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The mkiv Supra Owners Club

Majorly Fed Up - gah


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Warning - long post/rant ahead....


I dunno. I've just about had it with living in this craphole of a country.


My commute SUCKS. My job which makes me do said commute SUCKS.


Most companies I ever deal with in this country SUCK.


Can no-one remember what customer service is about?


My bike went down two weeks ago this friday. Was with a dealer and estimated by Tues. My ins co then arranges another co to go and pick it up to complete the work. It was on their site last Thursday afternoon. Was told it would be estimated in the next few days and then they'd call me. Heard nothing and chased today to be told it will be estimated today/tomorrow. FFS, I was at this point a week ago :rolleyes:


If it had stayed at the dealer an assessor could have seen it and they could have got the parts and been working on it this week. :rant:


FFS - I'm fully comp, it ain't rocket science. Just get on with the goddamn repairs or write it off and give me the fecking cash. I'm gonna get it back when all the good weather has buggered off. Seriously pissed off with this. :complain:


Oh, if only that were all of it :rolleyes:


I've had my Skyline replacement about a month and a half now, and really need to sell the GTR, but was waiting on a part (suspension arm @ 330 quid) to arrive. I paid for the part over TWO MONTHS ago and its still not here. I was told H ad to pay up front as it was on back order with Nissan and that they quoted 3-4 weeks for delivery. As I said I'm now at TWO MONTHS+ and just get fobbed off. I chase it up constantly to get told things like, its still on back order - we've chased it, Nissan are looking into it etc. This is a reputable well know Skyline specialist (not Abbey ;)). I'm sorry, but even if there are no parts in the country it does not take 8 weeks and then some to get the part from Japan. So all the while I've not wanted to sell it with this problem.

I tell them the other day I can't wait anymore as I need the car sold and want to book in for the other bits they were gonna remove for me at the same time. I'd still leave the part paid for and the new owner can just arrange getting it fitted. I've still not been got back to about getting it booked in. FFS. Its like talking to a brick wall. :swear:


Obviously I need the car sold as the 200 and the new bike are eating my credit cards which the Skyline was due to pay for. Prices have been dropping all the time so every day its sat on my drive I lose money.


Couple that with the 200 also sat on my drive uninsured coz I can't insure it until the GTR is gone (was insured temp for a month but its 130 a time :eek: ). I've a load of bits to go on it, but can't fit them in case it gets nicked and I lose out even worse.


So no bike, GTR I don't want anymore, unusable 200SX, shit loads of credit owing I want to pay off and to top it all off the aches and pains of having been knocked off your bike. :blink:


I have officially had just about enough - seriously pissed of, annoyed and depressed. I give up. :giveup: :thumbdown :drown:


Anyway, rant over and well done if you're even still reading, dunno if I feel any better for getting it off my chest but feck it!

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I feel for you mate. I too are completely fed up with this country.


For me its down to London transport, roads and illegal immigrants.


Firstly the London transport seemed to be in exactly the same crappy situation EVERYDAY. For 7 years i've working in Central London and have got the central line all the time. In those 7 years i've not had ONE journey that was completely free of signal failures and so forth. There are so-called 'engineers' that work throughout the night to check that the trains are working ok and do some silly 10million point check on the tracks. If this is the case why the hell are there problems FIRST thing in the morning when going to work?!

Also travelling home is a joke these days with the majority of the population not even british using the underground during peak hours AND not having a window or air con on the tubes! They can put a man on the moon, build human-like robots yet cant put aircon on a train. Pathetic! FFS the japanese are travelling to work these days on trains that are travelling at 200mph floating ABOVE the tracks!!!


With roads, im fed up with certain roads in my area (basically anything apart from A and B roads) starting to look/feel like a rally course. There are pot-holes, slippery drains, cracks, all sorts! And you lot know as well as me you feel a hell of a lot in these Supes. Fill them in!! BUT NOT at 8:30 in the morning while all the kids are going back to school (as i found out this morning). IDIOTS!!!!!


Illegal im........in fact, dont even get me started on them!



