to stick to.


No matter what you think of O'keefe, he is an activist, and is obviously biased. You cannot quote someone like that as an impartial, and therefore reliable source of information.


Come on, every single person who went to secondary school in the UK should know better than to take YouTube videos as gospel.


That's not to say I disagree with what he's saying, but posting videos like this is nothing other than propaganda.

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What do you expect? You're trying to pass on a totally biased, unreliable source as gospel?


What you are failing to grasp is that recirculating such videos, and claiming they are above scrutiny is exactly what is radicalising people.


You think that the mainstream media are a propaganda tool of the elite, big business and the government? Maybe so infact probably so.


Who do you think benefits from these conspiracy videos? You don't think there are.forces at work, seeking to divide western societies?


The irony is, you're inferring that people are being brainwashed, but are happy to further the propaganda of our enemy without even questioning it's legitimacy.

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What do you expect? You're trying to pass on a totally biased, unreliable source as gospel?


What you are failing to grasp is that recirculating such videos, and claiming they are above scrutiny is exactly what is radicalising people.


You think that the mainstream media are a propaganda tool of the elite, big business and the government? Maybe so infact probably so.


Who do you think benefits from these conspiracy videos? You don't think there are.forces at work, seeking to divide western societies?


The irony is, you're inferring that people are being brainwashed, but are happy to further the propaganda of our enemy without even questioning it's legitimacy.


what is a reliable source these days?

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what is a reliable source these days?


Obviously there's no 'black and white' on reliable or not.


What you're looking for is recognized, and regulated sources, academic institutes, impartial observers etc. As said, the Western media isn't perfect, but they are still scrutinized. Anyone can post up a YouTube video, and portray events in any way they like. Certainly British media is better than the vast majority, as the two Turkish journalists who were arrested this week will attest, along with those of other ME states, China, Russia, America etc.

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Now the usual suspects will be frantically looking for a video (anything) to try and discredit mr okeefe and water down everything he said. Predictable :(


I love this quote.

Exactly what you do when someone has a different view to yours and puts up a link, or idea, video, article or proof.


And you have the nerve to say predictable lol

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I reckon any business man savvy enough to have stocked up on fencing materials in southern Europe a few months back is making a fortune ;)

It's amazing how fast a few hundred fit blokes with good machinery can whack a 3 metre fence up. Makes my efforts look pitiful. The BBC

have found some cherubic faced Moroccan kid to star tonight. The Macedonian military are making sure his mates don't get too carried away

with stun grenades though. This is undoubtedly how our TV viewing will be dominated over Christmas. It's getting chillier now, but that didn't

stop the little darlin's stripping to the waist or showing off their designer underpants under their designer gear, whilst photographing their

rioting on their tablets or whatever they are. The cost of this military action and fencing must be prodigious. Only exceeded by the costs of letting `em in!


Someone sent me this nice little compilation yesterday:



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I reckon any business man savvy enough to have stocked up on fencing materials in southern Europe a few months back is making a fortune ;)

It's amazing how fast a few hundred fit blokes with good machinery can whack a 3 metre fence up. Makes my efforts look pitiful. The BBC

have found some cherubic faced Moroccan kid to star tonight. The Macedonian military are making sure his mates don't get too carried away

with stun grenades though. This is undoubtedly how our TV viewing will be dominated over Christmas. It's getting chillier now, but that didn't

stop the little darlin's stripping to the waist or showing off their designer underpants under their designer gear, whilst photographing their

rioting on their tablets or whatever they are. The cost of this military action and fencing must be prodigious. Only exceeded by the costs of letting `em in!


Someone sent me this nice little compilation yesterday:



Conversely, about 100 children have drowned since that famous photo that brought it all into the media spotlight.


People out there still somehow think the media tell us the truth & the whole story.


Also today:


- isis building roads and infrastructure....




- Russian & turkey rhetoric doesn't seem to be slowing down, assassinations & arrests ramping up


- YPG incredibly believing Putins assurances of protection and now seem to want to take on the FSA. Unbelievable.


- Syrian regime T90s have received an upgrade to their armour from "somewhere". Ahem comrade.


- and at a UK 'stop the bomb' protest today one speaker thought the best solution is to get behind Assad and Putin. Who are bombing people.


How's that for news.

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YPG? You have to excuse me, I'm just a regular guy, I am not up to speed on all the tribes involved ;)


Now, this here road. Where's it heading? Berlin? Calais? ;)


On a serious note, yes I have read they are creating a workable infrastructure,

which as is oft said in here, means they are not ignorant nor poorly funded.


I wonder what property prices on the outskirts St.Petersburg are like? ;)

Where's my "Learn Russian in a Month" book.

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YPG? You have to excuse me, I'm just a regular guy, I am not up to speed on all the tribes involved ;)


Now, this here road. Where's it heading? Berlin? Calais? ;)


On a serious note, yes I have read they are creating a workable infrastructure,

which as is oft said in here, means they are not ignorant nor poorly funded.


I wonder what property prices on the outskirts St.Petersburg are like? ;)

Where's my "Learn Russian in a Month" book.


Oh YPG = The Kurds.


So it seems like Putin may be trying to play the them & FSA against each other. Which is unfortunate as together they'd obliterate isis.


I've heard the roads are built extra strong for those oil tankers ;)

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Wanted, foreign looking old women, good acting skills an asset, young pretty foreign looking women also welcome, they may get a small wage... :





Very good idea from Canada, absolutely the right decision to prioritise families (the ones that are genuine refugees).

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Agreed. I think they, and David Cameron have judged the public mood on this perfectly.


It's a shame the German and Swedish governments got it so wrong. Resulting in riots, protests, a veer to the political right, and who knows how many additional migrant deaths.