OH oh! And footballers. Now im not a big football fan apart from the England games really but why the hell are we actually 'working' in businesses getting treated like shit and paid less? I certainly wouldn't mind getting paid £50,000 a week for kicking a pig's bladder around the garden. What the hell?!!?

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bullied at school, parents divorced during my teens, lost both parents in my twenties, had a house and two cars re-posessed in my thirties and taxed up to my balls in my forties....BUT, I havent been blown up by terrorists, Im not living under a dictatorship, Im not starving, Im currently not wading through raw sewage in New Orleans and Im not married to Posh Spice......what dont kill ya, makes u stronger and may your God smile down on your unhappy soul

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bullied at school, parents divorced during my teens, lost both parents in my twenties, had a house and two cars re-posessed in my thirties and taxed up to my balls in my forties....BUT, I havent been blown up by terrorists, Im not living under a dictatorship, Im not starving, Im currently not wading through raw sewage in New Orleans and Im not married to Posh Spice......what dont kill ya, makes u stronger and may your God smile down on your unhappy soul


Top Reply.


Me...Childrens homes, some dodgy school for bad kids...where kids were abused, extremely poor parents (now both gone but they did their best for me) Lost lots of close friends heatattacks, suicide, drugs etc..


In debt..but Im thinking of buying a new Supra :eek:


'The Hard Times Make You Strong'...so 'ride' the storm out with a cool head and you will benefit.


Dont succomb to Stress thats what ages people and kills you...avoid stress at all costs.


Things will improve...sounds like you need to take that holiday as soon as poss.


Fcuking hell its agony aunt day today...I think we should get Claire Raynor to buy a Supra..


OR maybe we could elect our own Mkivsupra agony Aunt he he!


...and the nominees are: Paul Evans, Terry S, Jake..any other suggestions :nyah:




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What gets me with this whole commuting thing yeah.......


Why the feck don't they stagger it?! Why don't Schools start at 8 instead of 9 and finish at 2/3 instead of 3/4. The would keep the majority of that crap away as I don't care what anyone says it makes a hell of a difference when school is out. Also means in the winter they'd finish when its still daylight.


And then why don't they stagger industry or some such, over the space of say 8-10, so everyone isn't trying to race in for 9, spread the volume out over a longer time.


Used to be great when I worked in catering doing shifts - didn't even know what a rush hour was, shame the shifts themselves were utterly crap!


Oh and just to re-iterate:




Rather deal with people abroad these days, at least they have a clue.......

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Rather deal with people abroad these days, at least they have a clue.......


I thought a lot of call centres were abroad these days anyhow and my experience of them is worse than the ones here.


Funny though I know what you mean..I simply rang 100 to report a faulty line...and oh my god the amount of time spent through options press 1 for this 2 for that 3 for the other...then you make your choice and theres another lot of options...what a load of bollox...when i eventually got through I was so pissed off.


After the Operator said Hello can I help...I then replied 'to hear me complaining Press '1' to hear me complaing even more press '2' or just press as many buttons as you like you and put the phone down on my like usual these days'


I was so pissed off spent a good 1/2 an hour with a simple enquiry and then the line couldn't be checked coz the one I was ringing wasn't BT..and she wanted me to 'guess' who the provider was....duuuuhhh maybe im old fashioned but once upon a time you used to be able to 'Dial' (good for artheritus I spose if ya suffer from that) and then be put through to a posh lady with a plum in her mouth (A Plum I said u bunch of pervs) who would do everything possible to sort the problem out and an engineer would call you back...yep forget what i said earlier you are right...this country sucks.


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Funnily enough, I work with the Cisco technology that runs call centres - wonder why I hate my job? ;) :rolleyes: LOL!


Call centres do suck, especially Indian ones - every time I get through to them I have to keep getting what they said repeated until I can understand them. Took 30 mins with NTL the other day just to book an engineer............


I suppose my real dig is at the car related companies, insurance, repairs, parts, mods - never had a prob getting stuff from Europe or the States.............

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