Although neither country have had the same strains caused by unmanaged mass migrations.over the last decade, I'm sure they will catch up pretty quickly.


And on that note, more violence from economic migrants: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-34954127

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Agreed. I think they, and David Cameron have judged the public mood on this perfectly.


It's a shame the German and Swedish governments got it so wrong. Resulting in riots, protests, a veer to the political right, and who knows how many additional migrant deaths.


Although neither country have had the same strains caused by unmanaged mass migrations.over the last decade, I'm sure they will catch up pretty quickly.


And on that note, more violence from economic migrants: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-34954127


in regards to the refugees - yes Cameron got it right from the get go and didn't get hoodwinked by merkel.


Question still remains - what are we going to do about the radicalisation within the UK + how do we protect our borders?



Agree with Fallon that an attack on London (or UK) could be possible (was hardly 911) - however disagree that bombing a country 1000 miles away killing innocent lives and turning it into another palestine will somehow solve the problems back home - thats blind stupidity.

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I find it totally unsurprising, they are thinkers, with a huge global influence through the media and politics. As a hugely cerebral race they play it cool, but when necessary use a very big stick. Once they become embroiled in the big game the world should pay great attention. Fire power is not the be all and end all, influence in the highest places has seen their survival and their thriving, and will probably see them through the next conflicts, if not unscathed but as survivors and ongoing deciders. A tiny state, but a massive western influence. Even if you hate them, there's something one cannot deny about their survivalist instincts and tenacity.


Agree, in regards to specifically Israel the country though - we have to call a spade a spade - shame that the UN are not empowered to take appropriate action against their abuse of several UN resolutions and bring the powers to justice for their war crimes for a start.


Would be nice to see all nutters dealt with equally, and these psychos are no different.


Need more people like him to speak up and force a dialogue for peace in the region.



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Question still remains - what are we going to do about the radicalisation within the UK + how do we protect our borders?.


The issue of radicalisation, imo, can be attributed to the politicisation of religion. Just like the Zionists you've just mentioned, using religion to justify politics always ends in extremism. In addition to the Zionists, who use their religion to justify a religious state, just look at the attrocities carried out in Africa, the Middle East, South America etc because of archaic laws and cultural practices regarding blasphemy, apostasy, cohabitation, adultery etc. Even religious nationalism / imperialism.


Even just last week I heard a Tory Mp justifying introducing blasphemy laws in the UK.


Keep the church out of government, and keep issues of politics, including foreign politics out of churches, and suddenly these monsters lose their power to influence those who would be extremists.

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Agree, in regards to specifically Israel the country though - we have to call a spade a spade - shame that the UN are not empowered to take appropriate action against their abuse of several UN resolutions and bring the powers to justice for their war crimes for a start.


Would be nice to see all nutters dealt with equally, and these psychos are no different.


Need more people like him to speak up and force a dialogue for peace in the region.




Can say the same about Palestine.

Or is that not allowed?

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Can say the same about Palestine.


Sure - EVERYONE should to be treated equally and be held accountable for their own actions - else the UN and international law is simply a set of rules to protect the few (mainly rich) at the expense of the others - and to expect peace in the region or to put an end to radicalisation is a mere myth.


Like religions of the past perhaps this phantom "war on terrorism" is the new religion to control the masses for the benefit of the few.......who knows.

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The issue of radicalisation, imo, can be attributed to the politicisation of religion. Just like the Zionists you've just mentioned, using religion to justify politics always ends in extremism. In addition to the Zionists, who use their religion to justify a religious state, just look at the attrocities carried out in Africa, the Middle East, South America etc because of archaic laws and cultural practices regarding blasphemy, apostasy, cohabitation, adultery etc. Even religious nationalism / imperialism.


Even just last week I heard a Tory Mp justifying introducing blasphemy laws in the UK.


Keep the church out of government, and keep issues of politics, including foreign politics out of churches, and suddenly these monsters lose their power to influence those who would be extremists.


when some of you tried to put me on the spot to suggest "solutions" - i put my views forward like you have put yours - thats fine.


When I say, what are WE going to do about it - I actually mean the UK govt are actually planning in order to secure our borders and protect its citizens?

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"Back in 2012 - US encouraged the formation of ISIL in eastern Syria to help weaken the Syrian regime - and helped co-ordinate arms transfers to them."


Good discussion with the former head of US Defense FA for people that care.



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They are going to do very little of substance.


Labour, the Conservatives and the SNP care more about getting reelected than doing anything of substance. As Labour are learning to their expense, first with Miliband and now with Corbyn, this is a high stakes popularity contest.


To do what needs to be done to tackle extremism and radicalisation, the government would have to do things that the left would automatically brand as racist and/or discriminatory. None of them have the balls for it.

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"Back in 2012 - US encouraged the formation of ISIL in eastern Syria to help weaken the Syrian regime - and helped co-ordinate arms transfers to them."


Good discussion with the former head of US Defense FA for people that care.


Similarly to when the West originally wanted to bomb the rebels to help Assad.


Now we want to bomb Assad to help the rebels.

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I briefly caught some of George Gallaway on some question programme this morning and I have to say i found myself surprisingly in agreement with much he said. I too fear that our supposed NATO ally, Turkey, could be a sinister element, and that I find it easy to believe they are buying oil from IS sources. How we counterbalance their apparent support of IS and them being NATO members I have no idea. It's all extraordinarily complex and interlinked. Will NATO go the way the EU is heading?



Who was the ex CIA or whatever spook US department fellow who was sacked and then became even more outspoken on Middle Eastern affairs? I can't remember his name, but when I did read his web site he seemed to have his head screwed on right.

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